SQL 數據倉庫 - 是否可以將整個表切換到分區?
Azure SQL 數據倉庫不支持檢查約束,因此分區切換稍有不同。表 DDL 中描述的分區方案(而不是分區模式/函式對)必須在兩個表中完全匹配。
-- Assume we have a file with the values 1 to 100 in it. -- Create an external table over it; will have all records in IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'ext' ) EXEC ( 'CREATE SCHEMA ext' ) GO -- DROP EXTERNAL TABLE ext.numbers IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.external_tables WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('ext.numbers') ) CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ext.numbers ( number INT NOT NULL ) WITH ( LOCATION = 'numbers.csv', DATA_SOURCE = eds_yourDataSource, FILE_FORMAT = ff_csv ); GO -- Create a partitioned, internal table with the records 1 to 50 IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.numbers') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.numbers CREATE TABLE dbo.numbers WITH ( DISTRIBUTION = ROUND_ROBIN, CLUSTERED INDEX ( number ), PARTITION ( number RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES ( 50, 100, 150, 200 ) ) ) AS SELECT * FROM ext.numbers WHERE number Between 1 And 50; GO -- DBCC PDW_SHOWPARTITIONSTATS ('dbo.numbers') -- CTAS the second half of the external table, records 51-100 into an internal one. -- As check contraints are not available in SQL Data Warehouse, ensure the switch table -- uses the same scheme as the original table. IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.numbers_part2') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.numbers_part2 CREATE TABLE dbo.numbers_part2 WITH ( DISTRIBUTION = ROUND_ROBIN, CLUSTERED INDEX ( number ), PARTITION ( number RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES ( 50, 100, 150, 200 ) ) ) AS SELECT * FROM ext.numbers WHERE number > 50 GO -- Partition switch it into the original table ALTER TABLE dbo.numbers_part2 SWITCH PARTITION 2 TO dbo.numbers PARTITION 2; SELECT * FROM dbo.numbers ORDER BY 1;