確定 PostgreSQL 數據庫上次更改的時間
我正在考慮更改備份的完成方式,並且想知道是否有辦法確定 postgreql 集群中的哪些數據庫最近沒有更改?
而不是使用 pg_dumpall,我想使用 pg_dump 並且只轉儲自上次備份以來已更改的那些數據庫(某些數據庫不會經常更新)——這個想法是,如果沒有任何變化,那麼目前備份應該還是不錯的。
我希望不必在整個地方編寫觸發器,因為我無法控制在一個特定集群中創建數據庫(更不用說在數據庫中創建 db 對象了)。
進一步探勘,看起來 $ PGDATA/global/pg_database file (specifically the second field) and the directory names under $ PGDATA/基地。
走出去,我猜 pg_database 文件的第二個欄位是數據庫 oid 並且每個數據庫都有自己的子目錄 $ PGDATA/base (with the oid for the subdirectory name). Is that correct? If so, is it reasonable to use the file timestamps from the files under $ PGDATA/base/* 作為需要備份的觸發器?
select datname, xact_commit from pg_stat_database;
按照@Jack Douglas 的建議使用並不能很好地工作(顯然是由於 autovacuum),select datname, tup_inserted, tup_updated, tup_deleted from pg_stat_database
但似乎確實有效。DML 和 DDL 更改都會更改 tup_* 列的值,而 avacuum
不會(vacuum analyze
另一方面…)。萬一這可能對其他人有用,我將包括我已經放置的備份腳本。這適用於 Pg 8.4.x 但不適用於 8.2.x– YMMV,具體取決於所使用的 Pg 版本。
#!/usr/bin/env perl =head1 Synopsis pg_backup -- selectively backup a postgresql database cluster =head1 Description Perform backups (pg_dump*) of postgresql databases in a cluster on an as needed basis. For some database clusters, there may be databases that are: a. rarely updated/changed and therefore shouldn't require dumping as often as those databases that are frequently changed/updated. b. are large enough that dumping them without need is undesirable. The global data is always dumped without regard to whether any individual databses need backing up or not. =head1 Usage pg_backup [OPTION]... General options: -F, --format=c|t|p output file format for data dumps (custom, tar, plain text) (default is custom) -a, --all backup (pg_dump) all databases in the cluster (default is to only pg_dump databases that have changed since the last backup) --backup-dir directory to place backup files in (default is ./backups) -v, --verbose verbose mode --help show this help, then exit Connection options: -h, --host=HOSTNAME database server host or socket directory -p, --port=PORT database server port number -U, --username=NAME connect as specified database user -d, --database=NAME connect to database name for global data =head1 Notes This utility has been developed against PostgreSQL version 8.4.x. Older versions of PostgreSQL may not work. `vacuum` does not appear to trigger a backup unless there is actually something to vacuum whereas `vacuum analyze` appears to always trigger a backup. =head1 Copyright and License Copyright (C) 2011 by Gregory Siems This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as PostgreSQL itself, either PostgreSQL version 8.4 or, at your option, any later version of PostgreSQL you may have available. =cut use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use POSIX qw(strftime); my %opts = get_options(); my $connect_options = ''; $connect_options .= "--$_=$opts{$_} " for (qw(username host port)); my $shared_dump_args = ($opts{verbose}) ? $connect_options . ' --verbose ' : $connect_options; my $backup_prefix = (exists $opts{host} && $opts{host} ne 'localhost') ? $opts{backup_dir} . '/' . $opts{host} . '-' : $opts{backup_dir} . '/'; do_main(); ######################################################################## sub do_main { backup_globals(); my $last_stats_file = $backup_prefix . 'last_stats'; # get the previous pg_stat_database data my %last_stats; if ( -f $last_stats_file) { %last_stats = parse_stats (split "\n", slurp_file ($last_stats_file)); } # get the current pg_stat_database data my $cmd = 'psql ' . $connect_options; $cmd .= " $opts{database} " if (exists $opts{database}); $cmd .= "-Atc \" select date_trunc('minute', now()), datid, datname, xact_commit, tup_inserted, tup_updated, tup_deleted from pg_stat_database where datname not in ('template0','template1','postgres'); \""; $cmd =~ s/\ns+/ /g; my @stats = `$cmd`; my %curr_stats = parse_stats (@stats); # do a backup if needed foreach my $datname (sort keys %curr_stats) { my $needs_backup = 0; if ($opts{all}) { $needs_backup = 1; } elsif ( ! exists $last_stats{$datname} ) { $needs_backup = 1; warn "no last stats for $datname\n" if ($opts{debug}); } else { for (qw (tup_inserted tup_updated tup_deleted)) { if ($last_stats{$datname}{$_} != $curr_stats{$datname}{$_}) { $needs_backup = 1; warn "$_ stats do not match for $datname\n" if ($opts{debug}); } } } if ($needs_backup) { backup_db ($datname); } else { chitchat ("Database \"$datname\" does not currently require backing up."); } } # update the pg_stat_database data open my $fh, '>', $last_stats_file || die "Could not open $last_stats_file for output. !$\n"; print $fh @stats; close $fh; } sub parse_stats { my @in = @_; my %stats; chomp @in; foreach my $line (@in) { my @ary = split /\|/, $line; my $datname = $ary[2]; next unless ($datname); foreach my $key (qw(tmsp datid datname xact_commit tup_inserted tup_updated tup_deleted)) { my $val = shift @ary; $stats{$datname}{$key} = $val; } } return %stats; } sub backup_globals { chitchat ("Backing up the global data."); my $backup_file = $backup_prefix . 'globals-only.backup.gz'; my $cmd = 'pg_dumpall --globals-only ' . $shared_dump_args; $cmd .= " --database=$opts{database} " if (exists $opts{database}); do_dump ($backup_file, "$cmd | gzip"); } sub backup_db { my $database = shift; chitchat ("Backing up database \"$database\"."); my $backup_file = $backup_prefix . $database . '-schema-only.backup.gz'; do_dump ($backup_file, "pg_dump --schema-only --create --format=plain $shared_dump_args $database | gzip"); $backup_file = $backup_prefix . $database . '.backup'; do_dump ($backup_file, "pg_dump --format=". $opts{format} . " $shared_dump_args $database"); } sub do_dump { my ($backup_file, $cmd) = @_; my $temp_file = $backup_file . '.new'; warn "Command is: $cmd > $temp_file" if ($opts{debug}); chitchat (`$cmd > $temp_file`); if ( -f $temp_file ) { chitchat (`mv $temp_file $backup_file`); } } sub chitchat { my @ary = @_; return unless (@ary); chomp @ary; my $first = shift @ary; my $now = strftime "%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S", localtime; print +(join "\n ", "$now $first", @ary), "\n"; } sub get_options { Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); my %opts = (); GetOptions( "a" => \$opts{all}, "all" => \$opts{all}, "p=s" => \$opts{port}, "port=s" => \$opts{port}, "U=s" => \$opts{username}, "username=s" => \$opts{username}, "h=s" => \$opts{host}, "host=s" => \$opts{host}, "F=s" => \$opts{format}, "format=s" => \$opts{format}, "d=s" => \$opts{database}, "database=s" => \$opts{database}, "backup-dir=s" => \$opts{backup_dir}, "help" => \$opts{help}, "v" => \$opts{verbose}, "verbose" => \$opts{verbose}, "debug" => \$opts{debug}, ); # Does the user need help? if ($opts{help}) { show_help(); } $opts{host} ||= $ENV{PGHOSTADDR} || $ENV{PGHOST} || 'localhost'; $opts{port} ||= $ENV{PGPORT} || '5432'; $opts{host} ||= $ENV{PGHOST} || 'localhost'; $opts{username} ||= $ENV{PGUSER} || $ENV{USER} || 'postgres'; $opts{database} ||= $ENV{PGDATABASE} || $opts{username}; $opts{backup_dir} ||= './backups'; my %formats = ( c => 'custom', custom => 'custom', t => 'tar', tar => 'tar', p => 'plain', plain => 'plain', ); $opts{format} = (defined $opts{format}) ? $formats{$opts{format}} || 'custom' : 'custom'; warn Dumper \%opts if ($opts{debug}); return %opts; } sub show_help { print `perldoc -F $0`; exit; } sub slurp_file { local (*ARGV, $/); @ARGV = shift; <> } __END__
**更新:**腳本已經放在 github here上。