Clipper / DBF 錯誤
我無法打開 Clipper 應用程序(該應用程序已有 15 年曆史),因為我得到:
error dbfntx/1012 corruption detected
除了從上次備份恢復之外,還有什麼方法可以修復損壞的 dbf 文件?
如果您有權訪問 Visual FoxPro 命令行視窗,請鍵入:
SET TABLEVALIDATE 11 USE "YourTable" EXCLUSIVE && If the table is damaged VFP must display an error here PACK && To reindex the table and deleted "marked" records PACK MEMO && If you have memo fields
SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE EMPTY(YourField) && All records with YourField empty SELECT * FROM YourTable WHERE LEN(YourMemoField) > 200 && All records with a long memo field, there can be corrupted data