
Postgres 12 按 coll 類型劃分的分區性能

  • March 12, 2021

我使用分區和大量數據對 posgtres 12 進行性能測試。每個分區僅包含一個具有 400k 行的站點,並且我生成了大約 1k 個分區表;

對於第一個測試套件,我使用 UUID 作為 id,但我認為如果我將 id 類型更改為 bigint,將使用更少的空間,因此性能更高。填充表格後,我使用不同的數據執行以下選擇一百次

SELECT SUM(amount),
FROM   test_table
WHERE  date >= '2021-02-06'
AND date <= '2021-02-07'
AND site IN ('c3b3771c-4b48-41a9-88eb-4c47d1630644', 'cbb11cdc-cd31-4da2-b14e-9ef878ce03c5', '2609ac86-995b-4320-a3b7-46ba175aa5e2') // randomly picked from site pool
GROUP  BY site
ORDER  BY site;

UUID 測試套件無日期索引:

CREATE TABLE public.test_table
   id UUID   NOT NULL,
   site UUID,
   archive UUID,
   location UUID,
   col_1 UUID,
   col_2 UUID,
   col_3 UUID,
   amount numeric(8,2)
   date timestamp with time zone,

CREATE TABLE test_table_${site} PARTITION OF test_table  FOR VALUES IN ('${site}');

One table size: "265 MB"

BIGINT 測試套件無日期索引:

CREATE TABLE public.test_table
   id bigint   NOT NULL,
   site bigint,
   archive bigint,
   location bigint,
   col_1 bigint,
   col_2 bigint,
   col_3 bigint,
   amount numeric(8,2)
   date timestamp with time zone,

CREATE TABLE test_table_${site} PARTITION OF test_table  FOR VALUES IN ('${site}');

One table size: "118 MB"


UUID test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          1,425.00
percentile 95%  1,930.05

BIGINT test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          4,456.00
percentile 95%  9,037.50



"GroupAggregate  (cost=61944.56..61947.03 rows=90 width=88)"
"  Group Key:"
"  ->  Sort  (cost=61944.56..61944.78 rows=90 width=48)"
"        Sort Key:"
"        ->  Gather  (cost=1000.00..61941.63 rows=90 width=48)"
"              Workers Planned: 3"
"              ->  Parallel Append  (cost=0.00..60932.63 rows=30 width=48)"
"                    ->  Parallel Seq Scan on test_table_c3b3771c_4b48_41a9_88eb_4c47d1630644  (cost=0.00..20311.16 rows=10 width=48)"
"                          Filter: ((date_fiscal >= '2021-02-06 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date_fiscal <= '2021-02-07 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (site = ANY ('{c3b3771c-4b48-41a9-88eb-4c47d1630644,cbb11cdc-cd31-4da2-b14e-9ef878ce03c5,2609ac86-995b-4320-a3b7-46ba175aa5e2}'::uuid[])))"
"                    ->  Parallel Seq Scan on test_table_cbb11cdc_cd31_4da2_b14e_9ef878ce03c5  (cost=0.00..20311.16 rows=10 width=48)"
"                          Filter: ((date_fiscal >= '2021-02-06 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date_fiscal <= '2021-02-07 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (site = ANY ('{c3b3771c-4b48-41a9-88eb-4c47d1630644,cbb11cdc-cd31-4da2-b14e-9ef878ce03c5,2609ac86-995b-4320-a3b7-46ba175aa5e2}'::uuid[])))"
"                    ->  Parallel Seq Scan on test_table_2609ac86_995b_4320_a3b7_46ba175aa5e2  (cost=0.00..20310.16 rows=10 width=48)"
"                          Filter: ((date_fiscal >= '2021-02-06 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date_fiscal <= '2021-02-07 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (site = ANY ('{c3b3771c-4b48-41a9-88eb-4c47d1630644,cbb11cdc-cd31-4da2-b14e-9ef878ce03c5,2609ac86-995b-4320-a3b7-46ba175aa5e2}'::uuid[])))"


"Finalize GroupAggregate  (cost=47951.35..47954.22 rows=21 width=80)"
"  Group Key:"
"  ->  Gather Merge  (cost=47951.35..47953.63 rows=18 width=80)"
"        Workers Planned: 3"
"        ->  Partial GroupAggregate  (cost=46951.31..46951.48 rows=6 width=80)"
"              Group Key:"
"              ->  Sort  (cost=46951.31..46951.33 rows=6 width=40)"
"                    Sort Key:"
"                    ->  Parallel Append  (cost=0.00..46951.24 rows=6 width=40)"
"                          ->  Parallel Seq Scan on test_table_121  (cost=0.00..15651.09 rows=2 width=40)"
"                                Filter: ((date_fiscal >= '2021-02-06 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date_fiscal <= '2021-02-07 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (site = ANY ('{121,122,242}'::bigint[])))"
"                          ->  Parallel Seq Scan on test_table_242  (cost=0.00..15651.09 rows=2 width=40)"
"                                Filter: ((date_fiscal >= '2021-02-06 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date_fiscal <= '2021-02-07 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (site = ANY ('{121,122,242}'::bigint[])))"
"                          ->  Parallel Seq Scan on test_table_122  (cost=0.00..15649.02 rows=2 width=40)"
"                                Filter: ((date_fiscal >= '2021-02-06 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date_fiscal <= '2021-02-07 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone) AND (site = ANY ('{121,122,242}'::bigint[])))"




SELECT SUM(amount),
FROM   test_table
WHERE  date betwen (day | week | month)
AND site IN ('site id 1', 'site id 2', 'site id 3') // randomly picked from site pool
GROUP  BY site
ORDER  BY site;

測試1 天間隔,3 個站點 ID:

UUID test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          1,425.00
percentile 95%  1,930.05

BIGINT test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          1,116.50
percentile 95%  1,641.55

測試1 週間隔,3 個站點 ID:

UUID test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          1,406.50
percentile 95%  1,849.10

BIGINT test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          1,147.00
percentile 95%  1,563.75

測試1 個月的間隔,3 個站點 id:

UUID test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          1,446.00
percentile 95%  1,876.05

BIGINT test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          1,146.50
percentile 95%  1,430.15

當我在選擇中添加 10 個站點 ID 時,我收到了更明確的區別:

測試 1 天間隔,10 個站點 ID:

UUID test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          4,431.00
percentile 95%  5,237.55

BIGINT test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          3,607.50
percentile 95%  4,220.05

測試1 週間隔,10 個站點 ID:

UUID test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          4,458.50
percentile 95%  5,308.10

BIGINT test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          3,405.50
percentile 95%  4,193.55

測試1 個月間隔,10 個站點 id:

UUID test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          4,533.50
percentile 95%  5,540.70

BIGINT test results (ms) for 100 serial selects
median          3,549.00
percentile 95%  4,162.90

我認為問題在於測試是在生成數據之前執行的,並且 postgres 伺服器可能會執行一些數據重組任務


WHERE  date >= '2021-02-06'
AND date <= '2021-02-07'
AND site IN ('c3b3771c-4b48-41a9-88eb-4c47d1630644', 'cbb11cdc-cd31-4da2-b14e-9ef878ce03c5', '2609ac86-995b-4320-a3b7-46ba175aa5e2') // randomly picked from site pool


  1. 您使用的日期範圍可能非常有利於通過UUIDsite 欄位而不是 site 欄位對數據進行分區BIGINT,特別是因為BIGINT假設它的值比UUID.
  2. site您在子句中為謂詞選擇值的方式WHERE也可能有利於您的UUID測試分區而不是BIGINT測試。看起來您說您是從站點池中隨機選擇它們,但這實際上取決於它的真正隨機性,再加上一個事實,您的分區順序將與 aUUID的順序大不相同那些分區為BIGINT. BIGINT再次沒有看到您對測試的等效範例查詢,以及您如何在兩種情況下隨機選擇該謂詞,很難說這有多大的影響。


