last_value 在具有附加維度的左連接中忽略 null?
這只是我開始考慮的一個愚蠢的例子,但似乎無法提出一個優雅的解決方案。假設一個日曆表(我將使用 Db2 語法):
create table calendar ( dt date not null primary key ); insert into calendar (dt) with t (dt) as ( values cast('2020-01-01' as date) union all select dt + 1 day from t where dt < '2020-01-11') select dt from t ;
create table balance ( dt date not null , amount int not null , primary key (dt) ); insert into balance (dt, amount) values ('2020-01-03',100) ,('2020-01-05', -50);
如果我們想複製最後一個已知餘額,我們可以使用 LAST_VALUE 和 ‘IGNORE NULLS’,例如:
select c.dt, last_value(b.amount, 'IGNORE NULLS') over (order by c.dt) from calendar c left join balance b on c.dt = b.dt;
但是,如果我們添加一個維度,比如 cid (customer_id),那麼 last_value 的含義就不再明顯了。通常我們會按 cid 進行分區,但 cid 由於左連接而失去:
create table balance1 ( cid int not null , dt date not null , amount int not null , primary key (cid, dt) ); insert into balance1 (cid, dt, amount) values (1, '2020-01-03',100) ,(1, '2020-01-05', -50) , (2, '2020-01-04',75), (2, '2020-01-08',55), (2, '2020-01-10', -35); select c.dt, last_value(b.amount, 'IGNORE NULLS') over (partition by ? order by c.dt) from calendar c left join balance b on c.dt = b.dt;
select cid, dt, last_value(amount, 'IGNORE NULLS') over (partition by cid order by dt) from ( select cid, dt, amount from balance1 union select distinct b.cid, c.dt, null from balance1 b cross join calendar c where not exists ( select 1 from balance1 where dt = c.dt and cid = b.cid ) ) t order by dt, cid ;
不是那麼漂亮,我正在尋找一個更優雅的解決方案。我在上面和這個Fiddle中使用了 Db2 語法,但這是我所追求的原則,所以任何供應商語法都可以。
SELECT def.cid, c.dt, LAST_VALUE(b.amount, 'IGNORE NULLS') OVER(PARTITION BY def.cid ORDER BY c.dt) FROM calendar c INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT cid FROM balance1) AS def(cid) ON 1=1 LEFT JOIN balance1 b ON (c.dt, def.cid) = (b.dt, b.cid) ORDER BY c.dt, def.cid ;