

  • August 18, 2019


我在名為 order_mgmt_sys 的數據庫中有以下一組表(請注意,數據庫是靜態的,我無法更改表)

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_order_mgmt_sys |
| customer_details         |
| order_details            |
| purchase_details         |

CREATE TABLE `customer_details` (
 `cust_id` bigint(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `cust_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
 `cust_contact_1` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
 `cust_contact_2` bigint(11) DEFAULT NULL,
 `cust_email_id` varchar(60) DEFAULT NULL,
 `cust_address` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`cust_id`)

CREATE TABLE `purchase_details` (
 `pur_id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `order_id` int(10) NOT NULL,
 `item_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
 `qty` int(8) NOT NULL,
 `billing_amount` float NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`pur_id`),
 KEY `FK_order_id` (`order_id`),
 CONSTRAINT `FK_order_id` 
     FOREIGN KEY (`order_id`) 
     REFERENCES `order_details` (`order_id`) 

CREATE TABLE `order_details` (
 `order_id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `cust_id` bigint(11) NOT NULL,
 `delivery_address` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
 `delivery_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (_cp850'2019-08-12'),
 PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`),
 KEY `FK_cust_id` (`cust_id`),
 CONSTRAINT `FK_cust_id` 
     FOREIGN KEY (`cust_id`) 
     REFERENCES `customer_details` (`cust_id`)

我希望表 order_details 和 purchase_details 保持連接,並且應該只給我具有最大 billing_amount 的元組。(這裡應該注意,我對 SQL 完全陌生,並且不知道其中的大部分概念。所以請不要根據它們的愚蠢程度或它們造成的不便來判斷我的查詢。所以請忍受我的可怕查詢😅)


query 1:

select max(billing_amount) from purchase_details;
| max(billing_amount) |
|        486753.03125 |

query 2:

select order_id from purchase_details where billing_amount=(select max(billing_amount) from purchase_details);
| order_id |
|       27 |

queries with issue:

expected result:

       | order_id | cust_id | delivery_address | delivery_date       | pur_id | order_id | item_type        | qty  | billing_amount |
       |       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     47 |       27 | House Decor      |   77 |         486753 |

select * from order_details left outer join purchase_details on purchase_details.order_id=(select order_id from purchase_details where billing_amount=(select max(billing_amount) from purchase_details));
| order_id | cust_id | delivery_address | delivery_date       | pur_id | order_id | item_type   | qty  | billing_amount |
|        1 |      29 | Maywood          | 2001-07-13 12:49:20 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|        4 |      37 | Hauk             | 2015-07-03 09:43:44 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|        5 |      20 | Milwaukee        | 2014-09-27 23:28:28 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|        7 |      46 | Westerfield      | 2009-10-01 16:02:50 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|        8 |      43 | Bayside          | 2019-02-07 01:36:52 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|        9 |      40 | Rieder           | 2001-07-15 22:34:30 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       11 |       9 | Canary           | 2011-09-27 19:05:42 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       12 |      34 | Transport        | 2009-06-21 01:45:12 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       14 |       3 | Prairieview      | 2006-04-19 00:05:57 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       15 |      14 | Gale             | 2014-06-10 05:39:01 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       16 |       5 | Porter           | 2002-08-31 18:49:55 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       17 |      45 | Michigan         | 2011-06-15 20:43:37 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       23 |      48 | Graedel          | 2010-09-03 08:27:04 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       24 |      22 | Bluestem         | 2016-08-08 01:37:35 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       26 |      24 | Barby            | 2012-12-26 16:18:03 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       32 |      19 | Cottonwood       | 2009-01-06 11:24:12 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       33 |      40 | Butternut        | 2014-09-08 08:42:06 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       34 |       5 | High Crossing    | 2012-11-04 06:29:45 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       35 |      42 | Stoughton        | 2005-03-24 14:46:11 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       38 |      17 | Hansons          | 2007-09-12 06:29:07 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       40 |      44 | Schiller         | 2018-09-24 07:25:53 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       41 |       1 | Evergreen        | 2007-09-23 05:43:36 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       42 |       5 | Lien             | 2006-12-09 02:23:17 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       43 |      16 | Sycamore         | 2014-01-04 13:17:22 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       44 |      39 | Dwight           | 2001-12-28 04:13:28 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       47 |      18 | Wayridge         | 2018-11-10 02:31:10 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       48 |      14 | High Crossing    | 2009-03-20 20:53:11 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       49 |      35 | Lighthouse Bay   | 2013-11-07 16:12:59 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |
|       50 |      48 | Oriole           | 2007-05-16 22:17:49 |     47 |       27 | House Decor |   77 |         486753 |

mysql> select * from order_details left outer join purchase_details on order_details.order_id=(select order_id from purchase_details where billing_amount=(select max(billing_amount) from purchase_details));
| order_id | cust_id | delivery_address | delivery_date       | pur_id | order_id | item_type        | qty  | billing_amount |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      1 |       44 | Kitchware        |  328 |         482370 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      2 |       50 | Electronics      |  371 |        75544.5 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      3 |       24 | Furniture        |  262 |         379261 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      4 |       49 | Stationery       |  228 |         462698 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      5 |       32 | Electronics      |  347 |         239346 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      6 |       12 | Bed-room Itenary |  154 |         363107 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      7 |       43 | Furniture        |  111 |         409657 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      8 |       35 | House Decor      |  231 |         102863 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |      9 |       32 | Clothing         |  106 |         463276 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     10 |       26 | Kitchware        |   68 |         127504 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     11 |        5 | Bed-room Itenary |   57 |         159601 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     12 |       11 | Bed-room Itenary |  240 |         131163 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     13 |       38 | Electronics      |  203 |         243343 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     14 |       47 | Kitchware        |  338 |        44338.7 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     15 |       41 | Stationery       |  427 |        50058.4 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     16 |        8 | Stationery       |  441 |         256722 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     17 |       41 | Furniture        |   78 |         425651 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     18 |       15 | House Decor      |  477 |         182226 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     19 |        1 | Furniture        |  118 |         328474 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     20 |       16 | Automobile       |  219 |         474350 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     21 |        9 | Stationery       |  252 |         457933 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     22 |        4 | Stationery       |  433 |         471170 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     23 |       33 | Bed-room Itenary |   66 |         209335 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     24 |       17 | Automobile       |  107 |         293932 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     25 |       48 | Stationery       |  166 |         169077 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     26 |        7 | Kitchware        |  357 |         393626 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     27 |        5 | Kitchware        |   75 |         136595 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     28 |       49 | Stationery       |  211 |         187452 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     29 |       15 | Automobile       |  412 |         394621 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     30 |       41 | House Decor      |  194 |         363274 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     31 |       14 | Furniture        |  125 |         376607 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     32 |       23 | Stationery       |   46 |         178141 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     33 |       48 | Automobile       |   26 |         173840 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     34 |       33 | House Decor      |  101 |         265796 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     35 |       48 | Electronics      |  219 |         330784 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     36 |        5 | Automobile       |  289 |         292930 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     37 |        9 | Bed-room Itenary |   79 |        28277.4 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     38 |       42 | Furniture        |  241 |         155430 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     39 |        7 | Stationery       |  159 |         150979 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     40 |        8 | Kitchware        |  169 |         447978 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     41 |       35 | House Decor      |  399 |         467603 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     42 |       14 | Bed-room Itenary |  484 |         305478 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     43 |       40 | Furniture        |  396 |         133665 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     44 |       34 | Kitchware        |  487 |         286046 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     45 |       24 | Electronics      |  288 |        70668.5 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     46 |       26 | Clothing         |   85 |         259455 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     47 |       27 | House Decor      |   77 |         486753 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     48 |       47 | Stationery       |  449 |         204334 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     49 |       15 | Furniture        |  461 |         279387 |
|       27 |      21 | Esker            | 2010-11-29 05:42:55 |     50 |       26 | Stationery       |  308 |         111537 |
|        1 |      29 | Maywood          | 2001-07-13 12:49:20 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|        4 |      37 | Hauk             | 2015-07-03 09:43:44 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|        5 |      20 | Milwaukee        | 2014-09-27 23:28:28 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|        7 |      46 | Westerfield      | 2009-10-01 16:02:50 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|        8 |      43 | Bayside          | 2019-02-07 01:36:52 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|        9 |      40 | Rieder           | 2001-07-15 22:34:30 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       11 |       9 | Canary           | 2011-09-27 19:05:42 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       12 |      34 | Transport        | 2009-06-21 01:45:12 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       14 |       3 | Prairieview      | 2006-04-19 00:05:57 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       15 |      14 | Gale             | 2014-06-10 05:39:01 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       16 |       5 | Porter           | 2002-08-31 18:49:55 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       17 |      45 | Michigan         | 2011-06-15 20:43:37 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       23 |      48 | Graedel          | 2010-09-03 08:27:04 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       24 |      22 | Bluestem         | 2016-08-08 01:37:35 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       26 |      24 | Barby            | 2012-12-26 16:18:03 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       32 |      19 | Cottonwood       | 2009-01-06 11:24:12 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       33 |      40 | Butternut        | 2014-09-08 08:42:06 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       34 |       5 | High Crossing    | 2012-11-04 06:29:45 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       35 |      42 | Stoughton        | 2005-03-24 14:46:11 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       38 |      17 | Hansons          | 2007-09-12 06:29:07 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       40 |      44 | Schiller         | 2018-09-24 07:25:53 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       41 |       1 | Evergreen        | 2007-09-23 05:43:36 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       42 |       5 | Lien             | 2006-12-09 02:23:17 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       43 |      16 | Sycamore         | 2014-01-04 13:17:22 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       44 |      39 | Dwight           | 2001-12-28 04:13:28 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       47 |      18 | Wayridge         | 2018-11-10 02:31:10 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       48 |      14 | High Crossing    | 2009-03-20 20:53:11 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       49 |      35 | Lighthouse Bay   | 2013-11-07 16:12:59 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |
|       50 |      48 | Oriole           | 2007-05-16 22:17:49 |   NULL |     NULL | NULL             | NULL |           NULL |


您查詢:我希望表 order_details 和 purchase_details 保持連接,並且應該只給我具有最大 billing_amount 的元組。

首先,當您知道某些資訊可能在 tableA 中但不在 tableB 中的 columnX 時,通常使用 LEFT JOIN 。

在您的情況下,如果我們考慮您的架構,如果訂單存在,那麼其購買詳細資訊也應該存在,否則數據將被損壞。所以 LEFT JOIN 是不可能的。但是,如果您還想要所有客戶的詳細資訊,那麼您可以執行以下操作:

SELECT ... FROM customer_details AS cd LEFT JOIN order_details AS od ON cd.cust_id = od.cust_id LEFT JOIN purchase_details pd ON pd.order_id ON od.order_id

希望這能讓您了解何時使用 LEFT JOIN。


SELECT * FROM order_details AS od INNER JOIN purchase_details AS pd ON od.order_id = pd.order_id ORDER BY billing_amount DESC LIMIT 1;



WITH cte AS ( SELECT order_id, 
                    RANK() OVER (ORDER BY billing_amount DESC) rnk
             FROM purchase_details )
SELECT cd.*, od.*, pd.*
   FROM customer_details cd
   JOIN order_details od ON cd.cust_id = od.cust_id
   JOIN purchase_details pd ON od.order_id = pd.order_id
   JOIN cte ON od.order_id = cte.order_id
WHERE cte.rnk=1
/* ORDER BY cd.cust_id, od.order_id, pd.pur_id */


LEFT JOIN 在你的情況下是多餘的 - FKs 和最右邊表的條件防止不存在的部分。
