
SQL Server 2017 在 Linux 和 Windows 上打包 Binn 有什麼不同?

  • January 25, 2018

知道Binn在 Windows 和 Linux 上的打包方式不同,我想知道兩者之間有什麼區別?它們是否帶有不同的實用程序?在 LinuxBinn上分佈在一個sfp存檔中,而在 Windows 上它只是一個目錄。

所有測試均在 Windows 上完整安裝(機器學習和 PolyBase 除外)並在 Linux 上完整安裝完成。所以對於 Windows 上的初學者,你會發現這些,

112K fdhost.exe
244K sqlceip.exe
2.7M DQSInstaller.exe
32K DatabaseMail.exe
40K BackupToUrl.exe
476K sqlservr.exe
56K StretchCodeGen.exe
60K fdlauncher.exe
88K xpadsi.exe

在 Linux 上你會發現

1.1M launchpad.exe
120K bcp.exe
120K reg.exe
140K SqlDumper.exe
16K calchash.exe
200K mtlogreader.exe
208K rep.exe
232K DTAEngine.exe
232K ldfreader.exe
244K sqlceip.exe
244K sqlcmd.exe
28K rgs.exe
32K DatabaseMail.exe
36K PalProcessLauncher.exe
476K sqlservr.exe
48K useraccounttool.exe
72K XdbPackageLauncher.exe
76K OSQL.exe


  • sqlservr.exe是實際的數據庫
  • sqlceip.exe是間諜軟體——當然,兩個安裝都得到了

Sql Server 遙測客戶端

  • calchash.exe這是 Microsoftsha1sum.exe的文件名副本。

Microsoft Trust Calculate hash 實用程序(僅限美國/加拿大,不用於出口)

  • OSQL.exe在 Windows 安裝中已棄用並刪除
  • bcp.exe是批量複製程序,但只有 Linux 版本有-G Azure Active Directory Authentication
  • rep.exe- 想想 XML 上的 grep。

Rep - 一個快速的、面向文件的搜尋和替換程序。

  • DTAEngine.exe似乎是在不使用 SMSS 的情況下在 Linux 上可用的 SMSS 的一個組件。
  • reg.exe兩者rgs.exe似乎都是某種系統資料庫修飾符。我假設reg.exe是系統,並且rgs.exe是配置單元文件。
  • XdbPackageLauncher.exe雖然當我在 Windows 10 中執行pe32+時,它們會崩潰。
  • PalProcessLauncher.exe,並且launchpad.exe可能特定於吊橋抽象。
  • ldfreader.exe看起來很有趣並且可能有用,
LDF Reader version 14.0.3008.27 - Dump Microsoft SQL Server Transaction Log

Usage: \\VBOXSVR\mssql\lib\sqlservr\Content\binn\ldfreader.exe <file> [options]


       -minVlf <int>           Min VLF to dump. Skips all prior VLFs. (short form: -m)
       -maxVlf <int>           Max VLF to dump. Skips all following VLFs. (short form: -M)
       -verbosity <int>        Verbosity level. Default is 1. (short form: -v)
       -summary                Summary mode. Only prints overall structure of LDF without individual records. (short form: -s)
       -lopFilter <string>     Dump only records with these LOP. (short form: -l)
       -force                  Force dumping in presence of corruption. (short form: -f)
       -dumpPageLogs           Dump Page Log Records? (short form: -p)
       -instructionFile        Treat file as instruction file. (short form: -i)
       -targetruntime <int>    The target run time in seconds (see below). (short form: -t)
       -certInfo <string>      Certificate information file for encrypted logs. (short form: -c)
       -vlfSize <int>          Fixed VLF Size in MB for Socrates Log (short form: -z)

<file> has a different meaning depending on whether -instructionFile is specified
if -instructionFile is specified, <file> is a file containing vlf information
extracted at dump time, containing fileID;offset;size followed by a
separator line and then mappings: fileID;full log file path

The -t parameter is an indication of how long to run the tool
when used without -i it is treated as a hard timeout on log iteration
when used with -i it is used as a guide for hueristics, a hard timeout of
five times the requested value will be used
  • launchpad.exe
Invalid arguments. The supported arguments are:
       -launcher:          Define the launcher dll's full path.
       -logPath:           Define the launchpad's base log path.
       -satelliteDllPath:  Define the sql satellite dll path for the satellites.
       -workingDir:        Define the launchpad and satellite process base working directory.
       -cleanupLog:        Whether to cleanup the log directory after every execution [0|1].
       -cleanupWorkingDir: Whether to cleanup the working directory after every execution [0|1].
       -pipeName:          Define the launchpad's name pipe's name.
       -timeout:           Define the default timeout in ms.
       -SqlInstanceName:   Define the SqlInstanceName as in MSSQLSERVER or blank for default or an instance name.
       -logFilesCount -    Tells the max number of launchpad error log file to keep across launchpad restarts.
Launchpad.exe  -launcher commonlauncher.dll -logPath C:\sqlServerBinaries\log -satelliteDllPath C:\sqlServerBinaries\binn\sqlsatellite.dll      -workingDir C:\sqlServerBinaries\data\ExtensibilityData -cleanupLog 0 -cleanupWorkingDir 0 -pipeName sqlsatellitelaunch -timeout 600000 -SqlInstanceName MSSQLSERVER
  • mtlogreader.exe, Hekaton日誌的一些實用程序
MtLog Reader - Dump Hekaton MtLog files

Usage: \\VBOXSVR\mssql\lib\sqlservr\Content\binn\mtlogreader.exe <file> [options]


       -verbose <int>                 Verbosity (0-4) Default 1. (short form: -v)
       -buffio <bool>                 Buffer stdout (true/false) Default true (short form: -b)
       -keySecret1 <string>           The first secret key blob used for crypto keys (short form: -k1)
       -keySecret2 <string>           The Second secret key blob used for crypto keys (short form: -k2)
       -instructionFile               Treat file as instructionfile. (short form: -i)
       -targetruntimeinseconds <int>  The target run time in seconds (only valid with -i). (short form: -t)
       -skipchksum                    Skip checksum validation. (short form: -sc)
       -maxbsn <uint64>               Max BSN to dump. Default 0 (dump whole file). (short form: -m)

<file> has a different meaning depending on whether -instructionFile is specified
if -instructionFile is specified, <file> is a file containing checkpoint file
information extracted at dump time, containing the root file name followed by a
list of container directories (one per line).
the -t parameter is an indication of how long to run the tool
when used with -i it is used to limit the processing of checkpoint files
  • useraccounttool.exe,我相信是使用 R 賬戶工具,就像微軟帶來的機器學習的統計語言一樣
useraccounttool <command> [options]
Available Commands:
 /install                - Create the credentials required for R on SQL Server.
 /uninstall              - Cleanup the credentials required for R on SQL Server
Available Options:
 /instance:<name>        - [Optional (default: MSSQLSERVER)] The instance to use
 /sqlbinnpath:<path>     - [Required] The path to the sql binn directory.
 /userpoolsize:<size>    - [Optional (default: 20)] The number of user accounts to create.
[useraccounttool] <12/15/2017 5:23:26 PM> #3: Program exited with exit code 1
