MySql 嵌套 SP 會成為瓶頸嗎?
我們有這個 MySQL SP,它呼叫了一個嵌套的 SP。似乎它在負載下表現不佳。
有可能這個 SP 在負載下變慢,因為它呼叫嵌套 SP 並使用臨時表將數據傳遞給主 SP?
DELIMITER $$ drop procedure if exists `GeoAreaFlattened_Select`; create procedure `GeoAreaFlattened_Select`( _areas MEDIUMTEXT, _comparisonGroup varchar(21844), _parentArea varchar(21844), _areaType varchar(21844) ) begin drop temporary table if exists areas; -- areas call CreateAreas(_areas, _comparisonGroup, _parentArea, _areaType); SELECT areas.ID, areas.Code, areas.Name, areas.LevelId, GeoAreaLevel.Name AS AreaTypeLabel, GeoAreaLevel.Identifier AS AreaTypeIdentifier FROM areas INNER JOIN GeoAreaLevel ON areas.levelid = ORDER BY ASC; drop temporary table areas; end
嵌套的 SP:
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Routine DDL -- Note: comments before and after the routine body will not be stored by the server -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drop procedure if exists `CreateAreas`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `CreateAreas`( _areas varchar(21844), _comparisonGroup varchar(21844), _parentArea varchar(21844), _areaType varchar(21844) ) BEGIN -- create temporary table "areas" -- fill with area ids create temporary table areas ( id int not null, code varchar(30), name varchar(100), shortName varchar(100), levelid int not null, sortOrder int not null, key (id) ); -- assumes that only one of the 3 options is valid, areas, comparison group, bounded comparison group if (_areas is not null) then set @sql = concat('insert into areas (id, code, name, shortName, levelid, sortOrder) select id, Code, Name, ShortName, LevelID, 0 from GeoArea where Code in (''', replace(_areas, ',', ''','''), ''')'); prepare stmt from @sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; elseif (_comparisonGroup is not null) then -- might not be the most efficient way, but is consistent with the approach above, and we do not expect the list to be long insert into areas (id, code, name, shortName, levelid, sortOrder) select GeoAreaID, GeoArea.Code, GeoArea.Name, GeoArea.ShortName, GeoArea.LevelID, SortOrder from ComparisonGroupGeoAreaLink INNER JOIN GeoArea ON GeoArea.ID = GeoAreaID where ComparisonGroupID = (select id from ComparisonGroup where Identifier = _comparisonGroup) and IsMember = 1; elseif (_parentArea is not null and _areaType is not null) then -- might not be the most efficient way, but is consistent with the approach above, and we do not expect the list to be long insert into areas (id, code, name, shortName, levelid, sortOrder) select a.ID, a.Code, a.Name, a.ShortName, a.LevelID, 0 from (select id from GeoArea where Code = _parentArea) as t INNER JOIN GeoAreaLinkCache c ON c.ParentAreaID = inner join GeoArea a on c.ChildAreaID = a.ID INNER JOIN (select id from GeoAreaLevel where Identifier = _areaType) as l ON a.LevelID =; elseif (_areaType is not null) then -- might not be the most efficient way, but is consistent with the approach above, and we do not expect the list to be long set @sql = concat('insert into areas (id, code, name, shortName, levelid, sortOrder) select a.ID, a.Code, a.Name, a.ShortName, a.LevelID, 0 from (select id from GeoAreaLevel where Identifier in (''', replace(_areaType, ',', ''','''), ''')) l INNER JOIN GeoArea a ON a.LevelID ='); prepare stmt from @sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; end if; END
我懷疑這裡的大殺手是臨時表的重複創建。在我不起眼的雙 1GHz Opteron 測試機器上,我看到臨時表的創建時間截然不同:
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.24 sec) # ENGINE=InnoDB (default) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) # ENGINE=MyISAM Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) # ENGINE=MEMORY
嵌套過程中查詢的輸出,以確保它們是最優的。例如,使用派生表SELECT ... FROM (SELECT...)
insert into areas (id, code, name, shortName, levelid, sortOrder) select a.ID, a.Code, a.Name, a.ShortName, a.LevelID, 0 from (select id from GeoArea where Code = _parentArea) as t INNER JOIN GeoAreaLinkCache c ON c.ParentAreaID = inner join GeoArea a on c.ChildAreaID = a.ID INNER JOIN (select id from GeoAreaLevel where Identifier = _areaType) as l ON a.LevelID =
INSERT INTO areas (id, code, name, shortName, levelid, sortOrder) SELECT a.ID, a.Code, a.Name, a.ShortName, a.LevelID, 0 FROM GeoArea t INNER JOIN GeoAreaLinkCache c ON c.ParentAreaID = INNER JOIN GeoArea a on c.ChildAreaID = a.ID INNER JOIN GeoAreaLevel l ON = a.LevelID WHERE l.Identifier = _areaType AND t.Code = _parentArea;