我想以父子關係儲存位置和多邊形數據。我在 MySQL 和Google地圖中使用空間數據作為多邊形。
1. World 1.1 US 1.2 China 1.3 Japan 1.4 South Africa 1.4.1 Pretoria 1.4.2 Cape Town 1.5 India 1.5.1 New Delhi 1.5.2 Chennai
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `geom` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `g` geometry DEFAULT NULL, `location` varchar(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=8 ; select * from geom where st_contains(g,(select g from geom where id =3))and id!=3
您的位置表應該有一個自我參考。將 Polygon 1類型用於您的地理位置。
LocationId (Primary key, not null) LocationSequence (int, not null) LocationName (string, not null) parentLocationId (int, can be null) Geographical data (POLYGON , not null)
1001, 1, World, null, ? 1002, 1, US, 1001, ? 1003, 2, China, 1001, ? 1004, 3, Japan, 1001, ? 1005, 4, South Africa, 1001, ? 1006, 1, Pretoria, 1005, ? 1007, 2, Cape Town, 1005, ? 1008, 5, India, 1001, ? 1009, 1, New Delhi, 1008, ? 1010, 2, Chennai, 1008, ?
CREATE TABLE location ( parentLocationID INT, LocationId INT NOT NULL, LocationName VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, Location GEOMETRY NOT NULL );
以下插入應該可以工作。編輯:我添加了一個緩衝區來解決 ST_CONTAINS錯誤連結的錯誤
-- Insert Top Level Locations -- This is all geometries that are not contained by another geometry INSERT INTO location (LocationId, LocationName, Location) SELECT, pp.location, pp.g FROM geom AS pp WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM geom AS pt WHERE ST_CONTAINS(Buffer(pt.g,1), pp.g) = 1 AND -- Choose appropriate buffer value != ); -- Insert children -- The join will return all ancestor geometries for the pc geom -- The not exists statement removes all but the immediate ancestors for the pc geom -- This is likely to run for quite some time INSERT INTO location (parentLocationID, LocationId, LocationName, Location) SELECT , id, pc.location, pc.g FROM geom AS pp INNER JOIN geom AS pc ON ST_CONTAINS(Buffer(pp.g,1),pc.g) = 1 AND -- Choose appropriate buffer value != WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM geom AS pt WHERE ST_CONTAINS(Buffer(pt.g,1),pc.g) = 1 AND -- Choose appropriate buffer value ST_CONTAINS(Buffer(pp.g,1),pt.g) = 1 AND -- Choose appropriate buffer value != AND != );
我已經在 SQL Server 上使用以下虛擬多邊形對它進行了 4 個級別的測試,但要注意表中是否有多個相等的幾何圖形。它可能會創建一個循環關係。
INSERT INTO geom (g, location) VALUES (GeomFromText('POLYGON ((0 0, 1000 0, 1000 1000, 0 1000, 0 0))'),'Level 1 Root') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((750 750, 950 750, 950 950, 750 950, 750 750))'),'Level 2 NE') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((50 750, 250 750, 250 950, 50 950, 50 750))'),'Level 2 NW') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((400 400, 600 400, 600 600, 400 600, 400 400))'),'Level 2 Center') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((50 50, 250 50, 250 250, 50 250, 50 50))'),'Level 2 SW') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((750 50, 950 50, 950 250, 750 250, 750 50))'),'Level 2 SE') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((100 100, 250 100, 250 250, 100 250, 100 100))'),'Level 3 SW1') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((50 50, 100 50, 100 100, 50 100, 50 50))'),'Level 3 SW2') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((750 50, 850 50, 850 100, 750 100, 750 50))'),'Level 3 SE1') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((900 100, 950 100, 950 150, 900 150, 900 100))'),'Level 3 SE2') ,(GeomFromText('POLYGON ((150 150, 200 150, 200 200, 150 200, 150 150))'),'Level 4 SW1');
如果 mySQL 的語法不正確,我深表歉意。