我有以下兩個 MySQL 查詢,我想在一個過程中執行它
以下查詢返回 10 行配方 ID,我想將第一個查詢的 10 行輸出傳遞給第二個查詢,並在一個過程中顯示兩個查詢的輸出。
SELECT p.ID as recipe_ID, p.post_title as recipe_title, p.post_date as modified_date, p.post_name as recipe_url, CASE WHEN s.total_count THEN s.total_count ELSE 0 END as total_like_count, CASE WHEN c.bookmark=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as bookmark_status, CASE WHEN c.like_status=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as like_status, CASE WHEN pm.meta_value=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as unlock_status FROM posts p LEFT JOIN social_val s on(p.ID=s.post_id) LEFT JOIN social_status_connection as c on(p.ID=c.post_id AND c.user_id=1) LEFT JOIN postmeta pm on(p.ID=pm.post_id AND pm.meta_value=1 AND pm.meta_key='recipe_lock'), term_relationships as t, term_taxonomy tt WHERE p.post_type = 'recipe' AND p.post_status = 'publish' and p.ID = t.object_id and tt.term_id = 1279 and t.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id ORDER BY modified_date DESC LIMIT 0 , 10
查詢 2 下面的查詢是自連接,它生成上述特定配方 ID 的圖像。
SELECT p.guid as recipeImageURL FROM posts p, posts m where p.post_type = 'attachment' AND p.post_parent = m.ID AND m.ID = ID ORDER BY p.post_modified DESC LIMIT 1;
DECLARE table_cur CURSOR FOR SELECT ... OPEN table_cur; table_loop:LOOP ...code... END LOOP; CLOSE table_cur;
因此,在您的情況下,為第一個查詢聲明游標並遍歷每個 recipeid。
我在單個過程中嘗試過使用 CURSOR:
BEGIN SELECT p.ID as recipe_ID, p.post_title as recipe_title, p.post_date as modified_date, p.post_name as recipe_url, CASE WHEN s.total_count THEN s.total_count ELSE 0 END as total_like_count, CASE WHEN c.bookmark=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END 作為 bookmark_status,CASE WHEN c.like_status=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END 作為 like_status,CASE WHEN pm.meta_value=1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END 作為 unlock_status
FROM posts p LEFT JOIN social_val s on(p.ID=s.post_id) LEFT JOIN social_status_connection as c on(p.ID=c.post_id AND c.user_id=userid) LEFT JOIN postmeta pm on(p.ID=pm.post_id AND pm.meta_value=1 AND pm.meta_key='recipe_lock'), term_relationships as t, term_taxonomy tt WHERE p.post_type = 'recipe' AND p.post_status = 'publish' and p.ID = t.object_id and tt.term_id =termid and t.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id ORDER BY modified_date DESC LIMIT offset , 5;
CALL recipe_list(userid,termid,offset); //呼叫圖像END的第二個過程
第二個程序:(對於配方圖像) BEGIN DECLARE post_id int DEFAULT 0;
– 為 recipe_image_cursor 聲明游標 DEClARE recipe_image_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT p.ID as recipe_ID FROM posts p LEFT JOIN social_share_counts s on(p.ID=s.post_id) LEFT JOIN social_status_connection as c on(p.ID=c.post_id AND c. user_id=1) LEFT JOIN postmeta pm on(p.ID=pm.post_id AND pm.meta_value=1 AND pm.meta_key=‘recipe_lock’), term_relationships as t, term_taxonomy tt WHERE p.post_type = ‘recipe’ AND p. post_status = ‘publish’
and p.ID = t.object_id and tt.term_id = 1279 and t.term_taxonomy_id=tt.term_taxonomy_id LIMIT 0 , 10;
FETCH recipe_image_cursor INTO post_id;
–顯示結果 SELECT p.guid as recipeImageURL FROM posts p, posts m where p.post_type = ‘attachment’ AND p.post_parent = m.ID AND m.ID = post_id ORDER BY p.post_modified DESC LIMIT 1; 結束循環get_image;關閉 recipe_image_cursor; 結尾