刪除問題上的 MySQL 死鎖
我最近使用應該清理孤立記錄的新查詢更新了我的生產程式碼。它作為最後一步在事務中執行。因此,我偶爾會看到來自 MySQL 的死鎖異常:
org.springframework.dao.DeadlockLoserDataAccessException: PreparedStatementCallback; SQL [ DELETE ts FROM topic_subscriptions AS ts LEFT JOIN endpoint_to_topic_subscription_associations AS ctsa ON WHERE ctsa.topic_subscription_id IS NULL ]; (conn=2699877) Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction; nested exception is java.sql.SQLTransactionRollbackException: (conn=2699877) Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
以下是有問題的 2 個表的 DDL:
CREATE TABLE `topic_subscriptions` ( `id` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `org_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `topic_subscription` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `virtual_broker_id` varchar(16) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `UK_ts_vbid_on_topic_subscriptions` (`topic_subscription`,`virtual_broker_id`), KEY `FK_topic_subscriptions_references_organizations_table` (`org_id`), KEY `FK_topic_subs_refs_virtual_brokers_table` (`virtual_broker_id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_topic_subs_refs_virtual_brokers_table` FOREIGN KEY (`virtual_broker_id`) REFERENCES `virtual_brokers` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_topic_subscriptions_references_organizations_table` FOREIGN KEY (`org_id`) REFERENCES `organizations` (`org_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `endpoint_to_topic_subscription_associations` ( `endpoint_id` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `topic_subscription_id` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `org_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`endpoint_id`,`topic_subscription_id`), KEY `FK_endpoint_to_topic_subscription_ref_org_tbl` (`org_id`), KEY `FK_endpoint_to_topic_subscription_ref_topic_subscriptions_tbl` (`topic_subscription_id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_endpoint_to_topic_subscription_ref_endpoints` FOREIGN KEY (`endpoint_id`) REFERENCES `endpoints` (`id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_endpoint_to_topic_subscription_ref_org_tbl` FOREIGN KEY (`org_id`) REFERENCES `organizations` (`org_id`), CONSTRAINT `FK_endpoint_to_topic_subscription_ref_topic_subscriptions_tbl` FOREIGN KEY (`topic_subscription_id`) REFERENCES `topic_subscriptions` (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
在上面的查詢中進行任何顯式鎖定。我確實SELECT FOR UPDATE
------------------------ LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK ------------------------ 2021-04-13 08:34:28 0x2b2a3b191700 *** (1) TRANSACTION: TRANSACTION 22501318, ACTIVE 0 sec starting index read mysql tables in use 2, locked 2 LOCK WAIT 24 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 881 row lock(s), undo log entries 8 MySQL thread id 2699877, OS thread handle 47459092735744, query id 13624170039 [db_name] Sending data DELETE ts FROM topic_subscriptions AS ts LEFT JOIN endpoint_to_topic_subscription_associations AS ctsa ON WHERE ctsa.topic_subscription_id IS NULL *** (1) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: RECORD LOCKS space id 824 page no 5 n bits 568 index FK_endpoint_to_topic_subscription_ref_topic_subscriptions_tbl of table [db_name].`endpoint_to_topic_subscription_associations` trx id 22501318 lock mode S waiting Record lock, heap no 427 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 32 0: len 12; hex 32326672616638696f746770; asc 22fraf8iotgp;; 1: len 11; hex 7638313876336d30307566; asc v818v3m00uf;; *** (2) TRANSACTION: TRANSACTION 22501319, ACTIVE 0 sec starting index read mysql tables in use 2, locked 2 24 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 21 row lock(s), undo log entries 13 MySQL thread id 2699872, OS thread handle 47460380120832, query id 13624170054 [db_name] Sending data DELETE ts FROM topic_subscriptions AS ts LEFT JOIN endpoint_to_topic_subscription_associations AS ctsa ON WHERE ctsa.topic_subscription_id IS NULL *** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S): RECORD LOCKS space id 824 page no 5 n bits 568 index FK_endpoint_to_topic_subscription_ref_topic_subscriptions_tbl of table [db_name].`endpoint_to_topic_subscription_associations` trx id 22501319 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap Record lock, heap no 427 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 2; compact format; info bits 32 0: len 12; hex 32326672616638696f746770; asc 22fraf8iotgp;; 1: len 11; hex 7638313876336d30307566; asc v818v3m00uf;; *** (2) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: RECORD LOCKS space id 861 page no 5 n bits 192 index PRIMARY of table [db_name].`topic_subscriptions` trx id 22501319 lock_mode X waiting Record lock, heap no 103 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 6; compact format; info bits 0 0: len 12; hex 323266723836636b67376572; asc 22fr86ckg7er;; 1: len 6; hex 0000015694e6; asc V ;; 2: len 7; hex e200000231014f; asc 1 O;; 3: len 7; hex 6d616173646576; asc maasdev;; 4: len 18; hex 746f706c6576656c2f6e6578746c6576656c; asc toplevel/nextlevel;; 5: len 12; hex 323266723836636b67373666; asc 22fr86ckg76f;; *** WE ROLL BACK TRANSACTION (1)
都在進行全表掃描,以查找要刪除的某些行。多餘的。一個會被自動殺死(通過 InnoDB);對方將分配的任務。只看那些刪除,我看到兩個問題——
- 刪除行的潛在低效方式。如果這是一張大桌子,讓我們談談如何分塊地穿過它。
- 不必要地從單獨的連接重複命令。在後台只有一項任務執行刪除。當它結束時,它重新開始。
- 也許需要其他地方的程式碼來防止刪除的需要。當從 中刪除該行時,從
。- 折騰刪除。檢查其他程式碼——即使
. 如果沒有,也許一個小的改變就會讓它“正常”工作。您想進一步討論哪些?
如果您不需要立即執行刪除,則可以有一個後台任務不斷執行此類刪除——刪除一些行,休眠幾秒鐘,循環。例如,如果表大於 100 行,則搜尋要刪除的行塊。見