我已將我的數據庫標準化為 4NF。現在,當記錄已拆分為多個表時,如何同時插入值?大多數子表引用它們的父表 CUSTOMER 列
作為它們的外鍵。父表中的主鍵是自動遞增的。以這種方式設置的表格有很多,但我認為以下 3 個範例足以描繪圖片:CREATE TABLE customer ( CustomerID INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, CusCatID INT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'This is supposed to reference the customer catergpries table. But its giving a foreihn key/ index probpem?', `First Name` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, LastName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, EmailAddress VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, GENDER BIT(1) NOT NULL, DOB DATE NOT NULL, Cus_Status_ID INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY (CustomerID) ) ALTER TABLE customer ADD CONSTRAINT FK_customer_CusCatID FOREIGN KEY (CusCatID) REFERENCES customer_category(CusCategoryID) ON DELETE NO ACTION; ALTER TABLE customer ADD CONSTRAINT FK_customer_Cus_Status_ID FOREIGN KEY (Cus_Status_ID) REFERENCES status(StatusID) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE customer_accounts ( Cus_ID INT(11) DEFAULT NULL, AccountNo INT(11) NOT NULL ) ALTER TABLE customer_accounts ADD UNIQUE INDEX AccountNo(AccountNo); ALTER TABLE customer_accounts ADD CONSTRAINT FK_customer_accounts_AccountNo FOREIGN KEY (AccountNo) REFERENCES account(AccountNo) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE customer_accounts ADD CONSTRAINT FK_customer_accounts_Cus_ID FOREIGN KEY (Cus_ID) REFERENCES customer(CustomerID) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
CREATE TABLE customer_authentication ( auth_id_cusId INT(11) NOT NULL, Username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PIN INT(6) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (auth_id_cusId) ) ALTER TABLE customer_authentication ADD UNIQUE INDEX Username(Username); ALTER TABLE customer_authentication ADD CONSTRAINT FK_customer_authentication_auth_id_cusId FOREIGN KEY (auth_id_cusId) REFERENCES customer(CustomerID) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;
您需要使用LAST_INSERT_ID()來獲取在父表的 PrimaryKey 插入之後生成的標識值,然後將其用於 ForeignKey 以插入到子表中。
在沒有參數的情況下,LAST_INSERT_ID() 返回一個 BIGINT UNSIGNED(64 位)值,表示作為最近執行的 INSERT 語句的結果為 AUTO_INCREMENT 列成功插入的第一個自動生成的值。如果沒有成功插入行,則 LAST_INSERT_ID() 的值保持不變。
您可以在此StackOverflow 文章中查看更多資訊。
INSERT INTO `customer` (`CustomerID`, `CusCatID`, `First Name`, `LastName`, `EmailAddress`, `GENDER`, `DOB`, `Cus_Status_ID`) VALUES (NULL, '1', 'John', 'Doe', '', '1', '1980-12-24', '1'); set @csid := LAST_INSERT_ID(); INSERT INTO customer_authentication (auth_id_cusId, Username, Password, PIN) VALUES ( @csid, ' @doeman', 'Xpasssw0rd', 0); INSERT INTO account (AccountNo, AccountTypeID, Balance, AccStatusID) VALUES (0, 0, 0, 0); INSERT INTO customer_accounts (Cus_ID, AccountNo) VALUES (@csid, 254458543);