
mysqlbackup 命令中的頁面大小問題

  • July 19, 2017

我在使用企業實用程序 mysqlbackup 進行 MySQL 遠端備份時遇到問題,用於備份的輸出和命令如下

170717 09:30:02 MAIN    INFO: A thread created with Id '139688192059200' 
170717 09:30:02 MAIN    INFO: Starting with following command line ...
mysqlbackup --login-path=<login_path>--port=<port>--host=<some_remote_host> 
       --protocol=tcp --backup-dir=<Back_Dir> --with-timestamp 

170717 09:30:02 MAIN    INFO: 
170717 09:30:05 MAIN    INFO: MySQL server version is '5.7.17-enterprise-commercial-advanced'
170717 09:30:05 MAIN    INFO: MySQL server compile os version is 'linux-glibc2.5'
170717 09:30:13 MAIN    INFO: Got some server configuration information from running server.

170717 09:30:15 MAIN    INFO: Server system variable 'old_alter_table' was set to '0'. Setting it to '1'.
IMPORTANT: Please check that mysqlbackup run completes successfully.
          At the end of a successful 'backup-and-apply-log' run mysqlbackup
          prints "mysqlbackup completed OK!".

170717 09:30:19 MAIN    INFO: MEB logfile created at <Backup_Dir>2017-07-17_09-30-18/meta/MEB_2017-07-17.09-30-19_backup_apply_log.log

170717 09:30:19 MAIN ERROR: innodb_page_size obtained from innodb file header 0 is not matching with innodb_page_size 16384 which is read from backup configurations.
170717 09:30:19 MAIN ERROR: Mismatch found in innodb_page_size.

mysqlbackup failed with errors!
170717 09:30:25 MAIN    INFO: Setting server system variable 'old_alter_table' back to '0'.


我們正在使用MySQL 5.7.17

,備份實用程序是MySQL Enterprise Backup 版本 4.1.0 (CentOS 7)Linux-2.6.39-x86_64



從供應商處獲得建議。如果您使用的是商業產品,您需要為 Oracle 自己的專家建議付費。

目前,Oracle 不支持 MySQL 5.7 的 MySQL 企業備份 4.0 (mysqlbackup) 的遠端備份,Oracle 已經在努力將這個功能添加到 MEB。

