
在沒有額外磁碟空間和表損壞時修復 Myisam 表

  • February 25, 2018

我有一張表,其中 MyIsam 作為儲存引擎包含數百萬行。有一個清除任務,需要刪除 35 天前的數據。我用以下方式測量了行:

mysql> select count(*) from table_date;

| count(*) |
| 53217368 |

2. Here are the min and max value for the  table1:

mysql> select min(table_date),max(table_date) from table1;
| min(table_date)     | max(table_date)     |
| 2011-08-09 04:05:01 | 2012-01-13 04:04:16 |
row in set (0.01 sec)

3. Date and time 35 days ago from the current date & time will be:

mysql> select now(),now() - interval 35 day;
| now()               | now() - interval 35 day |
| 2012-01-13 21:41:36 | 2011-12-09 21:41:36     |

4. Number of rows which contains dataentry_date less than the above date is:

mysql> select count(*) from table1 where table_date < '2011-12-09 21:41:36';
| count(*) |
| 30729315 |
1 row in set (3 min 3.34 sec)

Now purged the 3 million rows using :

mysql> delete from table1 where table_date < (now() - interval 35 day);

After running  the  delete query has been terminated with the below error message
and mysql has been restarted.

Tried to Repair using :

mysql> check table table_date;
| Table                      | Op    | Msg_type | Msg_text                                                                          |
| tabe1.table_date           | check | warning  | 7 clients are using or haven't closed the table properly                          |
| tabe1.table_date           | check | error    | Can't read key from filepos: 2048                                                 |
| tabe1.table_date           | check | Error    | Incorrect key file for table './table1/table_date.MYI'; try to repair it |
| tabe1.table_date           | check | error    | Corrupt                                                                           |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

No luck & then tried with repair table :

mysql> repair table table_date;
| Table                      | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text                                                                                                                                                                                 |
| tabe1.table_date           | repair | error    | 28 when writing to datafile                                                                                                                                                              |
| tabe1.table_date           | repair | Error    | Disk is full writing './table/tabl1.TMD' (Errcode: 28). Waiting for someone to free space... (Expect up to 60 secs delay for server to continue after freeing disk space)                |
| tabe1.table_date           | repair | Error    | Retry in 60 secs. Message reprinted in 600 secs                                                                                                                                          |
| tabe1.table_date           | repair | Error    | Retry in 60 secs. Message reprinted in 600 secs                                                                                                                                          |
| tabe1.table_date           | repair | Error    | Error writing file './table/table_data.TMD' (Errcode: 28)                                                                                                                                |
| tabe1.table_date           | repair | status   | Operation failed                                                                                                                                                                         |
6 rows in set (43 min 5.53 sec)


Error Log :
Version: '5.1.45-community' socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' port: 3306
MySQL Community Server (GPL)
120120 4:38:05 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Incorrect key file for
table './tabl1/table_data.MYI'; try to repair it
120120 4:39:14 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Incorrect key file for
table './table1/table_date.MYI'; try to repair it
120120 5:05:13 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Disk is full
writing './table1/table_date.TMD' (Errcode: 28). Waiting for someone to free
space... (Expect up to 60 secs delay for server to continue after freeing disk
120120 5:05:13 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Retry in 60 secs. Message reprinted
in 600 secs
120120 5:15:13 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Retry in 60 secs. Messagemysql>

I tried with Myisamchk -r & -o  also. But no luck.

Here is my present table status :

mysql> show table status like 'table_date'\G
       *************************** 1. row ***************************
                  Name: table_date
                Engine: NULL
               Version: NULL
            Row_format: NULL
                  Rows: NULL
        Avg_row_length: NULL
           Data_length: NULL
       Max_data_length: NULL
          Index_length: NULL
             Data_free: NULL
        Auto_increment: NULL
           Create_time: NULL
           Update_time: NULL
            Check_time: NULL
             Collation: NULL
              Checksum: NULL
        Create_options: NULL
               Comment: Table './table1/table_date'
                        is marked as crashed and last (automatic?)
     1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Q1。當我使用 myisamchk 時,創建了 .TMD。這是一個我可以理解的中間數據文件。如果我可以刪除它,它會起作用。?

Q2。該表佔用 17GB 空間。並在執行刪除後崩潰。嘗試修復磁碟空間問題時。使該表恢復工作狀態的任何棘手解決方案。解決方案將不勝感激。

如果您無法釋放或添加任何磁碟空間,您可以將 table_data.* 文件(MYD、MYI、frm 等)複製到另一台具有大量可用磁碟的機器上,使用 myisamchk 在那裡執行修復,然後將文件複製回原機。如果伺服器需要保持執行,請FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK table_data在將數據複製到另一台伺服器之前和UNLOCK TABLES將數據複製回來之後執行。您需要在此期間保持 FLUSH TABLES … 會話執行。



# keep this session running for the duration of the repair!
mysql> FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK table_data;
/var/lib/mysql# rsync -aP table_date.* server2:/somedir/


# make a backup
/somedir# tar -czvf table_data_backup.tgz table_date.*
# run the repair
/somedir# myisamchk -r table_data
# copy the files back
/somedir# rsync -aP table_date.* server1:/var/lib/mysql/


# make sure the permissions are correct on /var/lib/mysql/table_date.*


您可能希望為以下參數提供 myisamchk 額外記憶體以加快速度: –key_buffer_size –sort_buffer_size –read_buffer_size –write_buffer_size

接下來,將您的表轉換為 InnoDB。這些天幾乎沒有充分的理由使用 MyISAM。

我自己也嘗試過這樣的自由空間麻煩。我在 Windows 上,我只是在另一個硬碟上創建了 table.TMD 文件(一個空的文本文件)。然後我在數據庫目錄中創建了一個指向它的符號連結。

mklink E:\table.TMD C:\sql\data\table.TMD

第一個路徑是空的 txt 文件,第二個路徑是 myisamcheck 將創建 .TMD 的位置。它會欺騙它最終寫入外部硬碟驅動器。

我不知道 Linux 中的等價物是什麼,否則。但它必須存在。
