MySQL數據庫上的Wordpress UPDATE查詢卡住了
我有一台 Amazon 24XL 伺服器
- 96 種顏色
- 378 GB 記憶體
- 數據庫大小 5.7G
- Debian GNU/Linux 9(延伸)
- PHP 7.3.16
- mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.22-MariaDB
我只有一個使用者閱讀文章的 WordPress 網站,有 4-5 個小外掛 一個外掛用於在我的訂閱者資料中添加積分和獎勵。當我的網站上有大約 2500 個使用者時,大約有 3000 多個更新查詢執行以更新表“wp_custom_points_user”
問題是查詢卡在更新中我找不到解決這些問題的方法但是伺服器有很多 RAM,CPU 可用,但由於同一張表上的查詢它卡住並在我的網站上導致 502。我正在尋找優化 MySQL 來滿足並發更新查詢,因為它們需要更長的時間來響應並且我懷疑有一些鎖。但是我有所有帶有索引和使用 InnoDB 的表
===================================== 2020-04-06 13:45:46 0x7f934bf24700 INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT ===================================== Per second averages calculated from the last 27 seconds ----------------- BACKGROUND THREAD ----------------- srv_master_thread loops: 8196 srv_active, 0 srv_shutdown, 0 srv_idle srv_master_thread log flush and writes: 8196 ---------- SEMAPHORES ---------- OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count 15589494 OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: signal count 41500023 RW-shared spins 0, rounds 154525943, OS waits 1459106 RW-excl spins 0, rounds 10328037, OS waits 40587 RW-sx spins 71982, rounds 547220, OS waits 3916 Spin rounds per wait: 154525943.00 RW-shared, 10328037.00 RW-excl, 7.60 RW-sx ------------ TRANSACTIONS ------------ Trx id counter 351880322 Purge done for trx's n:o < 351880319 undo n:o < 0 state: running History list length 1 ... truncated... mpact format; info bits 0 0: len 4; hex 80000001; asc ;; 1: len 6; hex 000000000000; asc ;; 2: len 7; hex 80000000000000; asc ;; 3: len 4; hex 80004cd6; asc L ;; 4: len 4; hex 800186b0; asc ;; ------------------ ---TRANSACTION 351861705, ACTIVE 40 sec starting index read mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 LOCK WAIT 2 lock struct(s), heap size 1136, 1 row lock(s) MySQL thread id 421774, OS thread handle 140270896170752, query id 8187691 localhost wpdatabayf Updating UPDATE `wp_custom_points_user` SET `total_points` = '18900' WHERE `user_id` = 188768 ------- TRX HAS BEEN WAITING 40 SEC FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: RECORD LOCKS space id 1468 page no 5 n bits 568 index PRIMARY of table `wpdatabayf`.`wp_custom_points_user` trx id 351861705 lock_mode X waiting Record lock, heap no 2 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 5; compact format; info bits 0 0: len 4; hex 80000001; asc ;; 1: len 6; hex 000000000000; asc ;; 2: len 7; hex 80000000000000; asc ;; 3: len 4; hex 80004cd6; asc L ;; 4: len 4; hex 800186b0; asc ;; ---BUFFER POOL 1 . . . . ---BUFFER POOL 31 Buffer pool size 8192 Free buffers 1725 Database pages 6096 Old database pages 2253 Modified db pages 183 Percent of dirty pages(LRU & free pages): 2.340 Max dirty pages percent: 75.000 Pending reads 0 Pending writes: LRU 0, flush list 0, single page 0 Pages made young 0, not young 0 0.00 youngs/s, 0.00 non-youngs/s Pages read 5594, created 502, written 12349 0.00 reads/s, 0.00 creates/s, 0.74 writes/s Buffer pool hit rate 1000 / 1000, young-making rate 0 / 1000 not 0 / 1000 Pages read ahead 0.00/s, evicted without access 0.00/s, Random read ahead 0.00/s LRU len: 6096, unzip_LRU len: 0 I/O sum[0]:cur[0], unzip sum[0]:cur[0] -------------- ROW OPERATIONS -------------- 0 queries inside InnoDB, 0 queries in queue 2 read views open inside InnoDB Process ID=72108, Main thread ID=140323093444352, state: sleeping Number of rows inserted 88380, updated 193228, deleted 34011, read 84305568368 11.44 inserts/s, 21.74 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 12469107.55 reads/s Number of system rows inserted 0, updated 0, deleted 0, read 0 0.00 inserts/s, 0.00 updates/s, 0.00 deletes/s, 0.00 reads/s ---------------------------- END OF INNODB MONITOR OUTPUT ============================
SHOW CREATE TABLE wp_custom_points_user; +----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | Table | Create Table | +----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ | wp_custom_points_user | CREATE TABLE `wp_custom_points_user` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `total_points` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `ixd_uc_tzs_wp_custom_points_user` (`user_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=199180 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci | +----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ SHOW INDEX FROM wp_custom_points_user; +----------------------------------+------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ | Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name | Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type | Comment | Index_comment | +----------------------------------+------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+ | wp_custom_points_user | 0 | PRIMARY | 1 | id | A | 171334 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | | | | wp_custom_points_user | 0 | ixd_uc_tzs_wp_custom_points_user | 1 | user_id | A | 171334 | NULL | NULL | | BTREE | | | +----------------------------------+------------+---------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------+-----------+-------------+----------+--------+------+------------+---------+---------------+
= ‘18900’user_id
其中 = 188768total_points 值周圍的引號會影響性能,應將其刪除
= 18900user_id
其中 = 188768以避免在設置行上的值時產生 DATATYPE 操作成本。
UPDATE `wp_custom_points_user` SET `total_points` = '18900' WHERE `user_id` = 188768 CREATE TABLE `wp_custom_points_user` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `total_points` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `ixd_uc_tzs_wp_custom_points_user` (`user_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=199180 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
多少?我懷疑交易中有很長的一組語句。造成延誤的是交易。值 (
) 聽起來像是某種計數器。我不知道他們為什麼不做一些更簡單的事情,比如UPDATE ... SET total_points = total_points + 1 WHERE ...
BEGIN; SELECT total_points ... FOR UPDATE; -- it would be a bug without FOR UPDATE some other stuff -- this may be slow UPDATE ... COMMIT;
沒有明顯的理由為 PK 設置 auto_inc。他們應該改成這樣,這樣可以加快速度:
CREATE TABLE `wp_custom_points_user` ( `total_points` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`), ) ENGINE=InnoDB
其他東西,您可能會破壞某些東西。因此,以下應該是安全的,並實現了一些加速:CREATE TABLE `wp_custom_points_user` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `total_points` int(11) NOT NULL, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, INDEX (`id`), -- minimum needed for auto_increment PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`) -- clustering to get some speedup ) ENGINE=InnoDB
ALTER TABLE wp_custom_points_user DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(user_id), DROP INDEX ixd_uc_tzs_wp_custom_points_user, ADD INDEX(id);