我有一個舊版 IBM DB2 數據庫表,其中包含大量電話記錄。它有 ID、客戶編號、接聽電話的員工等列。每個電話的日期/時間保存在一對列中,ROSDAT 和 ROSTIM。ROSDAT 是一個 8 字節的數字列,而 ROSTIM 是一個 6 字節的數字。例子:
ROSDAT ROSTIM 20111006 163243 20111007 012335
所以第一行的日期是 2011-10-06,時間是 16:32:43。該表中有數百萬條記錄,我正在嘗試進行查詢,按時間和日期進行搜尋。到目前為止,我發現這樣做的唯一方法是將時間/日期列連接成一個大數字,如下所示:
`select * from PHONELOGTABLE
where ROSDAT * power(10, 6) + ROSTIM >= 20111015124500
and ROSDAT * power(10, 6) + ROSTIM <= 20111116013000`
這將搜尋從 2011-10-15 12:45:00 到 2012-11-16 01:30:00 的所有內容。它可以工作,但連接意味著(據我所知)ROSDAT 和 ROSTIM 列上的索引不能使用,因此查詢比它應該的要慢。在我看來,應該有一種方法可以通過加入或其他方式來做到這一點。
`select a.* from PHONELOGTABLE a join PHONELOGTABLE b on a.ID = b.ID where a.ROSDAT >= 20111015 and b.ROSTIM >= 124500
and a.ROSDAT <= 20111116 and b.ROSTIM <= 013000`
我不確定 db2 語法,但是這個怎麼樣?
-- declare your 4 variables @START_ROSDAT @STOP_ROSDAT @START_ROSTIM @STOP_ROSTIM select * from PHONELOGTABLE where ( @start_rosdat <> @stop_rosdat -- search covers more than 1 day and ( (ROSDAT > @START_ROSDAT AND ROSDAT < @STOP_ROSDAT) -- catches all full days between start and stop or (ROSDAT = @START_ROSDAT AND ROSTIM >= @START_ROSTIM) -- catches everything on the "start" day or (ROSDAT = @STOP_ROSDAT AND ROSTIM <= @STOP_ROSTIM) -- catches everything on the "stop" day ) ) or ( @start_rosdat = @stop_rosdat -- only search a single "day" and ( (ROSDAT = @START_ROSDAT AND ROSTIM >= @START_ROSTIM) and (ROSDAT = @STOP_ROSDAT AND ROSTIM <= @STOP_ROSTIM) ) )
條件簡化了一點(括號只是為了清楚起見,您可以安全地刪除它們):where ( ROSDAT > @start_rosdat and ROSDAT < @stop_rosdat ) or ( @start_rosdat < @stop_rosdat and ROSDAT = @start_rosdat and ROSTIM >= @start_rostim ) or ( @start_rosdat < @stop_rosdat and ROSDAT = @stop_rosdat and ROSTIM <= @stop_rostim ) or ( @start_rosdat = @stop_rosdat and ROSDAT = @start_rosdat and ROSTIM >= @start_rostim and ROSTIM <= @stop_rostim )
where ( ROSDAT > @start_rosdat or ROSDAT = @start_rosdat and ROSTIM >= @start_rostim ) and ( ROSDAT < @stop_rosdat or ROSDAT = @stop_rosdat and ROSTIM <= @stop_rostim )