
數據庫規範化 2nf、3nf

  • July 18, 2013

我正在做關於數據庫規範化的作業。我必須將表格分解為顯示步驟的 3nf 表格


|Pick_up | E# | E_name |Pick_up_cost |  Rate_per_project| Hours worked|project_code|Project location     |
|        |    |        |             |      363         |   10        | 1          |Luton                |
|        |    |        |    200      |      248         |   20        | 12         |Edinburgh            |
|London  | 76 | Ali    |             |      322         |   18        | 11         |Glasgow              |
|        |    |        |    300      |      363         |   1         | 1          |Luton                |
|        |    |        |             |      568         |   2         | 14         |Newcastle            |
|        |    |        |             |      568         |   1         | 14         |Newcastle            |
|Oxford  | 142| Ronald |    300      |      248         |   5         | 12         |Edinburgh            |
|        |    |        |             |      363         |   11        | 1          |Luton                |
|Oslo    | 76 | Shawn  |    500      |      322         |   15        | 11         |Glasgow              |


|Pick_up | E# | E_name |Pick_up_cost |  Rate_per_project| Hours worked|project_code|Project location     |
|London  | 76 | Ali    |    200      |      363         |   10        | 1          |Luton                |
|London  | 76 | Ali    |    200      |      248         |   20        | 12         |Edinburgh            |
|London  | 76 | Ali    |    200      |      322         |   18        | 11         |Glasgow              |
|Oxford  | 142| Ronald |    300      |      363         |   1         | 1          |Luton                |
|Oxford  | 142| Ronald |    300      |      568         |   2         | 14         |Newcastle            |
|Oxford  | 142| Ronald |    300      |      568         |   1         | 14         |Newcastle            |
|Oxford  | 142| Ronald |    300      |      248         |   5         | 12         |Edinburgh            |
|Oslo    | 76 | Shawn  |    500      |      363         |   11        | 1          |Luton                |
|Oslo    | 76 | Shawn  |    500      |      322         |   15        | 11         |Glasgow              |





Project_code->project_location, rate_per_project, hours_worked


Emp_no、emp_name、pick_up、pick_up_cost Project_code、project_location、rate_per_project、hours_worked

傳遞依賴: Pick_up->pick_upcost

我的問題是 2nf 形式的傳遞依賴是否正確?什麼是 3nf 形式?


  • 鍵(1NF - 沒有數據項在行中的多個位置重複)
  • 整個密鑰(2NF - 與復合密鑰的一部分無關)
  • 只有鍵(3NF - 與非鍵屬性無關)

. . . 所以幫助我科德。


如果滿足以下條件,則一張表參與 1NF:

1.The table have a primary key

2.Do not have repetition groups(itens that repeat in the same row)

3.Each of it's fields is atomic (no need to decompose the value)


如果滿足以下條件,則該表適用於 2NF:

1.It is on the 1NF

2.All the table fields depends of the entirely primary key

下表CustomerCard( CustomerId , CardId , CardBrand) CardBrand 欄位只依賴於CardId 欄位,這樣應該移動到另一個表。卡(卡號,卡名)

參加 3NF:

1.It is on the 2NF

2.None of its columns have transitive dependencies

3.None of its columns have calculated fields

下表 Order( OrderId , CustomerId , CustomerName, CustomerCityId, CustomerCityName) Orbserve 下列傳遞依賴:

  • 訂單 ID -> 客戶 ID -> 客戶名稱
  • OrderId -> CustomerId -> CustomerCityId
  • OrderId -> CustomerId -> CustomerCityId -> CustomerCityName

應該首先解決最簡單的依賴關係。CustomerId 程式碼將保留在 Order 表中,但依賴於 CustomerId 的列被移動到一個新表,其中 CustomerId 是主鍵,結果:


客戶(客戶 ID、客戶名稱、客戶城市 ID、客戶城市名稱)

Order表的傳遞依賴被去掉了,但是我們還是需要分析一下表Customer。CustomerCityName 列僅取決於 CustomerCityId。然後我們需要再次創建一個新表 City( CityId , CityName),並且 CustomerCityId 仍然存在於 Customer 表中。

使用所有 3NF 的最終結果:

  • 訂單(訂單編號客戶編號)
  • 客戶(客戶 ID,客戶名稱,客戶城市 ID)
  • 城市( CityId , CityName)
