

  • May 2, 2011

我們有一個大型 Oracle 11gR2 實例,其中一些表最近在刪除數據時變得很麻煩。該數據庫為大型優化集群提供動力,該集群從數據庫獲取輸入元數據並儲存文件(使用 11g 的 SecureFiles)和視覺化中使用的 1D-4D 輸出數據。數據庫的讀/寫非常快,在我們需要清理數據之前,情況確實很好。

軟體工程師被允許自由執行(閱讀:我)並在沒有任何分區的情況下設置這個系統,天真地假設刪除會很好。我們的表結構如下,之前依賴於每個whereON DELETE CASCADE刪除數據。Case``DeleteFlag = 1

/* Metadata tables */
Case(CaseId, DeleteFlag, ...) On Delete Cascade CaseId
OptimizationRun(OptId, CaseId, ...) On Delete Cascade OptId
OptimizationStep(StepId, OptId, ...) On Delete Cascade StepId

/* Data tables */
Files(FileId, CaseId, Blob) /* deletes are near instantateous here */

/* Data per run */
OnedDataX(OptId, ...)
TwoDDataY1(OptId, ...) /* packed representation of a 1D slice */

/* Data not only per run, but per step */
TwoDDataY2(StepId, ...)  /* packed representation of a 1D slice */
ThreeDDataZ(StepId, ...) /* packed representation of a 2D slice */
FourDDataZ(StepId, ...)  /* packed representation of a 3D slice */
/* ... About 10 or so of these tables exist */

扇出看起來像:1 個案例 = 50 次執行 = 2000 步 = 跨數據表的 5-35M 行。數據表的總和約為 500GB,只有 1B 行。

在大姊妹網站上的一些幫助下,我得出了一個可能適用於我們設置的分區方案(即按 分區CaseId)。它使用 LIST-REFERENCE 複合分區,如下所示:

/* Metadata tables */
Case(CaseId, DeleteFlag, ...)

OptimizationRun(OptId, CaseId, ...)
   Partition By List (CaseId)
   ( partition default_case values (default) )
   /* Some PL/SQL is run when we add a Case to do:
    * alter table OptimizationRun split partition ...

OptimizationStep(StepId, OptId, ...)
   Partition By Reference (Fk_OptId)

/* Data Tables */
OnedDataX(OptId, ...)
   Partition By Reference (Fk_OptId)
FourDDataZ(StepId, ...) /* packed representation of a 3D slice */
   Partition By Reference(Fk_StepId)

設置起來很輕鬆,改進了我們通常的可疑查詢的許多計劃,並讓我們能夠刪除一個案例的所有數據DROP PARTITION。這是我遇到問題的地方:索引重建!

目前執行刪除的偽 PL/SQL 如下所示:

for casedel in (select CaseId from Case where DeleteFlag = 1)
   execute immediate 'alter table OptimizationRun'
       || ' drop partition case_' || casedel.CaseId
       || ' update indexes';
end loop;

delete from Case where DeleteFlag = 1;

我們最終會遇到與 REFERENCE 分區中使用的外鍵無關的數據表上的某些索引的錯誤。

我真的必須為ALTER INDEX blah REBUILD這些輔助索引中的每一個創建狀態,還是有更聰明的方法?

更新:一些實際的 DDL 供您閱讀。

create table opt_case (
   case_id number not null,
   name varchar2(240) not null,
   delete_date date,
   constraint pk_optcase primary key (case_id) using index

create table opt_run (
   opt_run_id number not null,
   case_id number not null,
   constraint pk_opt_run primary key (opt_run_id) using index,
   constraint fk_opt_run_case
       foreign key (case_id) references opt_case (case_id)
partition by list (case_id)
   -- This is the catch-all partition. It is an error to insert into
   -- this partition; it will be unused. Instead this is the
   -- partition which is split when a new CASE_ID is added to
   -- OPTCASE.
   partition default_case values (default)

create index idx_fk_opt_run_case on opt_run (case_id);

create table opt_step (
   opt_step_id number not null,
   opt_run_id number not null,
   step number not null,
   step_value number(7,2),
   constraint pk_opt_step primary key (opt_step_id) using index enable,
   constraint fk_opt_step_opt_run
       foreign key (opt_run_id) references opt_run (opt_run_id)
-- This is the golden ticket from here on out for partitioning.
-- Attach to the foreign key on OPT_RUN_ID to enjoy the
-- parent table partitioning on CASE_ID.
partition by reference (fk_opt_step_opt_run);

create index idx_fk_opt_step_opt_run on opt_step (opt_run_id);

-- One of the bigger data tables for reference
create table twod_data (
   opt_step_id number not null, 
   spatial_coord_id number not null, 
   in_group number(1,0), 
   z_value number(3,0), 
   y_value number(5,3), 
   x_value number(5,1), 
   constraint pk_twod_data primary key (opt_step_id, spatial_coord_id), 
   constraint fk_twod_data_spat_coord
       foreign key (spatial_coord_id)
       references twod_spatial_cord (spatial_coord_id), 
   constraint fk_2d_data_opt_step
       foreign key (opt_step_id) references opt_step (opt_step_id)
partition by reference (fk_2d_data_opt_step);

create index idx_fk_2d_data_opt_step on twod_data (opt_step_id);

像這樣的索引idx_fk_2d_data_opt_step最終需要在DROP PARTITION子句之後重建。

插入數據表是無趣的,簡單的INSERT INTO blah。創建過程現在Case看起來像:

-- Add the CASE
insert into opt_case (name) values (p_CaseName) returning case_id into v_CaseId;

-- Add partition for the CASE
execute immediate 'alter table opt_run'
   || ' split partition default_case values (' || v_CaseId || ')'
   || ' into (partition case_' || v_CaseId ||', partition default_case)';

-- Because we split an empty partition, no index rebuild required


create index idx_fk_opt_run_case on opt_run (case_id) local;



RONR SQL>create table parent
(id number not null
, x varchar2(10)
partition by list (id) (
partition par_1 values (1),
partition par_2 values (2)
);  2    3    4    5    6    7    8  

Table created.

RONR SQL>create unique index pk_parent
on parent (id) local;
Index created.

RONR SQL>alter table parent
add CONSTRAINT pk_parent
USING INDEX;  2    3    4  

Table altered.

RONR SQL>create table child
( parent number not null
, y      varchar2(10)
constraint fk_p_c 
foreign key (parent) references parent(id))
partition by reference (fk_p_c);  2    3    4    5    6    7  

Table created.

RONR SQL>insert into parent (id, x) values (1,'boe');
insert into parent (id, x) values (2,'oeps');
1 row created.


1 row created.

RONR SQL>select * from parent;

   ID X
---------- ----------
    1 boe
    2 oeps

RONR SQL>insert into child (parent, y) values (1,'ggg');

1 row created.

RONR SQL>insert into child (parent, y) values (1,'ggg');

1 row created.

RONR SQL>insert into child (parent, y) values (2,'ppp');

1 row created.

RONR SQL>select * from child;

---------- ----------
    1 ggg
    1 ggg
    2 ppp

RONR SQL>select table_name, partition_name from user_tab_partitions;

------------------------------ ------------------------------
PARENT                 PAR_1
PARENT                 PAR_2
CHILD                  PAR_1
CHILD                  PAR_2

RONR SQL>select index_name, partition_name, status from user_ind_partitions;

INDEX_NAME             PARTITION_NAME             STATUS
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------
PK_PARENT              PAR_1                  USABLE
PK_PARENT              PAR_2                  USABLE

RONR SQL>alter table parent drop partition par_1;

Table altered.

RONR SQL>select * from parent;

   ID X
---------- ----------
    2 oeps

RONR SQL>select * from child;

---------- ----------
    2 ppp

RONR SQL>select table_name, partition_name from user_tab_partitions;

------------------------------ ------------------------------
PARENT                 PAR_2
CHILD                  PAR_2

RONR SQL>select index_name, partition_name, status from user_ind_partitions;

INDEX_NAME             PARTITION_NAME             STATUS
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------
PK_PARENT              PAR_2                  USABLE

