
SQL/PL 中的範例樂觀離線鎖?

  • September 17, 2013

有人可以給我看一個 Oracle 儲存過程 中的樂觀離線鎖的例子嗎?樂觀離線鎖

唉,ora_rowscn 方法不會很好地工作。它仍然啟用“失去的更新”。

我有來自 AskTom 的資訊:ORA_ROWSCN 用於樂觀鎖定


set echo on

drop table t;
create table t ( x int primary key, name varchar2(30) ) rowdependencies;

insert into t values ( 1, 'john' );
insert into t values ( 2, 'mary' );

variable ora_rowscn number
set autoprint on
exec select ora_rowscn into :ora_rowscn from t where x = 2;

set echo off
prompt in another session issue:
prompt variable ora_rowscn number
prompt set autoprint on
prompt exec select ora_rowscn into :ora_rowscn from t where x = 2;;
prompt and come back here and hit enter...

set echo on
update t set name = 'beth' where x = 2 and ora_rowscn = :ora_rowscn;

set echo off
prompt in another session issue:
prompt update t set name = 'sally' where x = 2 and ora_rowscn = :ora_rowscn;;
prompt and come back here and hit enter...


set echo off
prompt now commit in the other session and notice your lost update :(

恕我直言,您應該在表中添加一個額外的列(例如:Version_Number),您可以在其中設置更新記錄時序列的 nextval(使用觸發器,或在包程式碼中執行此操作)。

工作流:客戶端查詢一些行並獲取帶有 version_Number 的數據。更新此數據時,他需要使用記錄中的目前版本號檢查版本號。如果它們不同,則不會更新任何行,您應該向客戶端返回錯誤 (No_Records_Found)。

create table t ( x int primary key, name varchar2(30), version_Number number);
create sequence s_t start with 1 increment by 1;

insert into t values ( 1, 'john', s_t.nextval);
insert into t values ( 2, 'mary', s_t.nextval);

select * from t;


X   NAME   Version_Number

1   john   1

2   mary   2


-- first session
update t set name = 'beth', version_number = s_t.nextval where x = 2 and version_number = 2;

-- second session
update t set name = 'sally', version_number = s_t.nextval where x = 2 and version_number = 2; 

-- First session

-- Second session returns with no updated records...


  • 過時的記錄
  • 刪除記錄

