在 Oracle 中使用內部查詢進行多個分組
我有一個包含三列的表記錄:p_id, score, city。
P_id 得分城市 12 20 孟買 12 80 德里 12 50 浦那 13 20 孟買 13 30 德里 13 50 浦那 10 月 13 日 90 日
在這裡,我想查看p_id, max_score, max_score_city, min_score, min_score_city。這意味著對於每個玩家,我想要最高得分和得分所在的城市,最低得分和得分所在的城市,
p_id max_score max_score_city min_score min_score_city 12 80 德里 20 孟買 10 月 30 日 13 月 90 日 孟買
我知道我需要在 p_id 上應用 group by 以獲得最低和最高分數,但是我如何加入 group by 以及如何將玩家和城市聯繫起來。
WITH mins AS (SELECT P_id ,score AS min_score ,city AS min_score_city ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY P_id ORDER BY score) AS rn ) , maxs AS (SELECT P_id ,score AS max_score ,city AS max_score_city ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY P_id ORDER BY score DESC) AS rn ) SELECT maxs.P_id ,maxs.max_score ,maxs.max_score_city ,mins.min_score ,mins.min_score_city FROM mins JOIN maxs ON mins.P_id = maxs.P_id WHERE mins.rn = 1 AND maxs.rn = 1
SELECT p_id ,MAX ( CASE WHEN ScoreDesc = 1 THEN score ELSE NULL END ) AS max_score ,MAX ( CASE WHEN ScoreDesc = 1 THEN city ELSE NULL END ) AS max_score_city ,MAX ( CASE WHEN ScoreAsc = 1 THEN score ELSE NULL END ) AS min_score ,MAX ( CASE WHEN ScoreAsc = 1 THEN city ELSE NULL END ) AS min_score_city FROM ( SELECT p_id ,score ,city ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p_id ORDER BY Score, city) AS ScoreAsc ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p_id ORDER BY Score DESC, city) AS ScoreDesc FROM record ) RecordSummary WHERE ScoreAsc = 1 OR ScoreDesc = 1 GROUP BY p_id