Oracle:插入表錯誤 - 列名重複或數據類型無效
INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index ( consruct ( construct_id ) ) */ INTO construct (construct_id, n_term , enz_name, c_term, cpp, mutations, mw_kda) SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL (( construct_id NUMBER(10), n_term VARCHAR2 (50), enz_name VARCHAR2 (50), c_term VARCHAR2 (50), cpp VARCHAR2 (50), mutations VARCHAR2 (50), mw_kda NUMBER (7,3)) TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY data_to_input ACCESS PARAMETERS ( RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE SKIP 1 BADFILE bad_files:'badflie_insert_into_construct_from_construct.bad' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION ('CONSTRUCT.CSV') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED) ext WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM construct c WHERE c.n_term = ext.n_term AND c.enz_name = ext.enz_name AND c.c_term = ext.c_term AND c.cpp = ext.cpp AND c.mutations = ext.mutations );
Error at Command Line : 171 Column : 7 Error report - SQL Error: ORA-00957: duplicate column name 00957. 00000 - "duplicate column name"
第 171 行是這部分的最後一行
INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index ( consruct ( construct_id ) ) */ INTO construct (construct_id, n_term , enz_name, c_term, cpp, mutations, mw_kda)
INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index ( consruct ( construct_id ) ) */ INTO construct (construct_id, n_term, enz_name, c_term, cpp, mutations, mw_kda) SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL (( ext.construct_id NUMBER (10), ext.n_term VARCHAR2 (50), ext.enz_name VARCHAR2 (50), ext.c_term VARCHAR2 (50), ext.cpp VARCHAR2 (50), ext.mutations VARCHAR2 (50), ext.mw_kda NUMBER (7,3)) TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY data_to_input ACCESS PARAMETERS ( RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE SKIP 1 BADFILE bad_files:'badflie_insert_into_construct_from_construct.bad' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION ('CONSTRUCT.CSV') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED) ext WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM construct c WHERE c.n_term = ext.n_term AND c.enz_name = ext.enz_name AND c.c_term = ext.c_term AND c.cpp = ext.cpp AND c.mutations = ext.mutations );
Error at Command Line : 174 Column : 10 Error report - SQL Error: ORA-00902: invalid datatype 00902. 00000 - "invalid datatype"
第 171 行是
ext.construct_id NUMBER (10),
CREATE TABLE construct_ext ( construct_id NUMBER (10), n_term VARCHAR2 (50), enz_name VARCHAR2 (50), c_term VARCHAR2 (50), cpp VARCHAR2 (50), mutations VARCHAR2 (50), mw_kda NUMBER (7,3) ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL ( TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY data_to_input ACCESS PARAMETERS ( RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE CHARACTERSET US7ASCII TERRITORY AMERICA SKIP 1 BADFILE bad_files:'badflie_insert_into_construct_from_construct.bad' LOGFILE bad_files:'logflie_insert_into_construct_from_construct.log' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ) LOCATION ('CONSTRUCT.CSV') ) REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED; INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index ( consruct ( construct_id ) ) */ INTO construct (construct_id, n_term, enz_name, c_term, cpp, mutations, mw_kda) SELECT construct_id, n_term , enz_name, c_term , cpp , mutations , mw_kda FROM construct_ext ext WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM construct c WHERE c.n_term = ext.n_term AND c.enz_name = ext.enz_name AND c.c_term = ext.c_term AND c.cpp = ext.cpp AND c.mutations = ext.mutations );
編輯:-根據@a_horse_with_no_name,您可以訪問外部表,而無需為數據庫版本 18c 及更高版本創建使用內聯外部表
CREATE TABLE construct_stg AS -- select part works without creating external table SELECT * FROM EXTERNAL ( ( construct_id NUMBER(10), n_term VARCHAR2 (50), enz_name VARCHAR2 (50), c_term VARCHAR2 (50), cpp VARCHAR2 (50), mutations VARCHAR2 (50), mw_kda NUMBER (7,3) ) TYPE ORACLE_LOADER DEFAULT DIRECTORY data_to_import ACCESS PARAMETERS ( RECORDS DELIMITED BY NEWLINE CHARACTERSET US7ASCII TERRITORY AMERICA SKIP 1 BADFILE bad_files:'badflie_insert_into_construct_from_construct.bad' --LOGFILE bad_files:'logflie_insert_into_construct_from_construct.log'--create different directory for log file or skip this line FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' MISSING FIELD VALUES ARE NULL ( construct_id, n_term , enz_name, c_term , cpp , mutations , mw_kda ) ) LOCATION ('CONSTRUCT.CSV') REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED)ext_tab; CREATE INDEX idx_construct_id ON construct_stg(construct_id); ALTER TABLE construct_stg ADD CONSTRAINT pk_construct_id_stg PRIMARY KEY (construct_id) USING INDEX; -- to enforce unique or skip this INSERT /*+ ignore_row_on_dupkey_index ( consruct,idx_construct_id) */ INTO construct (construct_id, n_term, enz_name, c_term, cpp, mutations, mw_kda) SELECT construct_id, n_term , enz_name, c_term , cpp , mutations , mw_kda FROM construct_stg ext WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM construct c WHERE c.n_term = ext.n_term AND c.enz_name = ext.enz_name AND c.c_term = ext.c_term AND c.cpp = ext.cpp AND c.mutations = ext.mutations );