我正在嘗試將數據批量插入 timescaledb 超表中。無論我嘗試什麼,記憶體使用量都會逐漸增長,直到伺服器程序由於記憶體不足而被終止。我在伺服器上的數據集小至 160 萬行時觀察到這一點,其中 128 GB 的 RAM 可用於 postgres/timescaledb,所以我一定做錯了什麼。對不是超表的表執行完全相同的插入操作就可以了,因此問題必須與 timescaledb 有關。
CREATE TABLE test ( gid BIGINT NOT NULL, location_ GEOGRAPHY(POINT), -- about 15 other VARCHAR and BIGINT columns omitted for brevity far_end_gid BIGINT NOT NULL, day_partition_key DATE NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (gid, far_end_gid, day_partition_key) ); SELECT create_hypertable( 'test', 'day_partition_key', chunk_time_interval => INTERVAL '1 day');
查詢是INSERT INTO topology_test SELECT tobigintornull(gid) AS gid_as_int, -- about 15 other VARCHAR and BIGINT columns omitted CAST(CAST(REPLACE(far_end_gid, ',', '.') AS DOUBLE PRECISION) AS BIGINT), CAST(tobigintornull(far_end_cell_id) AS BIGINT), TO_DATE(day_partition_key, 'YYYYMMDD') FROM test_temp_table WHERE tobigintornull(gid) is not null and tobigintornull(REPLACE(far_end_gid, ',', '.')) is not null and day_partition_key is not null ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
執行其名稱所暗示的操作:如果可能,它將輸入轉換為 bigint,如果不是,則返回 null(這有助於刪除無法解析的行)。它的定義是CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tobigintornull(text) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE x BIGINT; BEGIN x = $1::BIGINT; RETURN x; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN NULL; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE;
請注意,該子句僅刪除了一小部分行(絕對小於 1%) 。完整的數據集是 5.93 億行,並且沒有以任何方式排序。懷疑輸入缺乏排序是問題的一部分,我創建了一個包含 160 萬行的數據子集,其中所有行的值都相同
(從 timescaledb 的角度來看,該子集應該是完美排序的)。問題
問題表現為 postgres 的記憶體使用量逐漸增加,直到數據庫可用的全部 128 GB 被使用(大約需要 5 分鐘)。在 100% 記憶體使用一分鐘左右後,插入查詢崩潰。日誌顯示以下內容:
timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.727 UTC [1] LOG: server process (PID 1231) was terminated by signal 9: Killed timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.727 UTC [1] DETAIL: Failed process was running: INSERT INTO test timescaledb_1 | SELECT (...) timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.727 UTC [1] LOG: terminating any other active server processes timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.741 UTC [1215] WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.741 UTC [1215] DETAIL: The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory. timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.741 UTC [1215] HINT: In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and repeat your command. timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.744 UTC [1221] WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.744 UTC [1221] DETAIL: The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory. timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.744 UTC [1221] HINT: In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and repeat your command. timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:50.771 UTC [1] LOG: all server processes terminated; reinitializing timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:51.371 UTC [1259] LOG: database system was interrupted; last known up at 2021-08-23 11:50:40 UTC timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:51.711 UTC [1259] LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:51.720 UTC [1259] LOG: redo starts at 25A/16567EF8 timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:51.788 UTC [1259] LOG: invalid record length at 25A/165C1A30: wanted 24, got 0 timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:51.788 UTC [1259] LOG: redo done at 25A/165C19D0 timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:51.893 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections timescaledb_1 | 2021-08-23 11:56:52.039 UTC [1265] LOG: TimescaleDB background worker launcher connected to shared catalogs
- 我已將數據集的大小從 5.93 億行減少到 160 萬行,確保子集對於用於分塊的日期列只有一個值 (
)。結果是完全一樣的。- 在https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb/issues/643的討論之後,我將 timescaledb 配置更改為
SET timescaledb.max_open_chunks_per_insert=1;
. 問題仍然完全相同。- 我嘗試創建另一個目標表而不將其設為超表。然後插入 1.6 M 行子集就可以了。我希望整套都能奏效,但我還沒有花時間去做。
docker 鏡像 timescale/timescaledb-postgis:latest-pg13 (bf76e5594c98) 用於執行 timescaledb。它包含:
- x86_64-pc-linux-musl 上的 PostgreSQL 13.3,由 gcc (Alpine 10.2.1_pre1) 10.2.1 20201203 編譯,64 位
- 時標數據庫 2.3.0
- POSTGIS=“2.5.5”$$ EXTENSION $$PGSQL=“130” GEOS=“3.8.1-CAPI-1.13.3” PROJ=“Rel. 7.1.1,2020 年 9 月 1 日” GDAL=“GDAL 3.1.4,2020/10/20 發布” LIBXML=" 2.9.10" LIBJSON=“0.15” LIBPROTOBUF=“1.3.3” 光柵
docker 容器限制為 16 個核心和 128 GB 記憶體。對於上面提到的測試,我使用了https://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/#/建議的配置參數用於帶有我的參數的數據倉庫,除了我將提供給 pgtune 的可用記憶體降低到 64 GB,希望這會導致數據庫使用更少記憶體的配置(我也嘗試了推薦用於 128 GB 記憶體的設置,結果是相同的)。設置如下:
max_connections = 30 shared_buffers = 16GB effective_cache_size = 48GB maintenance_work_mem = 2GB checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9 wal_buffers = 16MB default_statistics_target = 500 random_page_cost = 1.1 effective_io_concurrency = 200 work_mem = 34952kB min_wal_size = 4GB max_wal_size = 16GB max_worker_processes = 16 max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 8 max_parallel_workers = 16 max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 4
我認為您需要分析您的 Postgres 以更好地了解正在發生的事情。
- 如果只有規範化的數據重要,而去規範化的結果不重要,可以考慮在插入前增加一個預處理步驟來清理,避免使用 where 子句等。