在執行這個 PL/SQL 塊時:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE procAuth_Title_Delete (auth_ID NUMBER, title_Nos IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN DELETE FROM AUTHOR_TITLE where author_id='||auth_ID||' and title_number='||title_Nos||'; dbms_output.Put_line ( 'all records have been deleted with the values auth_ID: '||auth_ID||' and title_Nos: '||title_Nos||'.' ); END; / EXECUTE procAuth_Title_Delete ( 1234,1 );
ORA-01722: invalid number
我知道 delete 語句的“where”子句有問題。如何讓 delete 語句用那些參數 ‘(1234,1)’ 代替 ‘auth_ID’ 和 ’title_Nos’?
您不能像在 SQL 語句中那樣連接變數,而且無論如何都不需要這樣做:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE procAuth_Title_Delete (auth_ID NUMBER, title_Nos IN NUMBER) IS BEGIN DELETE FROM AUTHOR_TITLE where author_id = auth_ID --<< just use the parameter and title_number = title_Nos; dbms_output.Put_line ( 'all records have been deleted with the values auth_ID: '||auth_ID||' and title_Nos: '||title_Nos||'.' ); END; /