通過基於傳入的數組進行過濾,允許來自 plpgsql 函式的動態結果集?
我想我在這裡避免了 XY 問題,因為我正在為真正的潛在問題(以動態方式匯總多個表)提出我的解決方案,並且我只詢問我被卡住的最後一個部分。因此,首先有一點背景。我提供了一個最小的範例數據集,以及用於以我描述的方式總結數據的工作程式碼。
create temp table tbl1 (id int primary key, category text, passing boolean); insert into tbl1 values (1, 'A', 't'), (2, 'A', 't'), (3, 'A', 't'), (4, 'A', 'f'), (5, 'B', 't'), (6, 'B', 'f'), (7, 'C', 't'), (8, 'C', 't'), (9, 'C', 'f'), (10, 'C', 'f'), (11, 'C', 'f'), (12, 'C', 'f'), (13, 'B', 't'), (14, 'B', 'f'), (15, 'B', 't'), (16, 'B', 'f'), (17, 'B', 't'), (18, 'B', 'f'), (19, 'B', 't'), (20, 'B', 'f');
postgres=> select category, passing, count(*) from tbl1 group by category, passing order by category, passing; category | passing | count ----------+---------+------- A | f | 1 A | t | 3 B | f | 5 B | t | 5 C | f | 4 C | t | 2 (6 rows)
但是,我有多個要匯總的此類表(均使用相同的類別 A、B、C),因此我要顯示的最終結果只需一行即可匯總一個表,如下所示:
Table Name | Overall passing rate | A passing rate | B passing rate | C passing rate ------------+----------------------+----------------+----------------+---------------- tbl1 | 50% (10/20) | 75% (3/4) | 50% (5/10) | 33% (2/6)
有時我還需要能夠過濾,例如只返回關於類別 A 和 B 的資訊並忽略 C,如下所示:
Table Name | Overall passing rate | A passing rate | B passing rate ------------+----------------------+----------------+---------------- tbl1 | 57% (8/14) | 75% (3/4) | 50% (5/10)
count(*) filter (where...)
我可以使用有點笨拙的 CTE 中的語法通過查詢生成上面顯示的第一個輸出,如下所示:with tallies as ( select count(*) filter (where category in ('A', 'B', 'C') and passing) as abc_pass, count(*) filter (where category in ('A', 'B', 'C')) as abc_all, count(*) filter (where category = 'A' and passing) as a_pass, count(*) filter (where category = 'A') as a_all, count(*) filter (where category = 'B' and passing) as b_pass, count(*) filter (where category = 'B') as b_all, count(*) filter (where category = 'C' and passing) as c_pass, count(*) filter (where category = 'C') as c_all from tbl1 ) select 'tbl1' as "Table Name", format('%s%% (%s/%s)', 100*abc_pass/abc_all, abc_pass, abc_all) as "Overall passing rate", format('%s%% (%s/%s)', 100*a_pass/a_all, a_pass, a_all) as "A passing rate", format('%s%% (%s/%s)', 100*b_pass/b_all, b_pass, b_all) as "B passing rate", format('%s%% (%s/%s)', 100*c_pass/c_all, c_pass, c_all) as "C passing rate" from tallies;
我可以毫不費力地修改它以省略類別 C,以生成上面的第二個範例輸出。(這裡沒有顯示,因為它主要是重複的。)
問題是,有這麼多表格要總結(實際上是視圖,不是表格,但這沒關係),並且要求我能夠輕鬆地總結任何一組表格,並隨意包含或省略類別(例如“總結 tbl1、tbl2 和 tbl3,但只總結 B 類和 C 類”,或“只總結所有表的 B 類”)上面的 SQL 不夠靈活。
我可以使用接受任意數量的 type 參數的 plpgsql 函式來完成“臨時匯總任何一組表”的要求
,並將我想要匯總的所有表的名稱提供給它,如下所示:create function summarize_tables(variadic tbls name[]) returns table ("Table Name" text, "Overall pass rate" text, "A passing rate" text, "B passing rate" text, "C passing rate" text) language plpgsql as $funcdef$ declare tbl name; begin foreach tbl in array tbls loop return query execute format( $query$ with tallies as ( select count(*) filter (where category in ('A', 'B', 'C') and passing) as abc_pass, count(*) filter (where category in ('A', 'B', 'C')) as abc_all, count(*) filter (where category = 'A' and passing) as a_pass, count(*) filter (where category = 'A') as a_all, count(*) filter (where category = 'B' and passing) as b_pass, count(*) filter (where category = 'B') as b_all, count(*) filter (where category = 'C' and passing) as c_pass, count(*) filter (where category = 'C') as c_all from %I ) select %L as "Table Name", format('%%s%%%% (%%s/%%s)', 100*abc_pass/abc_all, abc_pass, abc_all) as "Overall passing rate", format('%%s%%%% (%%s/%%s)', 100*a_pass/a_all, a_pass, a_all) as "A passing rate", format('%%s%%%% (%%s/%%s)', 100*b_pass/b_all, b_pass, b_all) as "B passing rate", format('%%s%%%% (%%s/%%s)', 100*c_pass/c_all, c_pass, c_all) as "C passing rate" from tallies; $query$, tbl, tbl ); end loop; return; end $funcdef$ ;
select * from summarize_tables('tbl1');
來總結上面的範例數據集,或者select * from summarize_tables('tbl1', 'tbl2');
總結其他表格。但是,這根本不能滿足第二個要求——我能夠計算不同的結果列以任意包含或排除 A、B 或 C。
create function summarize_tables(categories text[], variadic tbls name[])
select * from summarize_tables('{A,B}', 'tbl1', 'tbl2');
但我不知道如何在我的 SQL 中使用“類別”數組。這甚至有可能根據傳入的類別以這樣的過濾方式總結結果嗎?
returns setof record
並且我必須指定每次呼叫函式時要返回的列的全名和類型。如果有的話,我會對解決方法感興趣。可能這兩個因素的組合意味著我應該接受我必須為我想要總結的類別 A、B 和 C 的每個組合有一個單獨的函式 - 總共七個函式。
但在這種情況下,如果以後再添加 D 類和 E 類,那我可悲了!
returns table (...)
將函式定義中的 更改為returns setof record
,然後將呼叫更改select * from summarize_tables(...);
為:select * from summarize_tables('{A,C,D}', ...) as x ("Table Name" text, "Overall pass rate" text, "A passing rate" text, "C passing rate" text, "D passing rate" text) ;
但是,除非有一種方法可以使過濾比目前 CTE 中的過濾更具動態性,否則這種折衷甚至是不可能的——即一種利用
categories text[]
傳入參數的方法。 這就是我的問題。(不過,也歡迎任何有關上述設計的指針。)
出於這個問題的目的,我省略了對空“傳遞”值的處理,這將通過將“傳遞”更改為“傳遞為真”來處理 - 並且省略了大小寫切換以避免在某些特定情況下除以零錯誤表不包含特定類別。
unnest(...) with ordinality
create function summarize_tables(categories text[], variadic tbls name[]) returns table (tbl name, overall text, by_category text[]) language plpgsql as $funcdef$ begin foreach tbl in array tbls loop return query execute format( $query$ with tallies as ( select category, count(*) filter (where passing) as passcount, count(*) as allcount from %I group by category ), categories_passed as ( select * from unnest(%L::text[]) with ordinality as x(category, rn) ) select %1$L::name as tbl, format('%%s%%%% (%%s/%%s)', (sum(passcount)*100/sum(allcount))::int, sum(passcount), sum(allcount)) as overall, array_agg(format('%%s%%%% (%%s/%%s)', passcount*100/allcount, passcount, allcount) order by rn) as by_category from categories_passed natural left join tallies; $query$, tbl, categories ); end loop; return; end $funcdef$ ;
select *
)如下所示:postgres=> select * from summarize_tables('{A,B,C}', 'tbl1'); tbl | overall | by_category ------+-------------+---------------------------------------- tbl1 | 50% (10/20) | {"75% (3/4)","50% (5/10)","33% (2/6)"} (1 row) postgres=> select * from summarize_tables('{A,B}', 'tbl1'); tbl | overall | by_category ------+------------+---------------------------- tbl1 | 57% (8/14) | {"75% (3/4)","50% (5/10)"} (1 row)
postgres=> select * from summarize_tables('{B,A}', 'tbl1'); tbl | overall | by_category ------+------------+---------------------------- tbl1 | 57% (8/14) | {"50% (5/10)","75% (3/4)"} (1 row)
select tbl as "Table Name", overall as "Overall passing rate", by_category[1] as "A passing rate", by_category[2] as "B passing rate", by_category[3] as "C passing rate" from summarize_tables('{A,B,C}', 'tbl1'); Table Name | Overall passing rate | A passing rate | B passing rate | C passing rate ------------+----------------------+----------------+----------------+---------------- tbl1 | 50% (10/20) | 75% (3/4) | 50% (5/10) | 33% (2/6) (1 row) select tbl as "Table Name", overall as "Overall passing rate", by_category[1] as "A passing rate", by_category[2] as "B passing rate" from summarize_tables('{A,B}', 'tbl1'); Table Name | Overall passing rate | A passing rate | B passing rate ------------+----------------------+----------------+---------------- tbl1 | 57% (8/14) | 75% (3/4) | 50% (5/10) (1 row)
create function summarize_tables(categories text[], variadic tbls name[]) returns table (tbl name, overall numeric[], by_category numeric[][]) language plpgsql as $funcdef$ begin foreach tbl in array tbls loop return query execute format( $query$ with tallies as ( select category, count(*) filter (where passing)::numeric as passcount, count(*)::numeric as allcount from %I group by category ), categories_passed as ( select * from unnest(%L::text[]) with ordinality as x(category, rn) ) select %1$L::name as tbl, array[sum(passcount), sum(allcount)] as overall, array_agg(array[passcount, allcount] order by rn) as by_category from categories_passed natural left join tallies; $query$, tbl, categories ); end loop; return; end $funcdef$ ;
從嵌套數組中提取值的 SQL 並不漂亮,但它可以工作:
with x as ( select tbl, overall as o, by_category[1:1] as a, by_category[2:2] as b, by_category[3:3] as c from summarize_tables('{A,B,C}', 'tbl1') ) select tbl, format('%s%% (%s/%s)', (100*x.o[1]/x.o[2])::int, x.o[1], x.o[2]) as "Overall passing rate", format('%s%% (%s/%s)', (100*x.a[1][1]/x.a[1][2])::int, x.a[1][1], x.a[1][2]) as "A passing rate", format('%s%% (%s/%s)', (100*x.b[1][1]/x.b[1][2])::int, x.b[1][1], x.b[1][2]) as "B passing rate", format('%s%% (%s/%s)', (100*x.c[1][1]/x.c[1][2])::int, x.c[1][1], x.c[1][2]) as "C passing rate" from x ;
有關 Postgres 數組如何工作的相關閱讀:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/34408253/5419599
參數組成查詢字元串的函式;這稱為動態 SQL。無論您是在客戶端用 PL/pgSQL 還是其他語言編寫該函式都無關緊要 - 使用最適合您任務的語言。然後,在第二步中,針對數據庫執行生成的查詢。