我有 5 張桌子
Entity ------------ idEntity entityName ... ... idCountry_fkey idRegion_fkey idAggregate_fkey Country --------------- idCountry countryName Region --------------- idCountry_fkey idRegion RegionName Aggregate --------------- idAggregate AggregateName Aggregate_to_Country ---------------------- idAC idCountry_fkey idAggregate_fkey
CHECK ( (("idAggregate" IS NULL) AND ("idRegion" IS NULL) AND ("idCountry" IS NOT NULL)) OR (("idAggregate" IS NULL) AND ("idRegion" IS NOT NULL) AND ("idCountry" IS NULL)) OR (("idAggregate" IS NOT NULL) AND ("idRegion" IS NULL) AND ("idCountry" IS NULL)) );
- 這是處理這種情況的正確方法嗎
- 我如何查詢才能擁有:
index | entityname | Aggregate | Country | Region | Value ---------------------------------------------------------- case1 | A | Eurozone | null | null | 1 ---------------------------------------------------------- case2 | B | LATAM | Brazil | null | 22 ---------------------------------------------------------- case3 | C | Europe | Italy | Lazio | 44
- 案例1)當實體與聚合相關時
- 案例 2) 當 Entity 與 Country 相關,且 Country 在 Aggregate Case 時
- Case 3) Entity與Region相關,Region與Country相關,Country在Aggregate中
SELECT e.index, e.entityname, COALESCE(a1.AggregateName, a2.AggregateName, a3.AggregateName) AggregateName, COALESCE(c2.CountryName, c3.CountryName) CountryName, r3.Region, e.Value FROM Entity e -- when idAggregate_fkey is specified LEFT JOIN Aggregate a1 ON a1.idAggregate = e.idAggregate_fkey -- when idCountry_fkey is specified LEFT JOIN Country c2 ON c2.idCountry = e.idCountry_fkey LEFT JOIN Aggregate_to_Country ac2 ON ac2.idCountry_fkey = e.idCountry_fkey LEFT JOIN Aggregate a2 ON a2.idAggregate = ac2.idAggregate_fkey -- when idRegion_fkey is specified LEFT JOIN Region r3 ON r3.idRegion = e.idRegion_fkey LEFT JOIN Country c3 ON c3.idCountry = r3.idCountry_fkey LEFT JOIN Aggregate_to_Country ac3 ON ac3.idCountry_fkey = c3.idCountry_fkey LEFT JOIN Aggregate a3 ON a3.idAggregate = ac3.idAggregate_fkey
- 檢查每個分支的加入順序和條件 - 我可能會犯錯誤。
- 檢查某些連接是否可能是 INNER。