我有一個多 TB 表,其中包含某個項目 ID 和時間戳的地理位置數據。
它按時間分區,每個月都有一個分區(~500GB),並在項目 id 和時間索引上聚集(包括分區)。
CREATE TABLE data( itemid integer not null, ts timestamp not null, pos geometry(Point,4326) not null, otherdata varchar not null -- Stand in for other columns ) partition by range(ts); CREATE INDEX data_cluster ON data (itemid, ts); CREATE INDEX data_brin ON data USING brin (itemid, ts, pos) with (pages_per_range = 8); CREATE TABLE data_201901 PARTITION OF data FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-01-01') TO ('2019-02-01'); CREATE TABLE data_201902 PARTITION OF data FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-02-01') TO ('2019-03-01');
它與 高度相關pos
select itemid, ts, pos, otherdata from data where ts >= '2019-02-02 00:00:00' AND ts < '2019-02-03 14:00:00' AND st_within(pos, st_setsrid( st_geomfromgeojson('{"coordinates":"coordinates":[[[-74.05059814453125,40.6920928987952],[-73.92013549804688,40.6920928987952],[-73.92013549804688,40.79405848578324],[-74.05059814453125,40.79405848578324],[-74.05059814453125,40.6920928987952]]],"type": "Polygon"}'), 4326 ) :: geometry)
然而,我們看到正常的 btree 索引用於此目的,並且查詢需要很長時間才能有用(幾分鐘到一個多小時)
- 是否有結合時間和地理空間索引?
- 有什麼辦法可以使布林指數被使用嗎?
- 最好的方法是在一天之類的較小時間範圍內進行分區並為每個分區創建地理索引?
根據 eppesuig 的要求進行編輯,上述查詢的範例執行計劃:
Gather (cost=1000.70..71744000.35 rows=1933 width=44) (actual time=164868.705..1227645.633 rows=65701 loops=1) Output: data_201902.itemid, data_201902.ts, data_201902.pos, data_201902.otherdata Workers Planned: 2 Workers Launched: 2 Buffers: shared hit=18009528 read=12157953 dirtied=246522 written=253711 I/O Timings: read=2117627.130 write=2645.225 -> Parallel Append (cost=0.70..71742807.05 rows=805 width=44) (actual time=164838.218..1227566.491 rows=21900 loops=3) Buffers: shared hit=18009528 read=12157953 dirtied=246522 written=253711 I/O Timings: read=2117627.130 write=2645.225 Worker 0: actual time=164823.732..1227566.470 rows=23522 loops=1 Buffers: shared hit=6011928 read=4078259 dirtied=81890 written=85133 I/O Timings: read=709048.959 write=873.459 Worker 1: actual time=164824.015..1227556.922 rows=22578 loops=1 Buffers: shared hit=5974480 read=4022282 dirtied=82190 written=84063 I/O Timings: read=702613.742 write=856.134 -> Parallel Index Scan using data_201902_cluster on public.data_201902 (cost=0.70..71742803.02 rows=805 width=44) (actual time=164838.216..1227552.572 rows=21900 loops=3) Output: data_201902.itemid, data_201902.ts, data_201902.pos Index Cond: ((data_201902.ts >= '2019-02-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (data_201902.ts < '2019-02-03 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)) Filter: (('010...4540'::geometry, data_201902.pos)) Rows Removed by Filter: 40950205 Buffers: shared hit=18009528 read=12157953 dirtied=246522 written=253711 I/O Timings: read=2117627.130 write=2645.225 Worker 0: actual time=164823.730..1227551.115 rows=23522 loops=1 Buffers: shared hit=6011928 read=4078259 dirtied=81890 written=85133 I/O Timings: read=709048.959 write=873.459 Worker 1: actual time=164824.013..1227542.124 rows=22578 loops=1 Buffers: shared hit=5974480 read=4022282 dirtied=82190 written=84063 I/O Timings: read=702613.742 write=856.134 Planning Time: 5.442 ms Execution Time: 1227669.990 ms
create extension btree_gist; create index on data using gist (ts, pos);
使用 GiST,您通常希望在查詢中更有選擇性地使用的列在索引中排在第一位。我懷疑那是“ts”,但我不確定。您可能想嘗試兩種方式。
多列 BRIN 索引與多個獨立的單列 BRIN 索引基本相同。如果您的數據聚集在“item_id”上,那麼 BRIN 索引中的“ts”列不太可能有用,除非“item_id”和“ts”彼此高度相關。
USING GIST (ts,pos)
先嘗試索引。看起來你甚至還沒有嘗試過USING GIST (pos)