過濾單調遞增整數的行集的查詢,以便 -在最終結果集中, row(n+1).value >= row(n).value + 5。
對於我需要解決的實際問題,行集計數在 1000 秒以內。
- 如果行是:1,2,3,4,5:那麼查詢應該返回:1
- 如果行是:1,5,7,10,11,12,13:那麼查詢應該返回:1,7,12
- 如果行是:6,8,11,16,20,23:那麼查詢應該返回:6,11,16,23
- 如果行是:6,8,12,16,20,23:那麼查詢應該返回:6,12,20
我已經設法通過以下查詢獲得所需的結果,但它似乎過於復雜。取消註釋不同的“..with t(k)..”以試用它們。
with recursive r(n, pri) as ( with t(k) as (values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) -- the data we want to filter -- with t(k) as (values (1),(5),(7),(10),(11),(12),(13)) -- with t(k) as (values (6),(8),(11),(16),(20),(23)) -- with t(k) as (values (6),(8),(12),(16),(20),(23)) select min(k), 1::bigint from t -- bootstrap for recursive processing. 1 here represents rank(). UNION select k, (rank() over(order by k)) rr -- rank() is required just to filter out the rows we dont want from the final result set, and no other reason from r, t where t.k >= r.n+5 and r.pri = 1 -- capture the rows we want, AND unfortunately a bunch of rows we dont want ) select n from r where pri = 1;
with recursive r(k, n) as ( with t(k) as (values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5)) -- the data we want to filter -- with t(k) as (values (1),(5),(7),(10),(11),(12),(13)) -- with t(k) as (values (6),(8),(11),(16),(20),(23)) -- with t(k) as (values (6),(8),(12),(16),(20),(23)) ,t2(k,n) AS (select k, (select min(k) from t tt where k >= t.k+5) from t) -- precalculate what's next select * from (select * from t2 limit 1) x -- limit 1 directly fails in a union! UNION ALL select t2.* from r, t2 where t2.k = r.n -- on each iteration, keep only the value that matches the previous precalculated next one ) select k from r
drop table if exists t; create temp table t(k) AS with recursive r(n) as ( select floor(random()*10)::int + 1 UNION ALL select n + floor(random()*10)::int + 1 from r where n < 100000) -- change to increase or reduce set select * from r; -- surprisingly fast! Go PG! create index on t(k); with recursive r(n, pri) as ( select min(k), 1::bigint from t UNION select k, (rank() over(order by k)) rr from r, t where t.k >= r.n+5 and r.pri = 1 ) select count(*) from r where pri = 1; -- I aborted it after waiting for a minute with recursive r(k, n) as ( with t2(k,n) AS (select k, (select min(k) from t tt where k >= t.k+5) from t) select * from (select * from t2 limit 1) x UNION ALL select t2.* from r, t2 where t2.k = r.n ) select count(*) from r -- 26" in my server
在臨時表中實現 a,然後找到下一行很簡單n+1
:CREATE TABLE temp AS ( SELECT k, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY k) AS rn FROM t ) ; -- I don't know enough about PostgreSQL, but this is probably needed for performance create unique index on temp(rn) ; WITH RECURSIVE cte(k,rn, k1) AS ( SELECT k, rn, k AS k1 FROM tmp WHERE rn = 1 -- start with the minimum value UNION ALL SELECT tmp.k, tmp.rn, CASE WHEN tmp.k >= cte.k1 + 5 THEN tmp.k -- use the new value ELSE cte.k1 -- keep the old value END FROM tmp JOIN cte ON tmp.rn = cte.rn+1 -- next row ) SELECT count(k) FROM cte WHERE k = k1
這執行得非常快,我劫持了@ZiggyCrueltyfreeZeitgeister 的小提琴。
和遞歸)。我的 PostgreSQL 知識非常有限,我不知道在 PG-land 中首選什麼 :)