僅當某個變數為 TRUE 時才使用擴展連接子句
我正在使用 Postgis(對 postgres 的擴展),其中有幾種不同的幾何類型,即“多邊形”、“點”、“線串”以及這些的多變體。
--drop function if exists test_return(geometry, double precision); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_return( PAR_geom geometry ,PAR_tolerance double precision DEFAULT 0.0000001 ) RETURNS setof geometry AS $$ DECLARE VAR_main_id int; BEGIN CASE ST_GeometryType(PAR_geom) WHEN 'ST_LineString' THEN VAR_main_id = 0; WHEN 'ST_Polygon', 'ST_MultiLineString', 'ST_MultiPoint' THEN VAR_main_id = 1; WHEN 'ST_MultiPolygon' THEN VAR_main_id = 2; ELSE raise EXCEPTION 'this function does not work on single-points'; END CASE; return query with repeated_pts as ( select (st_dumppoints(PAR_geom)).path, (st_dumppoints(PAR_geom)).geom where st_npoints(st_snaptogrid(PAR_geom, PAR_tolerance)) <> st_npoints(PAR_geom) ) select b.geom from repeated_pts a inner join repeated_pts b on --- Here is how it should behave for all geometry-types--- a.path[1:VAR_main_id] = b.path[1:VAR_main_id] and a.path[array_upper(a.path, 1)]< b.path[array_upper(b.path, 1)] and st_dwithin(a.geom, b.geom, PAR_tolerance); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
and ( ( a.path[VAR_main_id] = 1 and a.path[array_upper(a.path, 1)] > 1 and b.path[array_upper(b.path, 1)] > 1 ) or ( a.path[VAR_main_id] > 1 and b.path[array_upper(b.path, 1)] <= 4 ) )
我知道可以將查詢插入到 case-when-then 結構中,如下所示:
case when st_geometrytype(PAR_geom) in ('ST_MultiPolygon', 'ST_Polygon') then --- run query with additional join-clause -- else -- run query WITHOUT the extra join-clause -- end case;
但是,這種結構需要我兩次編寫查詢的第一部分 - 有沒有辦法避免這種情況?
子句中的普通布爾邏輯來實現。附加:AND ((st_geometrytype(PAR_geom) IN ('ST_MultiPolygon', 'ST_Polygon')) IS NOT TRUE OR a.path[VAR_main_id] = 1 AND a.path[array_upper(a.path, 1)] > 1 AND b.path[array_upper(b.path, 1)] > 1 OR a.path[VAR_main_id] > 1 AND b.path[array_upper(b.path, 1)] <= 4 )
('ST_MultiPolygon', 'ST_Polygon')
bind beforeOR
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_return(par_geom geometry , par_tolerance float8 = 0.0000001) RETURNS SETOF geometry LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $func$ DECLARE var_main_id int; BEGIN CASE ST_GeometryType(par_geom) WHEN 'ST_LineString' THEN var_main_id = 0; WHEN 'ST_Polygon', 'ST_MultiLineString', 'ST_MultiPoint' THEN var_main_id = 1; WHEN 'ST_MultiPolygon' THEN var_main_id = 2; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'this function does not work on single-points'; END CASE; RETURN QUERY WITH repeated_pts AS ( SELECT d.path, d.geom FROM st_dumppoints(par_geom) d -- evaluate once WHERE st_npoints(st_snaptogrid(par_geom, par_tolerance)) <> st_npoints(par_geom) ) SELECT b.geom FROM repeated_pts a JOIN repeated_pts b ON a.path[1:var_main_id] = b.path[1:var_main_id] AND a.path[array_upper(a.path, 1)] < b.path[array_upper(b.path, 1)] AND st_dwithin(a.geom, b.geom, par_tolerance) -- append here! AND ((st_geometrytype(PAR_geom) IN ('ST_MultiPolygon', 'ST_Polygon')) IS NOT TRUE OR a.path[VAR_main_id] = 1 AND a.path[array_upper(a.path, 1)] > 1 AND b.path[array_upper(b.path, 1)] > 1 OR a.path[VAR_main_id] > 1 AND b.path[array_upper(b.path, 1)] <= 4 ); END $func$