優化大型 postgresql 9.6.5 表上基本選擇計數 (*) 查詢的性能
我有一個名為“Links”的python 應用程序,使用者可以在其中添加名為“publicreplies”的社交文章。
這個應用程序看到了不錯的流量 - 包含公共回复的表在過去 12 個月中變得非常大(約 8300 萬行並且還在增加)。
顯示在 slow_log 中。它花費的時間超過 500 毫秒,並且比我在大多數其他 postgresql 操作中遇到的慢約 10 倍。查詢如下:
select count(*) from links_publicreply where submitted_on >= current_date - interval '1 day';
\d links_publicreply
:Table "public.links_publicreply" Column | Type | Modifiers -----------------+--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- id | integer | not null default nextval('links_publicreply_id_seq'::regclass) submitted_by_id | integer | not null answer_to_id | integer | not null submitted_on | timestamp with time zone | not null description | text | not null category | character varying(20) | not null seen | boolean | not null abuse | boolean | not null device | character varying(10) | default '1'::character varying Indexes: "links_publicreply_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "links_publicreply_answer_to_id" btree (answer_to_id) "links_publicreply_submitted_by_id" btree (submitted_by_id) Foreign-key constraints: "links_publicreply_answer_to_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (answer_to_id) REFERENCES links_link(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED "links_publicreply_submitted_by_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (submitted_by_id) REFERENCES auth_user(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED Referenced by: TABLE "links_report" CONSTRAINT "links_report_which_publicreply_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (which_publicreply_id) REFERENCES links_publicreply(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED TABLE "links_seen" CONSTRAINT "links_seen_which_reply_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (which_reply_id) REFERENCES links_publicreply(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED TABLE "links_link" CONSTRAINT "publicreplyposter_link_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (latest_reply_id) REFERENCES links_publicreply(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
它執行的硬體有 8 個核心和 60 GB 記憶體。postgreql DB 與 Django (python) 應用程序共享這台機器。我一直在監控伺服器的性能,我沒有看到那裡的瓶頸。
有什麼辦法可以提高這個查詢的性能嗎?作為一個偶然的 DBA,很高興能就我在這裡的所有選項(如果有的話)獲得建議。我的總體目標是從所述表中棄用舊行(例如超過 4 個月)。
ps 如果您需要更多資訊來解決此問題,請告訴我
select count(*) from links_publicreply where submitted_on >= current_date - interval '1 day';
。基本夠用了。它還強制進行表掃描,因為我閱讀您的表定義的方式,您在送出的欄位上沒有索引。如果您每天晚上多次執行這種類型的查詢 - 那麼,您知道,索引該欄位可能會有所幫助。
當您談論 RAM 時……您不談論光碟。如果您的 RAM 用完了(可能是配置問題),那麼您可能會遇到所有磁碟中最慢的磁碟…
我在一個有 10 列和 700,000 行的表上遇到了類似的問題(計數(*)……
with Pool_Count as (select epc.pool_id, count (pool_id) from epc group by epc.pool_id) select * from pool_count where pool_id >1000