對索引時間戳列進行排序時,PosgreSQL 查詢速度很慢
CREATE TABLE public.current_read ( id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('current_read_id_seq'::regclass), cube_id bigint NOT NULL, end_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL, period_type character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL, energy_balance double precision NOT NULL, created_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), CONSTRAINT current_read_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT current_read_cube_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (cube_id) REFERENCES cubemgmt.cube (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ) WITH ( OIDS = FALSE ) TABLESPACE pg_default; -- Index: id-current_read-cube_id+end_time+period_type -- DROP INDEX public."id-current_read-cube_id+end_time+period_type"; CREATE INDEX "id-current_read-cube_id+end_time+period_type" ON public.current_read USING btree (cube_id, end_time DESC, period_type COLLATE pg_catalog."default") TABLESPACE pg_default; -- Index: ix-current_read-cube_id+end_time -- DROP INDEX public."ix-current_read-cube_id+end_time"; CREATE INDEX "ix-current_read-cube_id+end_time" ON public.current_read USING btree (cube_id, end_time DESC) TABLESPACE pg_default; -- Index: ix-current_read-cube_id+period_type -- DROP INDEX public."ix-current_read-cube_id+period_type"; CREATE INDEX "ix-current_read-cube_id+period_type" ON public.current_read USING btree (cube_id, period_type COLLATE pg_catalog."default") TABLESPACE pg_default; -- Index: ix-currrent_read-end_time -- DROP INDEX public."ix-currrent_read-end_time"; CREATE INDEX "ix-currrent_read-end_time" ON public.current_read USING btree (end_time DESC) TABLESPACE pg_default; ALTER TABLE public.current_read CLUSTER ON "ix-currrent_read-end_time";
目前有大約 6000 萬個條目。
SELECT energy_balance FROM public.current_read WHERE cube_id = 5 AND period_type = '1min' ORDER BY end_time desc LIMIT 120
返回結果大約需要 3-4 秒。如果我刪除 ORDER BY 語句,我會在幾毫秒內得到(隨機)結果。
"Limit (cost=730066.65..730080.65 rows=120 width=16) (actual time=1560.745..1613.023 rows=120 loops=1)" " -> Gather Merge (cost=730066.65..772726.46 rows=365630 width=16) (actual time=1560.743..1613.000 rows=120 loops=1)" " Workers Planned: 2" " Workers Launched: 2" " -> Sort (cost=729066.63..729523.67 rows=182815 width=16) (actual time=1538.981..1538.991 rows=101 loops=3)" " Sort Key: end_time DESC" " Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 30kB" " Worker 0: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 30kB" " Worker 1: Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 30kB" " -> Parallel Bitmap Heap Scan on current_read (cost=11257.81..721839.14 rows=182815 width=16) (actual time=432.012..1510.892 rows=138113 loops=3)" " Recheck Cond: ((cube_id = 5) AND ((period_type)::text = '1min'::text))" " Heap Blocks: exact=120165" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on "ix-current_read-cube_id+period_type" (cost=0.00..11148.13 rows=438756 width=0) (actual time=360.098..360.098 rows=414338 loops=1)" " Index Cond: ((cube_id = 5) AND ((period_type)::text = '1min'::text))" "Planning Time: 0.297 ms" "Execution Time: 1613.112 ms"
(cube_id, period_type)
不能用於 ORDER BY。但它可以AND period_type = '1min'
(cube_id, end_time, period_type)
可用於 ORDER BY,但不能有效地用於AND period_type = '1min'
. 它可以使用,只是效率不高。它可以在不訪問表的情況下過濾索引中的行,但它不能跳轉到它知道所有 ‘1min’ 值所在的索引的特定部分。(原因是給定 cube_id 中的所有 ‘1min’ 值都沒有放在一起)所以,它必須做出選擇,高效的 ORDER BY 或高效
period_type = '1min'
的 。也許它做出了錯誤的選擇,儘管你還沒有證明這一點。您應該創建索引
(cube_id, period_type, end_time)
。那麼它就不必做出選擇,它可以兩全其美。它可以跳轉到索引 where 的部分cube_id = 5 AND period_type = '1min'
,一旦到達那裡,它就可以按 end_time 的順序讀取行。