Postgres 不夠聰明,無法將 WHERE 和 ORDER BY 中的欄位組合起來進行索引掃描?
我在 Postgres 9.6 中有下表:
Table "public.TagNotifications" Column | Type | Modifiers --------------+-----------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------- createdAt | timestamp with time zone | not null default now() updatedAt | timestamp with time zone | not null default now() id | integer | not null default nextval('"TagNotifications_id_seq"'::regclass) tag | character varying(255) | not null triggerId | integer | userId | integer | not null comparison | "TagNotificationComparison" | setpoint | double precision | severity | "TagNotificationSeverity" | acknowledged | boolean | not null default false value | double precision | Indexes: "TagNotifications_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) "TagNotificactions_userId_acknowledged_createdAt_tag_id" btree ("userId", acknowledged, "createdAt" DESC, tag, id) "TagNotificactions_userId_acknowledged_tag_createdAt_id" btree ("userId", acknowledged, tag, "createdAt" DESC, id) Foreign-key constraints: "TagNotifications_tag_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (tag) REFERENCES "Metadata"(tag) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE "TagNotifications_triggerId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("triggerId") REFERENCES "TagNotificationTriggers"(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE SET NULL "TagNotifications_userId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES "Users"(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM "TagNotifications" WHERE ("userId" = 2 AND "acknowledged" = false) ORDER BY "tag" ASC, "createdAt" DESC, "id" ASC LIMIT 6; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Limit (cost=840.10..840.12 rows=6 width=75) -> Sort (cost=840.10..856.04 rows=6376 width=75) Sort Key: tag, "createdAt" DESC, id -> Seq Scan on "TagNotifications" (cost=0.00..725.81 rows=6376 width=75) Filter: ((NOT acknowledged) AND ("userId" = 2)) (5 rows)
在這種情況下,為什麼 Postgres 不夠聰明,無法使用索引?如果我包含
:EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM "TagNotifications" WHERE ("userId" = 2 AND "acknowledged" = false) ORDER BY "userId" ASC, "acknowledged" ASC, "tag" ASC, "createdAt" DESC, "id" ASC LIMIT 6; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Limit (cost=0.41..2.27 rows=6 width=75) -> Index Scan using "TagNotificactions_userId_acknowledged_tag_createdAt_id" on "TagNotifications" (cost=0.41..1974.27 rows=6376 width=75) Index Cond: (("userId" = 2) AND (acknowledged = false)) Filter: (NOT acknowledged) (4 rows)
它在 v10 中變得更加智能。