PostgreSQL 索引記憶體
我很難找到關於如何在 PostgreSQL 中記憶體索引的“普通”解釋,所以我想對這些假設中的任何一個或所有假設進行現實檢查:
- PostgreSQL 索引,就像行一樣,存在於磁碟上,但可能會被記憶體。
- 索引可能完全在記憶體中,也可能根本不在。
- 它是否被記憶體取決於它的使用頻率(由查詢計劃器定義)。
- 出於這個原因,大多數“明智的”索引將一直在記憶體中。
- 索引與
buffer cache
- 我們減少了記憶體中索引的大小,為記憶體中的行本身釋放了更多空間。
- 我們減小了 B-Tree 的大小,從而加快了查詢響應。
- 這很明顯,但**(5)的結果也表明答案是肯定的**
- 我還沒有為此建立一個很好的例子,現在它比沒有更多:)(請參閱下面的編輯,答案是否定的。)
- 由於計劃者決定是否使用索引,我們可以說YES,它決定記憶體(但這更複雜)
- 記憶體的確切細節可以從原始碼中獲得,我在這個主題上找不到太多,除了這個(也見作者的回答)。但是,我很確定這又比簡單的“是”或“否”要復雜得多。(同樣,從我的編輯中你可以得到一些想法——由於記憶體大小是有限的,那些“合理”的索引會競爭可用空間。如果它們太多,它們會從記憶體中互相踢掉——所以答案是NO。 )
- 作為一個簡單的
我找到了 Jeremiah Peschka關於表和索引儲存的精彩文章。有了那裡的資訊,我也可以回答**(2)**。我設置了一個小測試,所以你可以自己檢查這些。
-- we will need two extensions CREATE EXTENSION pg_buffercache; CREATE EXTENSION pageinspect; -- a very simple test table CREATE TABLE index_cache_test ( id serial , blah text ); -- I am a bit megalomaniac here, but I will use this for other purposes as well INSERT INTO index_cache_test SELECT i, i::text || 'a' FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) a(i); -- let's create the index to be cached CREATE INDEX idx_cache_test ON index_cache_test (id); -- now we can have a look at what is cached SELECT c.relname,count(*) AS buffers FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_buffercache b ON b.relfilenode = c.relfilenode INNER JOIN pg_database d ON (b.reldatabase = d.oid AND d.datname = current_database()) GROUP BY c.relname ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 10; relname | buffers ----------------------------------+--------- index_cache_test | 2747 pg_statistic_relid_att_inh_index | 4 pg_operator_oprname_l_r_n_index | 4 ... (others are all pg_something, which are not interesting now) -- this shows that the whole table is cached and our index is not in use yet -- now we can check which row is where in our index -- in the ctid column, the first number shows the page, so -- all rows starting with the same number are stored in the same page SELECT * FROM bt_page_items('idx_cache_test', 1); itemoffset | ctid | itemlen | nulls | vars | data ------------+---------+---------+-------+------+------------------------- 1 | (1,164) | 16 | f | f | 6f 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 2 | (0,1) | 16 | f | f | 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3 | (0,2) | 16 | f | f | 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 | (0,3) | 16 | f | f | 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5 | (0,4) | 16 | f | f | 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6 | (0,5) | 16 | f | f | 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... 64 | (0,63) | 16 | f | f | 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 | (0,64) | 16 | f | f | 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -- with the information obtained, we can write a query which is supposed to -- touch only a single page of the index EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) SELECT id FROM index_cache_test WHERE id BETWEEN 10 AND 20 ORDER BY id ; Index Scan using idx_test_cache on index_cache_test (cost=0.00..8.54 rows=9 width=4) (actual time=0.031..0.042 rows=11 loops=1) Index Cond: ((id >= 10) AND (id <= 20)) Buffers: shared hit=4 Total runtime: 0.094 ms (4 rows) -- let's have a look at the cache again (the query remains the same as above) relname | buffers ----------------------------------+--------- index_cache_test | 2747 idx_test_cache | 4 ... -- and compare it to a bigger index scan: EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) SELECT id FROM index_cache_test WHERE id <= 20000 ORDER BY id ; Index Scan using idx_test_cache on index_cache_test (cost=0.00..666.43 rows=19490 width=4) (actual time=0.072..19.921 rows=20000 loops=1) Index Cond: (id <= 20000) Buffers: shared hit=4 read=162 Total runtime: 24.967 ms (4 rows) -- this already shows that something was in the cache and further pages were read from disk -- but to be sure, a final glance at cache contents: relname | buffers ----------------------------------+--------- index_cache_test | 2691 idx_test_cache | 58 -- note that some of the table pages are disappeared -- but, more importantly, a bigger part of our index is now cached
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_cache_test AS SELECT * FROM index_cache_test ORDER BY id FETCH FIRST 20000 ROWS ONLY; EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) SELECT id FROM tmp_cache_test ORDER BY id; -- checking the buffer cache now shows no sign of the temp table