CREATE TABLE dpg2 ( account_id integer NOT NULL, tank_id integer NOT NULL, battles integer, dmg integer, frags integer, wins integer, recent_battles integer[], recent_dmg integer[], recent_frags integer[], recent_wins integer[], dpg real, recent_ts timestamp with time zone[], recent_dpg real, CONSTRAINT dpg2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (account_id, tank_id) )
CREATE INDEX dpg_tank_id_idx ON dpg2 USING btree (tank_id, dpg DESC NULLS LAST);
explain analyze select dpg2.account_id, tank_id, (select nickname from players2 where players2.account_id = dpg2.account_id), dpg2.battles, dpg, frags*1.0/dpg2.battles, wins*100.0/dpg2.battles, dpg2.recent_dpg from dpg2 where tank_id=545 and battles >= 150 order by dpg desc limit 50;
"Limit (cost=1523898.99..1523899.12 rows=50 width=28) (actual time=23950.831..23950.838 rows=50 loops=1)" " -> Sort (cost=1523898.99..1524200.69 rows=120678 width=28) (actual time=23950.831..23950.833 rows=50 loops=1)" " Sort Key: dpg2.dpg" " Sort Method: top-N heapsort Memory: 32kB" " -> Bitmap Heap Scan on dpg2 (cost=13918.06..1519890.16 rows=120678 width=28) (actual time=434.791..23922.872 rows=21963 loops=1)" " Recheck Cond: (tank_id = 545)" " Filter: (battles >= 150)" " Rows Removed by Filter: 1060576" " Heap Blocks: exact=458918" " -> Bitmap Index Scan on dpg_tank_id_idx (cost=0.00..13887.89 rows=967310 width=0) (actual time=299.796..299.796 rows=1082539 loops=1)" " Index Cond: (tank_id = 545)" " SubPlan 1" " -> Index Scan using players2_pkey on players2 (cost=0.43..5.45 rows=1 width=10) (actual time=0.105..0.105 rows=1 loops=21963)" " Index Cond: (account_id = dpg2.account_id)" "Planning time: 0.212 ms" "Execution time: 23953.952 ms"
真正讓我感到困惑的是,查詢規劃器正試圖沿著 dpg 列使用,而它所要做的就是遍歷與給定 tank_id 對應的索引並選擇滿足“battles >= 150”條件的前 50 個條目.
事實上,簡單地刪除“order by”子句,我在 2 秒內得到相同的結果,因為它最終使用了索引,該索引按我想要的順序排序。
我知道我已經解決了我的問題,但Postgres 為什麼要這樣做,可能的解決方案是什麼?
編輯:我已經在桌子上執行了分析並且 autovacuum 已打開。
PostgreSQL 認為它不能使用定義的索引
(tank_id, dpg DESC NULLS LAST)
,那很好。或者如果它只是 on(tank_id, dpg)
where tank_id=545 and battles >= 150 order by dpg desc nulls last limit 50
要按照最初使用您最初擁有的索引編寫的查詢來執行查詢,它必須分兩部分執行查詢。首先它必須訪問 tank_id=545 區域末尾的 NULL(因為沒有進一步限定的 ORDER BY…DESC 隱含意味著 NULLS FIRST),然後如果它還沒有達到 LIMIT 將跳轉到tank_id=545 區域的開頭以完成 ORDER BY DESC 部分。