
使用 now() 過濾時,分區 PostgreSQL 表的性能下降

  • June 11, 2019

我有一個在時間戳欄位上分區的 PostgreSQL v10 表:

CREATE TABLE front.probes (
   bucket_start timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
   -- Extra fields here ...
) PARTITION BY RANGE (bucket_start);


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS front.probes_20190611
PARTITION OF front.probes
FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-06-11 00:00:00') TO ('2019-06-12 00:00:00');

如果通過硬編碼我的時間戳來查詢此表,它會按預期執行(171 毫秒)。

注意:為了保持一致性,下面顯示的時間戳是通過執行預先查詢的select now() at time zone 'utc'

select min(bucket_start), max(bucket_start) 
from front.probes
where bucket_start < '2019-06-11 09:06:47'::timestamp - interval '30 minutes'
and bucket_start >= '2019-06-11 09:06:47'::timestamp - interval '70 minutes';

min                |max                |
2019-06-11 08:00:00|2019-06-11 08:35:00|


相反,如果我now() at time zone 'utc'直接在查詢中使用,它會產生相同的結果,但性能會大幅下降(11.14 秒):

select min(bucket_start), max(bucket_start)
from front.probes
where bucket_start < now() at time zone 'utc' - interval '30 minutes'
and bucket_start >= now() at time zone 'utc' - interval '70 minutes';

min                |max                |
2019-06-11 08:00:00|2019-06-11 08:35:00|



QUERY PLAN                                                                                                                                                                      |
Finalize Aggregate  (cost=27177.24..27177.25 rows=1 width=16)                                                                                                                   |
 ->  Gather  (cost=27177.02..27177.23 rows=2 width=16)                                                                                                                         |
       Workers Planned: 2                                                                                                                                                      |
       ->  Partial Aggregate  (cost=26177.02..26177.03 rows=1 width=16)                                                                                                        |
             ->  Append  (cost=0.00..24873.83 rows=260639 width=8)                                                                                                             |
                   ->  Parallel Seq Scan on probes_20190611  (cost=0.00..24873.83 rows=260639 width=8)                                                                         |
                         Filter: ((bucket_start < '2019-06-11 08:36:47'::timestamp without time zone) AND (bucket_start >= '2019-06-11 07:56:47'::timestamp without time zone))|


QUERY PLAN                                                                                                                                                                |
Aggregate  (cost=2119587.51..2119587.52 rows=1 width=16)                                                                                                                  |
 ->  Append  (cost=0.00..2116094.94 rows=698514 width=8)                                                                                                                 |
       ->  Seq Scan on probes_20190605  (cost=0.00..713298.11 rows=1 width=8)                                                                                            |
             Filter: ((bucket_start < (timezone('utc'::text, now()) - '00:30:00'::interval)) AND (bucket_start >= (timezone('utc'::text, now()) - '01:10:00'::interval)))|
       (... full partition list, omitted for clarity ...)
       ->  Seq Scan on probes_20190617  (cost=0.00..21.40 rows=2 width=8)                                                                                                |
             Filter: ((bucket_start < (timezone('utc'::text, now()) - '00:30:00'::interval)) AND (bucket_start >= (timezone('utc'::text, now()) - '01:10:00'::interval)))|



PostgreSQL 查詢不一定在執行時在同一個事務中執行,例如準備好的語句。


PostgreSQL v11 可以在執行時修剪分區,因此您的查詢應該與 PostgreSQL v11 一起按預期工作。不過,您對 v10 不走運。
