在 Postgres 11.5 上的分區表上觸發
我問了一個關於PG 11.5 中刪除的歷史表設計的問題,並收到了對錶進行分區的建議。這是一個絕妙的主意,因為表格可能會變得很大,而且資訊量很低。意思是,我最終會想要清除數據。
當我用分區重新實現表時,我發現 PG(11 和 12)不支持
Column order tweaked a bit with Column Tetris search from Totally geeky, but this table could get big, so its worth saving some room. Note that we can also roll up data and discard a lot of the details in this table, if we want to save room. */ BEGIN; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data.need_history CASCADE; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data.need_history ( id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL, item_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL, facility_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL, hsys_id uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL, perc_down double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, created_dts timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL, deleted_dts timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), total_qty integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, sterile_qty integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, available_qty integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, still_need_qty integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, usage_ integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, duration_seconds int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, need_for_case citext NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL, status citext NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT need_history_id_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id,deleted_dts) ) PARTITION BY RANGE (deleted_dts); ALTER TABLE data.need_history OWNER TO user_change_structure; /* It's a big confusingly documented, but ranges are *inclusive* FROM and *exclusive* TO. So, to get January, you want 01-01 to 02-01, not 01-01 to 01-31. In practice, this makes the range descriptions a bit nicer, I'd say. */ CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2019_11 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-11-01') TO ('2019-12-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2019_12 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-12-01') TO ('2020-01-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_01 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-01') TO ('2020-02-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_02 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-02-01') TO ('2020-03-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_03 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-03-01') TO ('2020-04-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_04 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-04-01') TO ('2020-05-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_05 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-05-01') TO ('2020-06-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_06 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-06-01') TO ('2020-07-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_07 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-07-01') TO ('2020-08-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_08 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-08-01') TO ('2020-09-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_09 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-09-01') TO ('2020-10-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_10 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-10-01') TO ('2020-11-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_11 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-11-01') TO ('2020-12-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_2020_12 PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-12-01') TO ('2021-01-01'); CREATE TABLE ascendco.need_history_default PARTITION OF need_history DEFAULT; COMMIT; /* Define the trigger function to update the duration count. In PG 12 well be able to do this with a generated column...easier. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ BEGIN /* Use DATE_TRUNC seconds to get just the whole seconds part of the timestamps. */ NEW.duration_seconds = EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ( DATE_TRUNC('second', NEW.deleted_dts) - DATE_TRUNC('second', NEW.created_dts) )); RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /* Bind a trigger event to the function. Note: In PG 11 & 12, BEFORE ROW triggers must be applied to the individual partitions, not the partition table. */ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2019_11 ON data.need_history_2019_11; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2019_11 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2019_11 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2019_12 ON data.need_history_2019_12; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2019_12 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2019_12 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_01 ON data.need_history_2020_01; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_01 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_01 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_02 ON data.need_history_2020_02; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_02 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_02 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_03 ON data.need_history_2020_03; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_03 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_03 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_04 ON data.need_history_2020_04; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_04 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_04 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_05 ON data.need_history_2020_05; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_05 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_05 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_06 ON data.need_history_2020_06; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_06 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_06 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_07 ON data.need_history_2020_07; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_07 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_07 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_08 ON data.need_history_2020_08; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_08 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_08 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_09 ON data.need_history_2020_09; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_09 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_09 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_10 ON data.need_history_2020_10; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_10 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_10 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_11 ON data.need_history_2020_11; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_11 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_11 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_12 ON data.need_history_2020_12; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_2020_12 BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_2020_12 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger(); DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_need_history_before_insert_default ON data.need_history_default; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_need_history_before_insert_default BEFORE INSERT ON data.need_history_default FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger();``` [1]:
CREATE FUNCTION add_trigger(partition_id regclass) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE partition_name TEXT; BEGIN partition_name = (SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE oid = partition_id); EXECUTE format( $SQL$ CREATE TRIGGER %I BEFORE INSERT ON %s FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION data.need_history_insert_trigger() $SQL$, partition_name || '_before_insert', partition_id::text ); END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
- 確實需要
語句自動添加觸發器,並且- 有權訪問超級使用者角色
CREATE FUNCTION add_trigger_to_new_partition() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM add_trigger(command.objid::regclass) FROM pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() command JOIN pg_inherits ON inhrelid = command.objid AND inhparent = 'data.need_history'::regclass; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE EVENT TRIGGER add_trigger_to_new_partition ON ddl_command_end WHEN TAG IN ('CREATE TABLE') EXECUTE FUNCTION add_trigger_to_new_partition();
CREATE FUNCTION create_new_partition(start_of_month DATE) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE partition_name TEXT; BEGIN ASSERT extract(day from start_of_month) = 1; partition_name = 'data.need_history_' || to_char(start_of_month, 'YYYY_MM'); EXECUTE format( $SQL$ CREATE TABLE %s PARTITION OF need_history FOR VALUES FROM (%L) TO (%L); $SQL$, partition_name, start_of_month, start_of_month + interval '1 month' ); PERFORM add_trigger(partition_name::regclass); END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT create_new_partition(start_of_month::date) FROM generate_series('2019-11-01'::date, '2020-12-01'::date, '1 month') start_of_month
-only,並且新記錄的唯一來源是語句 trigger ondata.need
(將由所有分區繼承)以驗證該欄位是否設置正確:CHECK( duration_seconds * interval '1 second' = DATE_TRUNC('second', deleted_dts) - DATE_TRUNC('second', created_dts) )