UNION ALL 日期在同一行
我在 Postgres 中將多個表聯合在一起,其中時間戳略有不同,但如果我四捨五入到小時,則相同。如果日期相同,是否可以讓每個工會顯示在同一行?目前我得到每個日期的重複行。
select date_trunc('hour', TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp), COALESCE(count(*), 0) as "1489", null as "1616" from actions where group_id = 1489 and TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp >= current_date-7 group by 1 union all select date_trunc('hour', TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp), null as "1489", COALESCE(count(*), 0) as "1616" from actions where group_id = 1616 and TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp >= current_date-7 group by 1 order by 1
您可以像這樣使用FULL JOIN:
SELECT COALESCE(a1.t, a2.t) as t, a1."1489", a2."1616" FROM ( select date_trunc('hour', TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp) as t, COALESCE(count(*), 0) as "1489" from actions where group_id = 1489 and TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp >= current_date-7 group by 1 ) as a1 FULL JOIN ( select date_trunc('hour', TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp) as t, COALESCE(count(*), 0) as "1616" from actions where group_id = 1616 and TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp >= current_date-7 group by 1 ) as a2 ON (a1.t=a2.t) ORDER BY 1;
SELECT date_trunc('hour', TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp), SUM(CASE WHEN group_id=1489 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as "1489", SUM(CASE WHEN group_id=1616 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as "1616" FROM actions WHERE group_id in (1489, 1616) AND TO_TIMESTAMP(created / 1000)::timestamp >= current_date-7 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1;