PowerShell 腳本將數據從 FTP 伺服器載入到 SQL
我有一個 power shell 腳本,可以將數據從 ftp 位置載入到 sql Server 中。該腳本目前僅載入昨天的文件。如何讓它查找最近 7 天的文件?
. "$PSScriptRoot\Send-MailMessage.ps1" . "$PSScriptRoot\DB.ps1" if ($sqlserver -eq $null) { throw 'Missing database configuration!' } $database = 'XXXX' $table = 'dbo.Stage_Data' $csvDir = "$PSScriptRoot\ResRefNums" $csvdelimiter = ',' $firstRowCsv = 'Column_1,Column_2,Column_3,Column_4,Column_5,Column_6,Column_7' $firstRowPipe = 'Column_1|Column_2|Column_3|Column_4|Column_5|Column_6|Column_7' $databaseCols = 'Column_1,Column_2,Column_3,Column_4,Column_5,Column_6,Column_7' try { Set-Location $PSScriptRoot $date = $((Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString('dd.MM.yyyy')); $FileToProcess = "DataFeed_" + $date + ".csv" if (!(Test-Path "abcd")) { write-output "Remote Dir not found" } Copy-Item -Path "abcd" -Destination $csvDir $totalRows = 0 if (!(Test-Path $csvDir)){ write-output "Creating $csvDir" mkdir $csvDir } # $files = Get-ChildItem -file "$csvDir\\*.csv" $files = Get-ChildItem -file "$csvDir\\$FileToProcess" for ($i=0; $i -lt $files.Count; $i++) { # CSV variables; $csvfile = $files[$i].FullName if (Test-Path "$csvfile.txt") { write-output "Already imported, skipping: $csvfile." continue } if (Test-Path "$csvfile.err") { write-output "Previous error, skipping: $csvfile." continue } $rows = 0 #get list of csv files to process If (!(Test-Path $csvfile)){ write-output "Cannot find $csvfile" continue } $batchsize = 50000 # Build the sqlbulkcopy connection, and set the timeout to infinite $connectionstring = "Data Source=$sqlserver;Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=$database;" $bulkcopy = new-object ("Data.SqlClient.Sqlbulkcopy") $connectionstring $bulkcopy.DestinationTableName = $table $bulkcopy.bulkcopyTimeout = 60 $bulkcopy.batchsize = $batchsize $bulkcopy.EnableStreaming = 1 # Create the datatable, and autogenerate the columns. $datatable = New-Object "System.Data.DataTable" # Open the text file from disk $reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($csvfile) $line = $reader.ReadLine() $reader.Close() #csv headers $header = @() if ($line -eq $firstRowCsv) { $date = get-date $outmsg = $date.ToString() + ":" + "Detected commas in first row of $csvfile" Write-Output $outmsg $header = $firstRowCsv.Split($csvdelimiter) } elseif ($line -eq $firstRowPipe) { $date = get-date $outmsg = $date.ToString() + ":" + "Detected pipes in first row of $csvfile" Write-Output $outmsg $csvdelimiter = "|" $header = $firstRowPipe.Split($csvdelimiter) } else { # $date = get-date $outmsg = $date.ToString() + ":" + "First row does not match expected columns, skipping $csvfile" Write-Output $outmsg $outmsg | Out-File "$csvfile.err" $params = @{ Body = $outmsg Attachments = @($csvfile) Priority = 'High' } # send email fail, do not fail job Send-MailMessage @params Write-Output "Sent failure email." } $dbCols = $databaseCols.Split(',') $null = $datatable.Columns.AddRange($dbCols) $rownum = 1; #add 1 for column headers # Match database column order!!! Import-CSV -Delimiter $csvdelimiter $csvfile | Foreach-Object{ $row = $datatable.NewRow() $rownum++; for ($c=0; $c -lt $header.Count; $c++) { $row.$($dbCols[$c]) = $_.$($header[$c]) } $datatable.Rows.Add($row) } $bulkcopy.WriteToServer($datatable) # $date = get-date $outmsg = $date.ToString() + ":" + $datatable.Rows.Count.ToString() + " rows have been inserted into the database from " + $csvfile $datatable.Clear() $updateQuery = "UPDATE " + $table + " SET Source = 'B' WHERE DNIS IS NULL AND LEN(Source) <> 1" if ($updateQuery.Length -gt 0) { Write-Output "Updating SentToVIQFlag in databasename.dbo.tabelname..." # $connectionTemplate = "Data Source={0};Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog={1};" # $connectionString = [string]::Format($connectionTemplate, $server, $database) $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString $connection.Open() $command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $command.connection = $connection $command.CommandTimeout = 600000 $command.CommandText = $updateQuery $rowsAffected = $command.ExecuteNonQuery() $connection.Close() Write-Output "Database updated ($rowsAffected rows)." } $outmsg | Out-File "$csvfile.txt" Write-Output $outmsg } Write-Output "Script Complete" exit 0; } catch [Exception] { Write-Output $_.Exception.Message exit 1; }
您的腳本只嘗試處理單個日期,您不會生成要處理的日期列表。您只需將 FTP 呼叫包裝在 for 循環中即可解決此問題:
# always cache the root date as multiple calls to Get-Date could cross day boundaries... $startdate = Get-Date for($offset = -7; $offset -lt 0; $offset++) { $date = $($startDate.AddDays($offset).ToString('dd.MM.yyyy')); $FileToProcess = "DataFeed_" + $date + ".csv" # the rest of your script... }