
使用 EXISTS 子查詢的查詢在 80% 的情況下大約需要 280 毫秒,在 20% 的情況下少於 1 毫秒

  • May 9, 2022

我注意到一個查詢在大多數情況下似乎花費了太長時間,所以我使用 Laravel 查詢記錄器(從查詢建構器獲取時間和實際 SQL)對其進行了調查。


>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::findAllByNameOrAlias('Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences'); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where (`name` = ? or exists (select * from `company_aliases` where `companies`.`id` = `company_aliases`.`company_id` and `name` = ?)) and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 278.46,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::findAllByNameOrAlias('Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences'); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where (`name` = ? or exists (select * from `company_aliases` where `companies`.`id` = `company_aliases`.`company_id` and `name` = ?)) and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.72,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::findAllByNameOrAlias('Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences'); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where (`name` = ? or exists (select * from `company_aliases` where `companies`.`id` = `company_aliases`.`company_id` and `name` = ?)) and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.67,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::findAllByNameOrAlias('Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences'); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where (`name` = ? or exists (select * from `company_aliases` where `companies`.`id` = `company_aliases`.`company_id` and `name` = ?)) and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 298.88,




省略company_aliases表格並companies僅搜尋,始終提供低於 1 毫秒的執行時間。

>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.84,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.95,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.83,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.73,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.6,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.9,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.86,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.64,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.53,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.47,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.55,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.53,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.66,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.79,
>>> DB::flushQueryLog(); DB::enableQueryLog(); Company::where('name', 'Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences')->first(); DB::getQueryLog()
=> [
      "query" => "select * from `companies` where `name` = ? and `companies`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1",
      "bindings" => [
        "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences",
      "time" => 0.84,

搜尋 in與搜尋 incompany_aliases一樣快companies,因此它是一種可行的解決方法來查詢companies,如果未找到結果,請查詢company_aliases。總查詢時間仍低於 2 毫秒。本質上,我只是將惰性求值OR轉移到我的 PHP 程式碼中。但這不應該比完全在數據庫中執行相同的邏輯更快。


“在 company_aliases 中的搜尋與在公司中的搜尋一樣快,因此查詢公司是一種可行的解決方法,如果未找到結果,則查詢 company_aliases。總查詢時間仍低於 2 毫秒。本質上,我只是在移動對我的 PHP 程式碼中的 OR 進行延遲評估。但這不應該比完全在數據庫中執行相同的邏輯更快。這不是同一個邏輯。查詢是說給我那些companies與這個值同名的行或者可以在company_aliases這個值中找到的行。沒有什麼可以告訴它在找到匹配項時停止。


select * 
from  `companies` 
where  `name` = ? 
and    `companies`.`deleted_at` is null
union all
select * 
from  `companies` 
where  exists (select null 
              from   `company_aliases` 
              where  `companies`.`id` = `company_aliases`.`company_id` 
              and    `name` = ?
and    `companies`.`deleted_at` is null
and   ( `name` <> ? or `name` is null)

