如何在 WHERE 子句中使用 IF…ELSE 條件?
我試圖在我的 WHERE 子句中使用 IF…ELSE 構造來選擇性地將條件應用於我的
CREATE OR REPLACE package body If_Else_Pack IS PROCEDURE Moving ( obj_A IN varchar2, obj_B IN varchar2, obj_C IN varchar2, obj_D IN varchar2, cur_Result OUT T_CURSOR ) IS BEGIN OPEN cur_Result FOR SELECT w.assetid, w.vehiclenumber, w.LatLong, w.CurrentSpeed, w.timeOfMovement, w.CurrentPlace, w.curTime, w.motion, w.fuelR, w.VehicleStart FROM waypoints1 w WHERE IF ((obj_D= '0' OR obj_D IS NULL) AND (obj_C= '0' OR obj_C IS NULL)) THEN WHERE w.customer_id =obj_A AND w.delegate_user_id = obj_B; ELSE IF ((obj_D= '0 'OR obj_D IS NULL) AND (obj_C<> '0' OR obj_C IS NOT NULL)) THEN WHERE w.customer_id = obj_A AND w.category_id = obj_C AND w.delegate_user_id = obj_B; ELSE IF ((obj_D<> '0' OR obj_Dis NOT NULL) AND(obj_C= '0' OR obj_C IS NULL)) THEN WHERE w.customer_id = obj_A AND w.fleet_id = obj_D AND w.delegate_user_id = obj_B; END MOVING; END IF_ELSE_PACK;
我認為這個問題有點誤導並導致人們思考不正確。看起來這 3 個條件不會重疊,所以您需要做的就是
將 3 個語句放在一起:create or replace package body If_Else_Pack is Procedure Moving(obj_A IN varchar2, obj_B IN varchar2, obj_C IN varchar2, obj_D IN varchar2, cur_Result OUT T_CURSOR) is begin open cur_Result for select w.assetid, w.vehiclenumber, w.LatLong, w.CurrentSpeed, w.timeOfMovement, w.CurrentPlace, w.curTime, w.motion, w.fuelR, w.VehicleStart from waypoints1 w where (((obj_D= '0' or obj_D is null) and (obj_C= '0' oR obj_C is null)) and w.customer_id =obj_A and w.delegate_user_id = obj_B) or (((obj_D= '0 'or obj_D is null) and (obj_C<> '0' or obj_C is not null)) and w.customer_id = obj_A and w.category_id = obj_C and w.delegate_user_id = obj_B) or (((obj_D<> '0' or obj_D is not null) and (obj_C= '0' or obj_C is null)) and w.customer_id = obj_A and w.fleet_id = obj_D and w.delegate_user_id = obj_B); END MOVING; END IF_ELSE_PACK;
條件可以進一步簡化為:WHERE w.customer_id = obj_A AND w.delegate_user_id = obj_B AND ( (obj_D = '0' or obj_D IS NULL) AND (obj_C= '0' OR obj_C IS NULL) OR (obj_D = '0' or obj_D IS NULL) AND (w.category_id = obj_C) OR (w.fleet_id = obj_D) AND (obj_C= '0' OR obj_C IS NULL) ) ;
您應該查找CASE 構造。Adrian 的文章很有幫助。Oracle 文件在這裡。
對於你想要做的那種查詢,我不禁認為數據庫模式中有一些遺漏。當然你可以在 obj_C 和 obj_D 上添加一些約束,這樣就不允許 null 了?這將簡化事情。