'Selects biggest purchase from OrderDetails' SELECT MAX(Quantity) FROM [OrderDetails]; 'Selects the OrderID of orders' SELECT OrderID FROM [OrderDetails]; SELECT EmployeeID FROM [Orders] SELECT OrderID FROM [Orders]
SELECT e.LastName, tmp.MaxQuantity, tmp.SumQuantity FROM Employees e INNER JOIN (SELECT o.EmployeeID, MAX(od.Quantity) as MaxQuantity, SUM(od.Quantity) as SumQuantity FROM Orders o INNER JOIN OrderDetails od ON o.OrderID = od.OrderID GROUP BY o.EmployeeID) tmp ON e.EmployeeID = tmp.EmployeeID ORDER BY tmp.MaxQuantity DESC;
如果您想知道誰在單個 OrderDetail 行上銷售了最多的產品,請使用
ORDER BY tmp.MaxQuantity DESC
. 如果您想知道誰售出了最多的產品,請使用ORDER BY tmp.
SumQuantity DESC`。請務必將此查詢編輯為:
- 將行數限制在合理的範圍內
- 將日期範圍限制在合理的範圍內(除非您確實需要 25 年的數據)
- 考慮到那些
表添加到子查詢中,如下所示:SELECT e.LastName, tmp.MaxQuantity, tmp.SumQuantity FROM Employees e INNER JOIN (SELECT o.EmployeeID, MAX(od.Quantity) as MaxQuantity, SUM(od.Quantity) as SumQuantity FROM Customers cu INNER JOIN Orders o ON cu.CustomerID = o.CustomerID INNER JOIN OrderDetails od ON o.OrderID = od.OrderID WHERE cu.CountryCode = 'DE' GROUP BY o.EmployeeID) tmp ON e.EmployeeID = tmp.EmployeeID ORDER BY tmp.MaxQuantity DESC;
SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName, p.CategoryID, c.CategoryName, p.Unit, COUNT(od.Quantity) as TotalOrdered FROM Categories c INNER JOIN Products p ON c.CategoryID = p.CategoryID INNER JOIN OrderDetails od ON p.ProductID = od.ProductID INNER JOIN Order o ON od.OrderID = o.OrderID INNER JOIN Customers cu ON o.CustomerID = cu.CustomerID WHERE cu.Country = 'Germany' and o.OrderDate BETWEEN '1990-01-01' AND '2021-12-31' GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.ProductName, p.CategoryID, c.CategoryName, p.Unit ORDER BY TotalOrdered DESC LIMIT 25;
**注意:**此查詢適用於 MySQL、MariaDB 和 PostgreSQL。如果您使用 SQL Server、SQL Express、SQLite、Oracle 或其他一些數據庫引擎,則需要調整語法以匹配該系統。
:SELECT LastName FROM Employees -- Gets the LastName of every employee
運算符。在這種情況下,anINNER JOIN
我們想要的,因為您正在尋找最大的訂單數量。)SELECT Employees.LastName -- Specifying the Table name or using an Alias is good practice to avoid errors when the same column exists in two tables that are part of the same query (not the case here but it's best practice to do for readability too). FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders -- Returns a row for every Order for each Employee ON Employees.EmployeeId = Orders.EmployeeId
在這裡應該是合適的,如下所示:SELECT Employees.LastName FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders -- Returns a row for every Order for each Employee ON Employees.EmployeeId = Orders.EmployeeId INNER JOIN OrderDetails -- Returns a row for every OrderDetail of every Order. ON Orders.OrderID = OrderDetails.OrderID
請注意我在查詢中的評論。由於查詢的第一個 INNER JOIN 為每個 Employee 的每個 Order 返回一行,第二個 INNER JOIN 為每個 Order 的每個 OrderDetail 返回一行,因此整個查詢現在為每個 Employee 的每個 Order 的每個 OrderDetail 返回一行,所以您的行數本質上將是Employees x Orders x OrderDetails。
現在我們已經有了上面查詢的Employee Order Quantities的所有行,我們希望按最大
降序對數據進行排序,然後過濾掉除第一條記錄之外的所有內容。我們可以通過一個ORDER BY
如果您使用的是 Microsoft SQL Server)來實現這一點,如下所示:SELECT Employees.LastName FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders -- Returns a row for every Order for each Employee ON Employees.EmployeeId = Orders.EmployeeId INNER JOIN OrderDetails -- Returns a row for every OrderDetail of every Order. ON Orders.OrderID = OrderDetails.OrderID ORDER BY OrderDetails.Quantity DESC LIMIT 1;
表格代表什麼的問題(正如其他一些使用者所暗示的那樣)?就像您的範例數據顯示的那樣, per中是否總是只有一行,或者可以與表中的多行相關?OrderDetails``Order``Order``OrderDetails
如果 an
那麼您需要再執行一個稱為 a 的操作GROUP BY
通過對它們求和來聚合它們,如下所示:SELECT Employees.LastName FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders -- Returns a row for every Order for each Employee ON Employees.EmployeeId = Orders.EmployeeId INNER JOIN OrderDetails -- Returns a row for every OrderDetail of every Order. ON Orders.OrderID = OrderDetails.OrderID GROUP BY Employees.LastName, Orders.OrderID -- This condense the rows back down to just one row per Order per Employee. ORDER BY SUM(OrderDetails.Quantity) DESC LIMIT 1;
的人。例如,如果 EmployeeA 有一個 Quantity = 10 的 Order,而 EmployeeB 有兩個不同的 Order,一個 Quantity = 7,另一個 Quantity = 5,上面的查詢將得到 EmployeeA 的。但是,如果您想將所有不同的相同內容壓縮為一行進行比較,例如在我之前的範例中,您需要 EmployeeB(因為他的兩個訂單數量之和 = 12,這在 EmployeeA 的唯一訂單中大於 10 ) 然後您可以放鬆該子句以僅對欄位進行分組,如下所示:Employee``Order
LastName``Quantities``Orders``Employee``GROUP BY``Employee.LastName
SELECT Employees.LastName FROM Employees INNER JOIN Orders -- Returns a row for every Order for each Employee ON Employees.EmployeeId = Orders.EmployeeId INNER JOIN OrderDetails -- Returns a row for every OrderDetail of every Order. ON Orders.OrderID = OrderDetails.OrderID GROUP BY Employees.LastName -- This condense the rows down to just one row per Employee's LastName. ORDER BY SUM(OrderDetails.Quantity) DESC LIMIT 1;
現在讓我們用上面學到的知識來回答您在“德國客戶訂購的產品最多? ”的評論中的第二個問題:
-- Gets the Product with the highest Quantity on a single OrderDetail SELECT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName -- The ID and Name of the Product FROM Products -- Starting with what we want INNER JOIN OrderDetails -- Getting the OrderDetails for each Product that was ordered ON Products.ProductID = OrderDetails.OrderID INNER JOIN Orders -- Get the Order information for each OrderDetails so we can get the CustomerID ON OrderDetails.OrderID = Orders.OrderID INNER JOIN Customers -- Get the Customers so we can filter on only Customers from Germany ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID WHERE Customers.Country = 'Germany' -- Filter out all records that don't have a Country = Germany ORDER BY OrderDetails.Quantity DESC -- Order the rows by largest quantity first LIMIT 1; -- Only return the top record by highest Quantity
-- Gets the Product with the highest Quantity on a single Order SELECT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName -- The ID and Name of the Product FROM Products -- Starting with what we want INNER JOIN OrderDetails -- Getting the OrderDetails for each Product that was ordered ON Products.ProductID = OrderDetails.OrderID INNER JOIN Orders -- Get the Order information for each OrderDetails so we can get the CustomerID ON OrderDetails.OrderID = Orders.OrderID INNER JOIN Customers -- Get the Customers so we can filter on only Customers from Germany ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID WHERE Customers.Country = 'Germany' -- Filter out all records that don't have a Country = Germany GROUP BY Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName, Orders.OrderID -- Condenses all the OrderDetails rows to a single Order per Product and sums the Quantities for a total per Product per Order ORDER BY SUM(OrderDetails.Quantity) DESC -- Order the rows by largest quantity first LIMIT 1; -- Only return the top record by highest Quantity
-- Gets the Product with the highest Quantity across all Orders SELECT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName -- The ID and Name of the Product FROM Products -- Starting with what we want INNER JOIN OrderDetails -- Getting the OrderDetails for each Product that was ordered ON Products.ProductID = OrderDetails.OrderID INNER JOIN Orders -- Get the Order information for each OrderDetails so we can get the CustomerID ON OrderDetails.OrderID = Orders.OrderID INNER JOIN Customers -- Get the Customers so we can filter on only Customers from Germany ON Orders.CustomerID = Customers.CustomerID WHERE Customers.Country = 'Germany' -- Filter out all records that don't have a Country = Germany GROUP BY Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName -- Condenses all the OrderDetails and Orders rows to a single row per Product and sums the Quantities for a total per Product ORDER BY SUM(OrderDetails.Quantity) DESC -- Order the rows by largest quantity first LIMIT 1; -- Only return the top record by highest Quantity