在同一個 id 下同時顯示 null 和 not null 但不像 XOR 邏輯那樣同時顯示 null 或 not null
表:在此表中,我只需要選擇同時具有 null 和 not null 標記的 id,並且它不應該是 not null 或兩者都是 null in
如果 NULL 存在,則會有所不同:SELECT ID, Col1 FROM #TestData WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM #TestData GROUP BY id HAVING COUNT(*) > COUNT(Col1) -- at least one NULL AND COUNT(Col1) > 0 -- at least one NOT NULL )
大多數 DBMS 支持分析函式,如果數據是更複雜查詢的結果,這可能會更有效,因為它避免了兩次訪問同一個表:
SELECT ID, Col1 FROM ( SELECT ID, Col1, COUNT(Col1) OVER (PARTITION BY ID) AS cntNotNull, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY ID) AS cntNull FROM #TestData AS t ) AS dt WHERE cntNull > cntNotNull AND cntNotNull > 0
select * from table where id in ( select id from table where col1 is null intersect select id from table where col1 is not null ) select t1.* from table t1 where exists ( select 1 from table where id = and col1 is null ) and exists ( select 1 from table where id = and col1 is not null )