我有一個複雜的查詢,它在查詢視窗中執行 2 秒,但作為儲存過程大約需要 5 分鐘。為什麼作為儲存過程執行需要這麼長時間?
)和特定的時間範圍(從 開始的 1 年@startDate
),並返回已發送信件的匯總列表和因這些信件而收到的估計付款。CREATE PROCEDURE MyStoredProcedure @id int, @createdDate varchar(20), @startDate varchar(20) AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- Get the number of records * .7 -- Only want to return records containing letters that were sent on 70% or more of the records DECLARE @limit int SET @limit = IsNull((SELECT Count(*) FROM RecordsTable WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ForeignKeyId = @id AND Created = @createdDate), 0) * .07 SELECT DateSent as [Date] , LetterCode as [Letter Code] , Count(*) as [Letters Sent] , SUM(CASE WHEN IsNull(P.DatePaid, '1/1/1753') BETWEEN DateSent AND DateAdd(day, 30, DateSent) THEN IsNull(P.TotalPaid, 0) ELSE 0 END) as [Amount Paid] INTO #tmpTable FROM ( -- Letters Table. Filter for specific letters SELECT DateAdd(day, datediff(day, 0, LR.DateProcessed), 0) as [DateSent] -- Drop time from datetime , LR.LetterCode -- Letter Id , M.RecordId -- Record Id FROM LetterRequest as LR WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN RecordsTable as M WITH (NOLOCK) ON LR.RecordId = M.RecordId WHERE ForeignKeyId = @id AND Received = @createdDate AND LR.Deleted = 0 AND IsNull(LR.ErrorDescription, '') = '' AND LR.DateProcessed BETWEEN @startDate AND DateAdd(year, 1, @startDate) AND LR.LetterCode IN ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o') ) as T LEFT OUTER JOIN ( -- Payment Table. Payments that bounce are entered as a negative payment and are accounted for SELECT PH.RecordId, PH.DatePaid, PH.TotalPaid FROM PaymentHistory as PH WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN RecordsTable as M WITH (NOLOCK) ON PH.RecordId = M.RecordId LEFT OUTER JOIN PaymentHistory as PR WITH (NOLOCK) ON PR.ReverseOfUId = PH.UID WHERE PH.SomeString LIKE 'P_' AND PR.UID is NULL AND PH.DatePaid BETWEEN @startDate AND DateAdd(day, 30, DateAdd(year, 1, @startDate)) AND M.ForeignKeyId = @id AND M.Created = @createdDate ) as P ON T.RecordId = P.RecordId GROUP BY DateSent, LetterCode --HAVING Count(*) > @limit ORDER BY DateSent, LetterCode SELECT * FROM #tmpTable WHERE [Letters Sent] > @limit DROP TABLE #tmpTable
日期 字母 程式碼 字母 發送 支付金額 2012 年 1 月 1 日一個 1245 12345.67 2012 年 1 月 1 日 b 2301 1234.56 2012 年 1 月 1 日 c 1312 7894.45 2012 年 1 月 1 日一個 1455 2345.65 2012 年 1 月 1 日 c 3611 3213.21
我確定這與生成的查詢執行計劃有關,但我對 SQL 了解不足,無法確定可能導致問題的原因。
正如Martin 在評論中指出的那樣,問題在於查詢正在使用不適合給定參數的記憶體計劃。
他在應用程序中的慢,SSMS 中的快?了解性能之謎提供了很多有用的資訊,這些資訊引導我找到了一些解決方案。
我目前使用的解決方案是將參數複製到過程中的局部變數,我認為這會使 SQL 在執行時重新評估查詢的執行計劃,因此它會為給定的參數選擇最佳執行計劃,而不是使用查詢的不適當的記憶體計劃。