從 ReportServer 獲取 SSRS 數據源
舊 SSRS 上的內務管理,此特定伺服器是 2008R2。
我有下面的查詢,它為我提供了所有報告的名稱、位置、創建和修改概述。我還想至少包含“連接字元串”,如果可能的話,還想從數據源屬性中包含一些其他詳細資訊。但我在 ReportServer 中找不到它。我看到人們使用 PowerShell 將其從 SSRS Web 服務中取出,我希望找到一個 T-SQL 解決方案。
如何使用 SQL 查詢顯示數據源詳細資訊?
--List all the reports on SSRS via "ReportServer" database USE [ReportServer] GO SELECT Name --, [ItemID] --Primary key , [Path] , [Description] --, [CreatedByID] --need link to get anything usable from here , Created.UserName as CreatedByUser , [CreationDate] --, [ModifiedByID] --need link to get anything usable from here , Modified.UserName as ModifiedByUser , [ModifiedDate] FROM [dbo].[Catalog] left join (select [UserID] , [UserName] from [dbo].[Users]) as Created on Catalog.CreatedByID = Created.UserID left join (select [UserID] , [UserName] from [dbo].[Users]) as Modified on Catalog.ModifiedByID = Modified.UserID WHERE [Type] = 2 -- value per foundation Source http://sqlsrv4living.blogspot.com/2014/01/ssrs-get-list-of-all-reports-using.html ORDER BY [Path], Name
從 ReportServer 獲取 SSRS 數據源
如何使用 SQL 查詢顯示數據源詳細資訊?
-- Transact-SQL script to get connection string of all SSRS Shared Datasources. /* Let's say you want to move a database to an other SQL Server, but which of the SSRS Shared Datasources uses this database and must be changed afterwards? With this Transact-SQL query for ReportServer database you get the connection string of all Shared Datasources, to document the usage or to search for a specific server/database. Please remark: Querying the ReportServer database directly is not a supported way. Works with SSRS 2005 and higher version ReportServer databases. Requieres select rights on the "Catalog" table in ReportServer database. */ -- Connection strings of all SSRS Shared Datasources ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES -- XML namespace def must be the first in with clause. (DEFAULT 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2006/03/reportdatasource' ,'http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner' AS rd) ,SDS AS (SELECT SDS.name AS SharedDsName ,SDS.[Path] ,CONVERT(xml, CONVERT(varbinary(max), content)) AS DEF FROM dbo.[Catalog] AS SDS WHERE SDS.Type = 5) -- 5 = Shared Datasource SELECT CON.[Path] ,CON.SharedDsName ,CON.ConnString FROM (SELECT SDS.[Path] ,SDS.SharedDsName ,DSN.value('ConnectString[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS ConnString FROM SDS CROSS APPLY SDS.DEF.nodes('/DataSourceDefinition') AS R(DSN) ) AS CON -- Optional filter: -- WHERE CON.ConnString LIKE '%Initial Catalog%=%TFS%' ORDER BY CON.[Path] ,CON.SharedDsName;
這是一個使用 TSQL 添加數據源名稱的查詢:
USE [ReportServer] GO SELECT CATALOG.NAME ,CATALOG.[Path] ,DataSource.NAME datasource ,CATALOG.[Description] ,Created.UserName AS CreatedByUser ,CATALOG.[CreationDate] ,Modified.UserName AS ModifiedByUser ,CATALOG.[ModifiedDate] FROM [dbo].[Catalog] LEFT JOIN ( SELECT [UserID] ,[UserName] FROM [dbo].[Users] ) AS Created ON CATALOG.CreatedByID = Created.UserID LEFT JOIN ( SELECT [UserID] ,[UserName] FROM [dbo].[Users] ) AS Modified ON CATALOG.ModifiedByID = Modified.UserID JOIN DataSource ON CATALOG.ItemID = DataSource.ItemID JOIN CATALOG cat1 ON DataSource.Link = cat1.ItemID WHERE CATALOG.[Type] = 2 ORDER BY [Path] ,NAME