試圖將 XML 轉換為層次結構的 SQL 表,任何人都可以很好地解釋這個程式碼範例的兩個部分嗎?
我正在嘗試學習如何將 XML 轉換為層次結構的 SQL 表。
我從微軟論壇中找到了一個舊程式碼片段,這基本上是我想要做的,但我想知道是否有人可以幫助弄清楚這段程式碼的逐行情況,特別是在將 xml 載入到@XML
--I understand this part, just making the tables DECLARE @Books TABLE (BookID int identity(1,1),BookTitle varchar(50),BookLanguage varchar(20),BookPrice decimal(18,2)) DECLARE @Topics TABLE (TopicID int identity(1,1),BookID int,TopicTitile varchar(50),Page int) --I understand this part, defining the @xml variable to be the xml below.. just a usual xml... DECLARE @xml XML SET @xml = ' <bookstore> <name>My Bookstore</name><br/> <location>New York</location><br/> <book> <title lang="eng">Harry Potter</title> <price>29.99</price> <tableOfContents> <topic> <title>Harry Potter Topic 1</title> <page>2</page> </topic> <topic> <title>Harry Potter Topic 2</title> <page>5</page> </topic> </tableOfContents> </book> <book> <title lang="eng">Learning XML</title> <price>39.95</price> <tableOfContents> <topic> <title>Learning XML Topic 1</title> <page>1</page> </topic> <topic> <title>Learning XML Topic 2</title> <page>2</page> </topic> </tableOfContents> </book> </bookstore>' --what is going on below here? I am familiar with inserting data into tables, --but what kind of insert is this where you are selecting some things and then doing a --from @xml.nodes also, what is that T(c) at the end? and do we always have to put --a [1] after each xml element to denote we are referring to the first one we encounter? INSERT INTO @Books SELECT T.c.value('title[1]','varchar(50)') AS 'BookTitle', T.c.value('(title/@lang)[1]','varchar(20)') AS 'BookLanguage', T.c.value('price[1]','decimal(18,2)') AS 'BookPrice' FROM @xml.nodes('/bookstore/book') T(c) --what is going on here as well? what is n(x) ? --could you explain this line by line-ish as well? I ran this on --SQL Server Management Studio and noticed that both of the 'topic titles' for each --book got inserted. Where in the code did those get put into the table? INSERT INTO @Topics SELECT b.BookID,n.x.value('title[1]','varchar(50)') AS 'TopicTitile', n.x.value('page[1]','int') AS 'TopicPage' FROM @Books b cross apply @xml.nodes('/bookstore/book/tableOfContents/topic[../../title=sql:column("b.BookTitle")]') n(x) --below here is just regular sql selects so this makes sense. SELECT BookID,BookTitle,BookLanguage,BookPrice FROM @Books SELECT TopicID,BookID,TopicTitile,Page FROM @Topics
波爾 說:
nodes (XQuery) as Table(Column)
DECLARE @x xml ; SET @x='<Root> <row id="1"><name>Larry</name><oflw>some text</oflw></row> <row id="2"><name>moe</name></row> <row id="3" /> </Root>'; SELECT T.c.query('.') AS result FROM @x.nodes('/Root/row') T(c); GO
將 xml 數據類型“轉換”或分解為關係數據是一種特殊的通知。它只是將 xml 部分映射到表列中。T - 表,c - 列,nodes() - 方法
value (XQuery, SQLType)
所以 Tcvalue(’title
$$ 1 $$’,‘varchar(50)’) 讀取元素標題的值並將其轉換為 varchar(50) 數據類型。$$ 1 $$在 value() 方法中的路徑表達式末尾添加,以明確指示路徑表達式返回單例(只是讓我感到困惑,它表示 XPath 中 group 中的第一個元素)。 所以 Tcvalue(’(title/@lang)
$$ 1 $$’,‘varchar(20)’) 在元素標題處讀取屬性 lang 的值並將其轉換為 varchar(20) 數據類型。 @xml.nodes(’/bookstore/book’) 位於開始讀取 xml 的位置,在這種情況下,它會從該 xml 返回所有書籍元素(節點)。
此查詢有 2 個別名 T1(位置)和 T2(步驟)
SELECT ProductModelID , Locations.value('./@LocationID','int') as LocID , steps.query('.') as Step FROM Production.ProductModel CROSS APPLY Instructions.nodes(' declare namespace MI="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/ProductModelManuInstructions"; /MI:root/MI:Location') as T1(Locations) CROSS APPLY T1.Locations.nodes(' declare namespace MI="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2004/07/adventure-works/ProductModelManuInstructions"; ./MI:step ') as T2(steps) GO