
SQL Server:使用 case 語句提高 CTE 性能

  • January 1, 2018



with timeframes  as
select p.SEARCH_NUM, 
case   when p.FROM_DATE is not null then p.FROM_DATE
      when p.FROM_DATE is null and P.SEARCH_DAYS is not null and p.TO_DATE is not null then DATEADD(day,p.SEARCH_DAYS*-1,p.TO_DATE)
      when p.FROM_DATE is null and P.SEARCH_DAYS is not null and p.TO_DATE is null then DATEADD(day,p.SEARCH_DAYS*-1,GetDate()) 
      when p.FROM_DATE is null and P.SEARCH_DAYS is null and p.TO_DATE is not null and p.DURATION = 'Yearly' then DATEADD(year,-1,p.TO_DATE)
      when p.FROM_DATE is null and P.SEARCH_DAYS is null and p.TO_DATE is null and p.DURATION = 'Yearly' then DATEADD(year,-1,GetDate())
      when p.FROM_DATE is null and P.SEARCH_DAYS is null and p.TO_DATE is not null and p.DURATION = 'Monthly' then DATEADD(month,-1,p.TO_DATE)
      when p.FROM_DATE is null and P.SEARCH_DAYS is null and p.TO_DATE is null and p.DURATION = 'Monthly' then DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE())-1, 0)
      when p.FROM_DATE is null and P.SEARCH_DAYS is null and p.TO_DATE is not null and p.DURATION = 'Weekly' then DATEADD(day,-7,p.TO_DATE)
      when p.FROM_DATE is null and P.SEARCH_DAYS is null and p.TO_DATE is null and p.DURATION = 'Weekly' then DATEADD(day,-7,GetDate())
      else DATEADD(month,-1,GetDate())
 end as FROM_DATE
 ,case when p.TO_DATE is not null then p.TO_DATE
   when p.TO_DATE is null and p.DURATION = 'Monthly' then DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, GETDATE())-1, -1)
      else GetDate()
 end as TO_DATE
from dbo.parmeters_table as p
transactions as
 select tm.SEARCH_NUM, tr.id from dbo.ixf_transaction tr
 inner join timeframes tm on tr.transaction_date between tm.FROM_DATE and tm.TO_DATE
searchResults AS
 ,trx.id as 'trx_id_FK'
 ,branch.code as 'branch_number'
 ,trx.transaction_date as 'trx_date'
 ,case when trx.type_of_transaction = 'I' or trx.type_of_transaction = 'B'
   then trx.base_currency_amount else 0 end as 'cash_in'
 ,case when trx.type_of_transaction = 'O' or trx.type_of_transaction = 'B'
   then trx.base_currency_amount else 0 end as 'cash_out'  
 ,case when trx.type_of_transaction = 'B'
   then trx.base_currency_amount else 0 end as 'curr_exchange'  
 ,ttr.code as 'trx_code'
 ,ttr.description as 'trx_description'
,str(cust.web_reference_id) as 'web_reference_id' 
,conben.other_description as 'id_type_other_description'
,conben.cust_type_fk as 'TIN_Type'
from ixf_transaction trx
 inner join transactions t on trx.id = t.id
 inner join type_ref ttr on ttr.id=trx.transaction_type_FK
 inner join unit branch on branch.id=trx.branch_FK and branch.object_type='Branch'
 left join  cust on cust.id = trx.customer_FK
 left join  cashtx_cus conben on conben.transaction_id = trx.unique_trans_id    and conben.customer_FK = trx.customer_FK
 left join  trans ctrtx on ctrtx.cash_transaction_fk = trx.id

 select trx_id_fk 
 ,case when account_FK is not null then (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.account_fk = searchresults.account_fk and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM) 
  when customer_cif is not null then (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.customer_cif = searchresults.customer_cif and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM) 
  when customer_tin is not null then (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.customer_tin = searchresults.customer_tin and a.TIN_Type = searchresults.TIN_Type and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM) 
  when ID_NUMBER is not null then (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.ID_NUMBER = searchresults.ID_NUMBER and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  else (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  end as 'trx_per_period'
 ,case when account_FK is not null then (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.account_FK = searchresults.account_FK and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM) 
  when customer_cif is not null then (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.customer_cif = searchresults.customer_cif and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM) 
  when customer_tin is not null then (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.customer_tin = searchresults.customer_tin and a.TIN_Type = searchresults.TIN_Type and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when ID_NUMBER is not null then (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.ID_NUMBER = searchresults.ID_NUMBER and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  else (select count(1) from searchresults a where a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  end as 'trx_per_day'
 ,case when account_FK is not null then (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.account_FK = searchresults.account_FK and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when customer_cif is not null then (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.customer_cif = searchresults.customer_cif and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when customer_tin is not null then (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.customer_tin = searchresults.customer_tin and a.TIN_Type = searchresults.TIN_Type and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when ID_NUMBER is not null then (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.ID_NUMBER = searchresults.ID_NUMBER and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  else (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  end as 'total_per_day_cash_in'
 ,case when account_FK is not null then (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.account_FK = searchresults.account_FK and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when customer_cif is not null then (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.customer_cif = searchresults.customer_cif and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when customer_tin is not null then (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.customer_tin = searchresults.customer_tin and a.TIN_Type = searchresults.TIN_Type and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when ID_NUMBER is not null then (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.ID_NUMBER = searchresults.ID_NUMBER and a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  else (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.trx_date = searchresults.trx_date and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  end as 'total_per_day_cash_out'
 ,case when account_FK is not null then (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.account_FK = searchresults.account_FK and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when customer_cif is not null then (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.customer_cif = searchresults.customer_cif and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when customer_tin is not null then (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.customer_tin = searchresults.customer_tin and a.TIN_Type = searchresults.TIN_Type and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when ID_NUMBER is not null then (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.ID_NUMBER = searchresults.ID_NUMBER and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  else (select sum(cash_in) from searchresults a where a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  end as 'total_per_period_cash_in'
 ,case when account_FK is not null then (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.account_FK = searchresults.account_FK and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when customer_cif is not null then (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.customer_cif = searchresults.customer_cif and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when customer_tin is not null then (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.customer_tin = searchresults.customer_tin and a.TIN_Type = searchresults.TIN_Type and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  when ID_NUMBER is not null then (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.ID_NUMBER = searchresults.ID_NUMBER and a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  else (select sum(cash_out) from searchresults a where a.SEARCH_NUM = searchresults.SEARCH_NUM)
  end as 'total_per_period_cash_out'
  from SearchResults 

重頭部分是搜尋結果 cte 一遍又一遍地呼叫自己,執行計劃如下所示:



我認為您可能在錯誤假設下編寫程式碼:CTE 結果是持久的



   id INT
INSERT #dummy ( id )
VALUES ( 1 );

WITH yourmom
AS ( SELECT d.id
    FROM   #dummy AS d )
SELECT ym.id
FROM   yourmom AS ym
JOIN   yourmom AS ym2
ON ym2.id = ym.id
JOIN   yourmom AS ym3
ON ym3.id = ym.id;

如果您查看查詢計劃,則會對基表進行 3 次掃描——初始掃描FROM一次,每個掃描一次JOIN。一共是三個。


  1. 您加入transactionsCTE
  2. 你要transactions進去searchResults
  3. COUNT您最終選擇的所有子查詢searchresults



  1. 將您的第一個 CTE 的結果粘貼到#temp table
  2. 將計算列添加到基表


ALTER TABLE dbo.parmeters_table
                              WHEN FROM_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND SEARCH_DAYS IS NOT NULL
                                   AND TO_DATE IS NOT NULL THEN DATEADD(DAY, SEARCH_DAYS * -1, TO_DATE)
                              WHEN FROM_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND SEARCH_DAYS IS NOT NULL
                                   AND TO_DATE IS NULL THEN DATEADD(DAY, SEARCH_DAYS * -1, GETDATE())
                              WHEN FROM_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND SEARCH_DAYS IS NULL
                                   AND TO_DATE IS NOT NULL
                                   AND DURATION = 'Yearly' THEN DATEADD(YEAR, -1, TO_DATE)
                              WHEN FROM_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND SEARCH_DAYS IS NULL
                                   AND TO_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND DURATION = 'Yearly' THEN DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE())
                              WHEN FROM_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND SEARCH_DAYS IS NULL
                                   AND TO_DATE IS NOT NULL
                                   AND DURATION = 'Monthly' THEN DATEADD(MONTH, -1, TO_DATE)
                              WHEN FROM_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND SEARCH_DAYS IS NULL
                                   AND TO_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND DURATION = 'Monthly' THEN DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, GETDATE()) - 1, 0)
                              WHEN FROM_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND SEARCH_DAYS IS NULL
                                   AND TO_DATE IS NOT NULL
                                   AND DURATION = 'Weekly' THEN DATEADD(DAY, -7, TO_DATE)
                              WHEN FROM_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND SEARCH_DAYS IS NULL
                                   AND TO_DATE IS NULL
                                   AND DURATION = 'Weekly' THEN DATEADD(DAY, -7, GETDATE())
                              ELSE DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE())
                            WHEN TO_DATE IS NULL
                                 AND DURATION = 'Monthly' THEN DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, GETDATE()) - 1, -1)
                            ELSE GETDATE()


我傾向於使用臨時表來保存searchResults. CASE這防止了對每個表達式重新執行的需要。



嘗試將 cte searchresult 的結果保存到臨時表中,並在主查詢中使用臨時表
