CREATE TABLE #SalesOrder (OrderNo INT,Order_Ref_No VARCHAR(50), Order_date date,Status Varchar(50)); CREATE TABLE #OrderDetail (IDOD INT,OrderNO int,CodeItem int,orderqty int); CREATE TABLE #Sections (SecID INT,Secnam VARCHAR(50)); CREATE TABLE #ItemMasterFile(CodeItem INT,Descriptionitem VARCHAR(50),SecID INT,weight int); CREATE TABLE #Probale(BID INT,CodeItem INT,prdQTY INT,Orderno int,weight int,Entrydate DATETIME,DelID int); INSERT INTO #Sections VALUES(1,'HR'),(2,'Baby'),(3,'Ladies'),(4,'Mix Rammage'),(5,'T-Shirst'),(6,'Scrap'),(7,'Scrit'),(8,'Men'),(9,'HHR'),(10,'Sports'),(11,'m-HR'),(12,'M-Baby'),(13,'M-Ladies'),(14,'M-Mix Rammage'),(15,'m--Shirst'),(16,'M-Scrap'),(17,'M-Scrit'),(18,'M-Men'),(19,'M-HHR'),(20,'M-Sports'); INSERT INTO #ItemMasterFile VALUES (1,'A',1,100) , (2,'B',2,100) , (3,'C',3,100) , (4,'D',4,100) , (5,'e',5,100) , (6,'f',6,100) , (7,'g',4,100) , (8,'h',4,100) , (9,'K',2,100) , (10,'L',4,100) , (11,'M',2,100); INSERT INTO #Probale VALUES (1,1,1,001,100,'01-06-2019',null) , (2,3,1,001,200,'02-06-2019',null) , (3,11,1,002,200,'03-06-2019',null) , (4,10,1,002,200,'08-06-2019',null) , (4,1,1,003,200,'08-06-2019',null) , (4,3,1,003,200,'08-06-2019',null); INSERT INTO #SalesOrder VALUES(001,'A_01','01-05-2019','Open') , (002,'B_01','01-05-2019','Open') , (003,'C_01','01-05-2019','Open'); INSERT INTO #OrderDetail VALUES (1,001,1,5) , (2,001,2,3) , (3,001,3,2) , (4,002,10,4) , (5,002,11,3) , (6,002,3,2) , (7,003,1,4) , (8,003,2,3) , (9,003,3,2); declare @fromdate date='2019-01-06' declare @todate date='2019-01-06' declare @columns varchar(max) declare @convert varchar(max) select @columns = stuff (( select distinct'],[' + Cast(S.Order_Ref_No AS Varchar(10)) from #Probale P inner join #salesorder S on S.OrderNo=P.orderno where P.Entrydate between @fromdate and @todate and P.DelID is null and S.status ='Open' for xml path('')), 1, 2, '') + ']' set @convert = ('select * from (select S.Order_Ref_No,P.codeitem,P.prdqty from #Probale P inner join #salesorder S on S.OrderNo=P.orderno where P.DelID is null ) smallbale pivot(sum(prdqty) for Order_Ref_No in ('+@columns+')) as pivottable') execute (@convert) drop table #SalesOrder drop table #OrderDetail drop table #Sections drop table #ItemMasterFile drop table #Probale
INSERT INTO #Probale VALUES (1,1,1,001,100,'01-06-2019',null)
。我們有標準正是因為我們需要避免這種歧義(如果我不知道您是指 6 月 1 日還是 1 月 6 日,SQL Server 怎麼能?)。這不是您的問題的根源,但它沒有幫助。您需要解決此問題並始終使用yyyymmmdd
select * from (select S.Order_Ref_No,P.codeitem,P.prdqty from #Probale P inner join #salesorder S on S.OrderNo=P.orderno where P.DelID is null ) smallbale pivot(sum(prdqty) for Order_Ref_No in ([A_01])) as pivottable
訂單 1 中的行,有兩行,從 6 月 2 日開始)。您將必須在整個腳本中正確且明確地聲明日期(參見this和this),並切換到 using
這樣您就可以安全地將日期參數傳遞到動態 SQL 中。這並不能修復您的整個腳本,但應該足以幫助您解決問題。declare @fromdate date = '20190601', -- June 1st, no question. @todate date = '20190601', -- fix other dates too! @columns nvarchar(max), -- these should be Unicode @convert nvarchar(max); -- this has to be Unicode select @columns = stuff (( select distinct '],[' + Cast(S.Order_Ref_No AS Varchar(10)) from #Probale P inner join #salesorder S on S.OrderNo = P.orderno where P.Entrydate >= @fromdate and P.Entrydate < DATEADD(DAY, 1, @todate) and P.DelID is null and S.status = 'Open' for xml path('')), 1, 2, '') + ']'; SET @convert = N'select * from (select S.Order_Ref_No,P.codeitem,P.prdqty from #Probale P inner join #salesorder S on S.OrderNo = P.orderno where P.DelID is null -- missing status = 'Open' too, maybe AND P.Entrydate >= @datefrom AND P.Entrydate < DATEADD(DAY, 1, @dateto) ) smallbale pivot(sum(prdqty) for Order_Ref_No in ('+@columns+')) as pivottable'; EXEC sys.sp_executesql @convert, N'@datefrom date, @dateto date', @datefrom, @dateto;
很有用 - 這是用於日期範圍查詢的不好形式,即使您date