- 創建數據庫
- 將所有者更改為 sa
- 設置恢復模式
- 在數據庫中創建使用者
- 將使用者添加到數據庫角色。
- 授予使用者執行和查看定義
然後我創建了一個證書,從證書登錄,從證書使用者,在 SP 上授予使用者 exec,授予控制伺服器登錄,通過證書向 sp 添加簽名。
當非系統管理員執行 SP 時,除了將使用者添加到數據庫角色之外,一切正常,但出現錯誤:無法更改角色“db_datareader”,因為它不存在或您沒有權限。
如果我將登錄名添加到系統管理員伺服器角色,當非系統管理員執行 SP 時,它將起作用。理想情況下,登錄將具有執行這些功能的最小權限。是否可以在不授予使用者系統管理員權限的情況下執行此操作?
use master; go CREATE CERTIFICATE sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase_cert ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'SuperSecretPassword' WITH SUBJECT = 'Certificate for sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase', START_DATE = '20201015', EXPIRY_DATE = '21000101' GO CREATE LOGIN sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase_cert_user FROM CERTIFICATE sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase_cert; GO CREATE USER sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase_cert_user FROM CERTIFICATE sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase_cert; GO GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.CreateNewReportingDatabase TO sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase_cert_user; GO GRANT CONTROL SERVER TO sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase_cert_user; GO ADD SIGNATURE TO [dbo].[CreateNewReportingDatabase] BY CERTIFICATE sp_CreateNewReportingDatabase_cert WITH PASSWORD = 'SuperSecretPassword'; GO
CREATE OR ALTER PROC dbo.CreateNewReportingDatabase @DatabaseName NVARCHAR(50), @ReportingPod NVARCHAR(50) = NULL AS SET XACT_ABORT, NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @SqlCommand NVARCHAR(2000); --Error Checking IF @ReportingPod NOT LIKE 'TAC[_]NT\Analysis-%' AND (@DatabaseName LIKE 'Reporting[_]%' OR @DatabaseName LIKE '[_]Salesforce') BEGIN RAISERROR('For Reporting_<client> and <client>_Salesforce databases you must populate @ReportingPod with a value that follow formate TAC_NT\Analysis-<reportingpod> Contact DBA',16,1) SET NOEXEC ON --Stops running the script --I believe that this requires sysadmin rights. END ELSE IF (@DatabaseName LIKE 'Reporting[_]%' OR @DatabaseName LIKE '[_]Salesforce') AND @ReportingPod IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR('For Reporting_<client> and <client>_Salesforce databases you must populate @ReportingPod with a value that follow formate TAC_NT\Analysis-<reportingpod> Contact DBA',16,1) SET NOEXEC ON --Stops running the script --I believe that this requires sysadmin rights. END ELSE IF EXISTS ( SELECT [name] FROM sys.databases WHERE [name] = @DatabaseName ) BEGIN RAISERROR('There is already a detabase with that name!',16,1) SET NOEXEC ON --Stops running the script --I believe that this requires sysadmin rights. END --Execute Scrips ELSE BEGIN --Create the database PRINT 'Creating database ' + @databasename; SET @SqlCommand = N'CREATE DATABASE [' + @DatabaseName + ']' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @SqlCommand -- change owner to sa PRINT 'Switching owner to sa'; SET @SqlCommand = N'ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::[' + @DatabaseName + '] TO [sa];' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @SqlCommand; -- set recovery model to simple IF @DatabaseName LIKE 'Reporting[_]%' OR @DatabaseName LIKE '%[_]Salesforce' BEGIN PRINT 'Setting recovery model to simple'; SET @SqlCommand = N'ALTER DATABASE [' + @DatabaseName + '] SET RECOVERY SIMPLE;' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @SqlCommand END ELSE PRINT 'Revoery model not modified from default'; -- Create users for ServiceAccount and reportingPod in Reporting_ databases. IF @DatabaseName LIKE 'reporting[_]%' OR @DatabaseName LIKE '%[_]Salesforce' BEGIN SET @SqlCommand = N' USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT [name] FROM sys.database_principals WHERE [type] NOT IN (''s'',''r'') AND [NAME] = ''TAC_NT\ServiceAccount'' ) BEGIN PRINT ''Creating [TAC_NT\ServiceAccount] user'' CREATE USER [TAC_NT\ServiceAccount] FOR LOGIN [TAC_NT\ServiceAccount] END IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT [name] FROM sys.database_principals WHERE [type] NOT IN (''s'',''r'') AND [NAME] = ''' + @ReportingPod + ''' ) BEGIN PRINT ''Creating ' + @ReportingPod + ' user'' CREATE USER [' + @ReportingPod + '] FOR LOGIN [' + @ReportingPod + ']; END' EXEC sp_executesql @SqlCommand; END ELSE PRINT 'Skipping the creation of the ServiceAccount and Reporting POD database principals' ---Grant role membership for ServiceAccount IF @DatabaseName LIKE 'Reporting[_]%' BEGIN PRINT 'Adding !gampelan to roles: reader, writer, ddladmin'; SET @SqlCommand = N' USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [TAC_NT\ServiceAccount] ALTER ROLE db_datawriter ADD MEMBER [TAC_NT\ServiceAccount] ALTER ROLE db_ddladmin ADD MEMBER [TAC_NT\ServiceAccount] ' EXEC sp_executesql @SqlCommand END ELSE IF @DatabaseName LIKE '%[_]salesforce' BEGIN PRINT 'Adding ServiceAccount to roles: reader'; SET @SqlCommand = N' USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [TAC_NT\ServiceAccount] ' EXEC sp_executesql @SqlCommand END --Grant role membership for ReportingPod IF @DatabaseName LIKE 'Reporting[_]%' AND @ReportingPod LIKE 'TAC_NT\Analysis%' BEGIN PRINT 'Adding ' + @ReportingPod + ' to roles: reader'; SET @SqlCommand = N' USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [' + @ReportingPod + ']' EXEC sp_executesql @SqlCommand END ELSE IF @DatabaseName LIKE '%salesforce' AND @ReportingPod LIKE 'TAC_NT\Analysis%' BEGIN PRINT 'Adding ' + @ReportingPod + ' to roles: reader'; SET @SqlCommand = N' USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER [' + @ReportingPod + ']' EXEC sp_executesql @SqlCommand END --Grant execute and view definition for ReportingPod IF @DatabaseName LIKE '%[_]Salesforce' OR @DatabaseName LIKE 'Reporting[_]%' BEGIN PRINT 'Granting execute and view definition to ' + @ReportingPod; SET @SqlCommand = N' USE [' + @DatabaseName + '] GRANT EXECUTE TO [' + @ReportingPod + ']; GRANT VIEW DEFINITION TO [' + @ReportingPod + '];' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @SqlCommand; END END GO
當非系統管理員執行 SP 時,除了將使用者添加到數據庫角色之外,一切正常,但出現錯誤:無法更改角色“db_datareader”,因為它不存在或您沒有權限。
- db_owner 固定數據庫角色中的成員身份
創建數據庫後,執行 proc 的使用者最初是數據庫所有者(dbo 使用者是 db_owner 角色成員),但 proc 程式碼將所有者更改為 sa。從那時起,使用者不再具有更改固定數據庫角色的權限。
通常我會建議在最後一步更改數據庫授權,以便使用者擁有所有需要的權限。不過,這裡棘手的部分是 proc 還將呼叫者添加為數據庫使用者,這是有問題的,因為在更改數據庫所有者之前,使用者是 dbo。
權限,您可以EXECUTE AS LOGIN 'sa';
在更改數據庫所有者後。這樣,呼叫者不需要 sysadmin 角色成員資格,並且僅限於儲存過程中的提升功能。