create table Person(Name varchar(50)) as node; create table Friend as edge; create table Manager as edge; insert Person(Name) values ('Alice'), ('Bob'), ('Chris'); insert Friend($from_id, $to_id) select (select $node_id from Person where Name = 'Alice'), (select $node_id from Person where Name = 'Bob'); insert Manager($from_id, $to_id) select (select $node_id from Person where Name = 'Alice'), (select $node_id from Person where Name = 'Chris');
我可以通過 UNION 查詢找到連接到給定節點(圖多態性)的所有節點:
select b.Name from Person a, Person b, Friend f where a.Name = 'Alice' and match(a-(f)->b) union select b.Name from Person a, Person b, Manager m where a.Name = 'Alice' and match(a-(m)->b);
然而,這很快變得很麻煩。SQL Server在語法中沒有內置更優雅的解決方案。
create table Connection(ConnectionType varchar(20)) as edge; insert Connection($from_id, $to_id, ConnectionType) select (select $node_id from Person where Name = 'Alice'), (select $node_id from Person where Name = 'Bob'), 'Friend'; insert Connection($from_id, $to_id, ConnectionType) select (select $node_id from Person where Name = 'Alice'), (select $node_id from Person where Name = 'Chris'), 'Manager';
select b.Name, c.ConnectionType from Person a, Person b, Connection c where a.Name = 'Alice' and match(a-(c)->b);
Name ConnectionType ------- -------------------- Bob Friend Chris Manager
列 ConnectionType 是可選的,但允許與原始模式相同級別的特異性。
這種方法類似於 EAV 設計,並且可能在規模上遇到相同的性能問題。過濾索引會有所幫助
create nonclustered index IX_Friend on Connection($from_id, $to_id) where ConnectionType = 'Friend';