

  • October 20, 2021


表名 -T_Order

OrderId    OrderDate    MenuItemId  Quantity    CustomerId
   1       2021-01-02    1            2            1
   2       2021-01-02    3            1            1
   3       2021-01-02    5            1            1
   4       2021-01-15    1            3            3
   5       2021-01-15    3            2            3
   6       2021-01-20    2            1            4
   7       2021-01-26    4            5            5
   8       2021-01-26    5            5            5
   9       2021-02-02    1            2            1
   10      2021-02-02    3            2            1
   11      2021-02-15    2            1            3
   12      2021-02-15    3            1            3
   13      2021-02-25    2            1            4
   14      2021-02-25    3            1            4
   15      2021-02-28    1            2            5
   16      2021-03-06    2            1            1
   17      2021-03-06    3            1            1
   18      2021-03-10    4            3            3
   19      2021-03-10    5            3            3
   20      2021-03-18    2            1            1
   21      2021-03-21    4            1            3
   22      2021-03-21    5            1            3

表名 - T_Menu

MenuId  Items             Price
1       Pizza             2500.00
2       Pasta             1000.00
3       Garlic Bread      800.00
4       Burgers           900.00
5       Cheesecake        500.00

表名 - T-Customer

CustomerId  FirstName   
1             Steve 
3             Jon   
4             Lisa  
5             Robert    

Note: If the total bill is more than Rs.3000 they offer a 5% discount for each customer. Further if the order placed by a loyalty card holder 10% discount will be given for the total bill.


1. what is the most purchased item for each customer?
2. When was the first order date for each customer?
3. Find jim's average income in March?
4. John wants to see a report on every price change for menu items. How you can fulfill this requirement?


with CTE AS 
SELECT Distinct c.FirstName as FirstName, 
               o.OrderDate as date,
FROM T_Orders o
INNER JOIN T_Customer c
ON c.CustomerId = o.CustomerId
select max(FirstName), count(OrderDate)
from CTE 
GROUP BY c.CustomerId



SELECT MAX(c.FirstName) as FirstName, COUNT(DISTINCT o.OrderDate) as Days
FROM T_Orders o
INNER JOIN T_Customer c
   ON c.CustomerId = o.CustomerId
GROUP BY c.CustomerId

此外,您不必在該FirstName欄位上使用聚合函式,因為它在您現有的CustomerId分組中總是相同的值(即每個CustomerId總是有 1 個 distinct FirstName)。相反,您可以將其添加到您的GROUP BY子句中,並且它不應更改結果的輸出,如下所示:

SELECT c.FirstName, COUNT(DISTINCT o.OrderDate) as Days
FROM T_Orders o
INNER JOIN T_Customer c
   ON c.CustomerId = o.CustomerId
GROUP BY c.CustomerId, c.FirstName
