儲存過程使用的所有表和使用特定表的所有 sps - 遞歸 cte
USE US15WINMPRODUCT GO DECLARE @sp_name nvarchar(128) -- NULL shows all stored procedures that use the table @table ,@table nvarchar(128) SELECT @sp_name = NULL ,@table = 'ProductItemDetailsDenorm' ;WITH stored_procedures AS ( SELECT schema_name(o.schema_id) as proc_schema, o.name AS proc_name, schema_name(oo.schema_id) as table_schema, oo.name AS table_name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY o.name,oo.name ORDER BY o.name,oo.name) AS row FROM sysdepends d INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id=d.id INNER JOIN sys.objects oo ON oo.object_id=d.depid WHERE o.type = 'P' ) SELECT proc_schema, proc_name, table_schema, table_name FROM stored_procedures WHERE [row] = 1 AND ((@sp_name IS NULL) OR (proc_name = @sp_name)) AND ((@table IS NULL) OR (table_name = @table)) ORDER BY proc_name,table_name --sp_help 'sys.objects'
如果在儲存過程 SP1 中有一個使用表 @MyTable 的儲存過程 SP2 怎麼辦?
應該有一個遞歸 cte 來滿足過程中可能使用表 @table 的過程
遞歸 CTE 應該有 2 個部分:anchor 和 UNION ALL。我將如何在目前的 CTE 中應用這兩個?
以下腳本來自這個問題 ,它適用於我使用 sql server 2005 的測試(其他儲存過程中的儲存過程)
--========================================================================= --https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15072445/query-to-recursively-identify-object-dependencies --== utlGetAllDependentObjectsRecursive - Uses recursive common table --== expression to recursively get all the dependent objects as well --== as the child objects and child's child objects of a --== Stored Procedure or View or Function. can be easily modified to --== include all other types of Objects --Wrote this Stored Procedure below which RECURSIVELY lists all --the dependent child objects and child's dependent objects and child's child...etc. --The input parameter can be Stored Proc, User Function, View. --Can easily be altered to get a Unique List of Column 5, regardless of what Level the Object --was called and how deep and by which object. --COLUMNS --UsedByObjectId - The parent object that uses the dependent object --UsedByObjectName - The name of the parent object --UsedByObjectType - Type of the parent object (P,V,FN) --DependentObjectId - The child object the parent uses --DependentObjectName - Name of the child object --DependentObjectType - Type of the dependent child object (P,V,FN, U) --Level - How deep, the nested recursive level which the object is used --========================================================================= USE US15WINMPRODUCT GO DECLARE @sp_name nvarchar(128) -- NULL shows all stored procedures that use the table @table ,@table nvarchar(128) SELECT @sp_name = NULL ,@table = 'ProductItemDetailsDenorm' -- Supports Stored Proc, View, User Function, User Table declare @PARAM_OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR(500) select @PARAM_OBJECT_NAME = 'sp1' --select @PARAM_OBJECT_NAME = 'ProductItemDetailsDenorm' ; WITH CTE_DependentObjects AS ( SELECT DISTINCT b.object_id AS UsedByObjectId, b.name AS UsedByObjectName, b.type AS UsedByObjectType, c.object_id AS DependentObjectId, c.name AS DependentObjectName , c.type AS DependenObjectType FROM sys.sysdepends a INNER JOIN sys.objects b ON a.id = b.object_id INNER JOIN sys.objects c ON a.depid = c.object_id WHERE b.type IN ('P','V', 'FN') AND c.type IN ('U', 'P', 'V', 'FN') ), CTE_DependentObjects2 AS ( SELECT UsedByObjectId, UsedByObjectName, UsedByObjectType, DependentObjectId, DependentObjectName, DependenObjectType, 1 AS Level FROM CTE_DependentObjects a WHERE a.UsedByObjectName = @PARAM_OBJECT_NAME UNION ALL SELECT a.UsedByObjectId, a.UsedByObjectName, a.UsedByObjectType, a.DependentObjectId, a.DependentObjectName, a.DependenObjectType, (b.Level + 1) AS Level FROM CTE_DependentObjects a INNER JOIN CTE_DependentObjects2 b ON a.UsedByObjectName = b.DependentObjectName ) SELECT DISTINCT * FROM CTE_DependentObjects2 ORDER BY Level, DependentObjectName